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विक्रम सम्वत् 2072 माघ कृष्ण त्रयोदशी

सकट चौथ 2016

27th January 2016

माघ मास के कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी सकट चौथ कहलाती है। इसे वक्रतुण्डी चतुर्थी, माही चौथ अथवा तिलकुटा चौथ आदि नामो से भी जाना जाता है। इस दिन सकट हरण भगवान गणेश तथा चन्द्रमा की पूजा की जाती है। अपने संतान की दीर्घायु और सुखद भविष्य के लिए सभी पुत्रवति स्त्रियाँ इस व्रत को रखती हैं।

व्रत विधान -

इस दिन स्त्रियाँ निर्जल व्रत करती हैं। पटरे पर मिट्टी की डली को गौरी-गणेशजी के रूप में रखकर उनकी पूजा की जाती है। इन गौरी-गणेश को अगले वर्ष के लिए भी संभाल कर रखा जाता है। जब तक ये खंड़ित (टूट) न हो जाएँ, इन्ही से पूजा की जाती है। प्रशाद के रुप में तिल तथा गुड़ का बना लड्डु और शकरकंदी चढ़ायी जाती है। अग्नि की सात बार परिक्रमा की जाती है तथा कथा सुनने के बाद लोटे में भरा जल चंद्रमा को अर्घ्य देकर ही व्रत खोला जाता है। कही-कही तिल को भून कर गुड के साथ कूटा जाता है । इससे तिलकुट का पहाड़ बनाया जाता है। तो कहीं तिलकुट का बकरा बनाकर उसकी पूजा करके घर का कोई बालक उसकी चाकू से गर्दन काटता है ।

व्रत कथा –

एक बार राक्षसों से भयभीत होकर देवता भगवान शंकर की शरण में गए। उस समय भगवान शिव के पास भगवान कार्तिकेय तथा गणेश भी उपस्थित थे। शिवजी ने दोनों से पूछा - तुममे से कौन देवताओं के कष्ट समाप्त करेगा।

तब कार्तिकेय और गणेश दोनो ही जाने की इच्छा प्रकट की। ऐसा जान मुस्कारते हुए शिव ने दोनो बालको को पृथ्वी की परिक्रमा करने को कहा तथा यह शर्त रखी - जो सबसे पहले पूरी पृथ्वी की परिक्रमा करके आ जाएगा, वही सबसे वीर तथा सर्वश्रेष्ठ देवता घोषित किया जाएगा।

ऐसा सुनते ही कार्तिकेय अपने वाहन मोर पर चढ़कर पृथ्वी की परिक्रमा करने चल दिए। इधर गणेश जी के लिए चूहे के बल पूरी पृथ्वी का चक्कर लगाना असम्भव था। इसलिए वे सात बार माता-पिता की परिक्रमा करके बैठ गए।

उधर रास्ते में कार्तिकेय को पूरे पृथ्वी मण्डल में उनके आगे चूहे के पद चिन्ह दिखाई दिए। परिक्रमा करके लौटने पर निर्णय की बारी आई। तब कार्तिकेय जी ने स्वयं को विजेता बताया। इस पर गणेश ने भगवान शिव से कहा माता-पिता में ही समस्त तीर्थ निहित है। इसलिए मैने आपकी सात बार परिक्रमा की है।

गणेश जी की बात सुनकर समस्त देवताओं तथा गौरी-शंकर ने गणेश की भरपूर प्रशंसा की तथा आशीर्वाद दिया की तीनों लोको में सर्व प्रथम तुम्हारी ही पूजा होगी।

तब शिव की आज्ञा पाकर गणेश जी ने देवताओं का सकट दूर किया। चन्द्रमा से गणेश जी के विजय का समाचार सुनकर भगवान शंकर ने चन्द्रमा को वरदान दिया कि चौथ के दिन चन्द्रमा पूरे विश्व को शीतलता प्रदान करेगा। जो स्त्री पुरुष इस तिथि पर चन्द्रमा का पूजन तथा चन्द्रमा को अर्घ्य देगा उसे एश्वर्य, पुत्र, सौभाग्य की प्राप्ति होगी।

माना जाता है तभी से पुत्रवती माताएँ पुत्र तथा पति की सुख-समृद्धि के लिए यह व्रत करती हैं।

श्री गणेश संकट चौथ व्रत | Ganesh Sankat Chauth Vrat 2016 | Ganesh Sankat Chauth Festival 2016

Astrobix | 35 Comment(s) | 132119 times read

श्री गणेश चतुर्थी के दिन श्री विध्नहर्ता की पूजा- अर्चना और व्रत करने से व्यक्ति के समस्त संकट दूर होते है. यह व्रत इस वर्ष 27 जनवरी, 2016 को रखा जाना है. माघ माह के कृष्ण पक्ष चतुर्थी के दिन को संकट चौथ के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. इस तिथि समय रात्री को चंद्र उदय होने के पश्च्यात चंद्र उदित होने के बाद भोजन करे तो अति उत्तम रहता है. तथा रात में चन्द्र को अर्ध्य देते हैं.

हिन्दू धर्म शास्त्रों में के अनुसार भगवान श्री गणेश कई रुपों में अवतार लेकर प्राणीजनों के दुखों को दूर करते हैं. श्री गणेश मंगलमूर्ति है, सभी देवों में सबसे पहले श्री गणेश का पूजन किया जाता है. श्री गणेश क्योकि शुभता के प्रतीक है. पंचतत्वों में श्री गणेश को जल का स्थान दिया गया है. बिना गणेश का पूजन किए बिना कोई भी इच्छा पूरी नहीं होती है. विनायक भगवान का ही एक नाम अष्टविनायक भी है.

इनका पूजन व दर्शन का विशेष महत्व है. इनके अस्त्रों में अंकुश एवं पाश है, चारों दिशाओं में सर्वव्यापकता की प्रतीक उनकी चार भुजाएँ हैं, उनका लंबोदर रूप "समस्त सृष्टि उनके उदर में विचरती है" का भाव है बड़े-बडे़ कान अधिक ग्राह्यशक्ति का तथा आँखें सूक्ष्म तीक्ष्ण दृष्टि की सूचक हैं, उनकी लंबी सूंड महाबुद्धित्व का प्रतीक है.

गणेश संकट चौथ व्रत का महत्व | Importance of Ganesha Sankat Chauth Fast

श्री गणेश चतुर्थी का उपवास जो भी भक्त संपूर्ण श्रद्धा व विश्वास के साथ करता है, उसकी बुद्धि और ऋषि-सिद्धि की प्राप्ति होने के साथ-साथ जीवन में आने वाली विध्न बाधाओं का भी नाश होता है. सभी तिथियों में चतुर्थी तिथि श्री गणेश को सबसे अधिक प्रिय होती है.

श्री गणेश संकट चतुर्थी पूजन | Sri Ganesha Sankat Chaturthi Worship

संतान की कुशलता की कामना व लंबी आयु हेतु भगवान गणेश और माता पार्वती की विधिवत पूजा अर्चना करनी चाहिए, व्रत का आरंभ तारों की छांव में करना चाहिए व्रतधारी को पूरा दिन अन्न, जल ग्रहण किए बिना मंदिरों में पूजा अर्चना करनी चाहिए और बच्चों की दीर्घायु के लिए कामना करनी चाहिए. इसके बाद संध्या समय पूजा की तैयारी के लिए गुड़, तिल, गन्ने और मूली को उपयोग करना चाहिए. व्रत में यह सामग्री विशेष महत्व रखती है, देर शाम चंद्रोदय के समय व्रतधारी को तिल, गुड़ आदि का अ‌र्घ्य देकर भगवान चंद्र देव से व्रत की सफलता की कामना करनी चाहिए.

माघ मास के कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी का व्रत लोक प्रचलित भाषा में इसे सकट चौथ कहा जाता है. इस दिन संकट हरण गणेशजी तथा चंद्रमा का पूजन किया जाता है, यह व्रत संकटों तथा दुखों को दूर करने वाला तथा सभी इच्छाएं व मनोकामनाएं पूरी करने वाला है. इस दिन स्त्रियां निर्जल व्रत करती हैं गणेशजी की पूजा की जाती है और कथा सुनने के बाद चंद्रमा को अर्ध्य देकर ही व्रत खोला जाता है.

इस दिन सुबह स्नान आदि से निवृत होकर स्वच्छ वस्त्र धारण करें. भगवान शिव तथा पार्वती की पूजा भी गणेश जी के साथ करें. सुबह के समय आप अपने पूजा स्थान पर भगवान गणेश की पुजा कर सकते हैं अथवा घर के समीप बने किसी शिवालय में जाकर गणेश जी के साथ शिव भगवान व माता पार्वति की पूजा करें. पूजा में गणेश जी को विधिवत तरीके से धूप-दीप दिखाकर मंत्रों का जाप या गणेश स्तोत्र का पाठ आदि किया जा सकता है. संध्या समय में सूर्यास्त से पहले गणेश संकष्ट चतुर्थी व्रत की कथा की जाती है, कथा करते अथवा सुनते समय स्वच्छ वस्त्र धारण करें. स्वच्छ आसन पर विराजें. हाथ में चावल और दूर्वा लेकर कथा सुनें. कथा सुनते समय एक लोटे अथवा गिलास में पानी भरकर अपने पास रखें. उस लोटे अथवा गिलास पर रोली से पांच या सात बिन्दी लगा दें और उसके चारों ओर मौली का धागा बांध दें. कथा सुनने के पश्चात पानी से भरा गिलास अथवा लोटे के पानी को आप सूर्य को अर्पित कर दें. यदि सूर्य अस्त हो गया तब आप पानी पौधों में डाल दें. हाथ में लिए गए चावल तथा दूर्वा को एक चुन्नी अथवा साडी़ या साफ रुमाल में बाँधा लिया जाता है और रात में चन्द्रमा को अर्ध्य देते समय उन्हीं चावल तथा दूर्वा को हाथ में लेकर गणेश जी व चन्द्र भगवान का ध्यान करते हुए अर्ध्य दिया जाता है. कुछ स्थानों पर इस दिन तिल खाने का भी विधान मिलता है. चीनी अथवा गुड़ के साथ तिल को मिलाकर पीसा या कूटा जाता है. इसे तिलकुट के नाम से जाना जाता है. कथा सुनते समय इस तिलकूट को एक पात्र में या कटोरी में भरकर व्यक्ति अपने समीप रखता है और हाथ में चावल के स्थान पर दूर्वा के साथ तिल रखा जाता है. कथा सुनने के उपरान्त जल को सूर्यदेव अथवा पौधों को दे दिया जाता है. कथा सुनते समय जो तिल तथा दूर्वा हाथ में ली जाती है उसे साडी़ या चुन्नी या साफ रूमाल में बाँध कर रखा जाता है. रात में चन्द्रमा को अर्ध्य देते समय इसी दूर्वा व तिल को हाथ में लेकर गणेश जी तथा चन्द्र भगवान का ध्यान करते हुए अर्ध्य दिया जाता हैं.


Each lunar month in Hindu calendar has two Chaturthi Tithis. The one after Purnima or full moon (this period is known as Krishna Paksha) is called asSankashti Chaturthi and the one after Amavasya or new moon(this period is known as Shukla Paksha) is called as Vinayaka Chaturthi. Sankashti Chaturthi vrat is observed to be free of dangers, Deity of this vrat is Sri Vighnavinayak Ganeshji. Vinayaki Chaturthi fast is observed throughout the day of Vinayaki Chaturthi. ‘Sri Sidhhivinayak’ is the Deity of this vrat.

In North India Sankashti Chaturthi during Magha month is known as Sakat Chauth. Also Vinayaka Chaturthi during Bhadrapada month is known as Ganesha Chaturthi. Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated by Hindus all over the world as the birthday of Lord Ganesha. Sankashti Chaturthi is also known as Ganesh Sankatahara or Sankatahara Chaturthi among Tamil Hindus.

Sankashti Chaturthi fasting is done every month. The most significant Sankashti Chaturthi falls in month of Magha according to Purnimant School and in month of Paush according to Amavasyant School.

Here is How to Perform Sankshti Chaturthi Vrat

Sankashti Vrat and Puja is dedicated to Lord Ganesha and is observed on the fourth day after Purnima or full moon. Sankashti fasting is from morning to the sighting of the moon. Sankashti Puja is performed in the evening. Observing Sankashta Chaturthi is believed to help in removing all difficulties and obstacles in life. For most people Sankashti Chaturti is a complete fast which is broken after sighting the moon and performing puja. There are also people who observe partial fast.

Following are rituals associated with Sankashtachaturthi vrat

  • Fasting throughout the day.

  • Ritualistic worship of Sri Ganeshji in the evening

  • Darshan of the moon

  • Worship of the moon (Chandrapujan)

  • Vratangabhojan

Along with this, as a way of worship, people having faith in Sri Ganeshji perform various actions as per their ability like:

  • Going for darshan to the temple on foot or going on bare feet.

  • Listening to or reciting Sri Mudgalapurana,

  • Sri Ganeshsahasranamavali etc..

  • Reciting the stotrasChanting etc.

Sankashti Chaturti Morning After early morning bath, prayers are offered to Lord Ganesha in the usual way by lighting a lamp or Aarti. Anyone of the prayers dedicated to Lord Ganesh is chanted. The fasting begins after puja. Food that can be eaten by those observing Partial Fasting Those people observing partial fast can eat Sabudana Khichadi or fruits or curd rice. Sankashti Chaturthi Evening Puja The puja is usually performed after sighting the moon. If moon is not sighted, the puja is performed as per the moonrise time given in the Panchang or calendar.

  1. Idol or painting or photo of Lord Ganesh is decorated using flowers and Durva grass.

  2. A lamp is lit.

  3. A coconut, banana and flowers are offered to Lord Ganesh.

  4. Usually a Prasad (Modak or any other sweet) is prepared and offered.

  5. Aarati is performed. Other usual puja procedures like chanting mantras, lighting incense or agarbatis are done.

  6. After the Puja the Prasad is distributed.

  7. Some people opt for a more elaborate Shodashopchar puja (Steps Given at end)

Sankashti Chaturthi Evening Puja to Moon The worship of the moon assumes special importance in the Sankashtachaturthi vrat. If possible, one should go out of the house and take darshan of the moon. The substances are offered to the moon in a copper platter. If for some reason the moon is not visible in the sky, an image of the moon is made as a symbol and worshipped. If this is not possible, a picture of the moon is drawn with rangoli on a wooden seat or a stool and it is worshipped. Sandalwood paste and flowers are offered to the moon. Incense stick and lamp are waved in front of it. Now Holy sacrament (naivedya) is offered to the moon.After the worship of the moon, arghya is offered three times – once for the Chaturthi tithi, once for Mahaganapati and thereafter once for sankashtanashan Sri Ganeshji. In the end the fourth arghya is offered to the moon. After praying for the welfare of all, the worship is concluded. If detailed puja is not possible then simply sprinkle water, sandalwood paste, flowers and consecrated rice in the direction of the moon. Vratangabhojan of Sankashtachaturthi The host can consume food after the evening worship of Sri Ganeshji and the worship of the moon. The host should consume food prepared as the Holy sacrament as a prasad. It is the ritual of the Sankashtachaturthi vrat to take meals at the time of moon rise. Hence, this meal is not for breaking the fast, but as a part of the vrat, that is, Vratangabhojan.The meaning of consuming a meal means consuming cooked rice along with other items of food. The reason for consuming rice is that the Scriptures have given the status of ‘anna’, that is, food, only to rice. Mantras Chanted During Sankashti Vrat Day Sankashtnashana sthothraGanesha AshtotharaVakrathunda mahakaya or any of the popular mantras dedicated to Lord Ganesh is chanted.

The day on which the Ganesh waves descended on earth for the first time is the day on which Shri Ganapati was born, that is, Magh Shukla Chaturthi. Since then, an association between Ganesh and Chaturthi was established.

Shri Ganesh Jayanti

The tithi (A lunar day) of Magh Shukla Chaturthi is celebrated as Shri Ganesh Jayanti. Significance of this tithi is that Shri Ganesh Principle is a 1000 times more active on this day when compared with other days.

The following spiritual experience of a seeker should illustrate how the Ganesh Principle is active on this tithi.

Not knowing that it was Shri Ganesh Jayanti on that day, and yet chanting automatically the Name of Shri Ganesh during the chanting session : On 12th February, 2005, it was Shri Ganesh Jayanti; but I was not aware of it. While I was chanting during the scheduled time of 7.30 to 8 a.m., I automatically started chanting the Name of Shri Ganesh. When I became aware of this, I reverted to chanting the usual Name. However, after some time, I again unknowingly switched over to chanting Shri Ganesh’s Name. Then I continued to chant Shri Ganesh’s Name. After the chanting session, I realised that as it was Shri Ganesh Jayanti, and all were expected to chant Shri Ganesh’s Name during the scheduled time slot. I could infer why I unwittingly switched over to chanting Shri Ganesh’s Name. I expressed gratitude towards the Guru.

Shri Ganesh Chaturthi Video

1. Importance of Chaturthi

A. The waves of Shri Ganapati and those of the earth on the tithi of Chaturthi match and hence, are conducive to each other. This implies that on this tithi, a greater proportion of waves of Shri Ganapati can reach the earth. Every month, on the day of Chaturthi, Shri Ganapati Principle is a 1000 times more active on earth than usual. Worship of Shri Ganapati on this tithi gives greater benefit of Shri Ganesh Principle.

B. Chaturthi means a state beyond the states of jagruti (Awakened), swapna (Dreaming) andsushupti (Deep sleep), that is, turyavastha. Reaching chaturthi is the very goal of a seeker.

C. The Holy text ‘Agnipurana’ prescribes the vrat (Vowed religious observance) of Chaturthi for acquisition of worldly pleasures and Moksha (Final Liberation).

D. Restriction on viewing the moon : Looking at the moon on this day is prohibited, because the moon happens to be the cause of the mind, meaning, that which encourages the mind to function. A seeker, on the other hand, aims at dissolution of the mind. In the planetary system, the moon is fickle, meaning, it undergoes phases of waxing and waning; likewise, the mind in the physical body is fickle. Seeing the moon increases the fickleness of the mind by 1/1,00,000 times. Only when the mind becomes thoughtless is turyavastha attained. On the day of Sankashṭi, after spending the whole day in performing sadhana (Spiritual practice), the moon is viewed at night. This, in a way, is an indication of the end of the period of sadhana for the day and the mind returning to its involvement in the daily chores.

A story in the Puranas goes thus. Once the moon ridiculed the appearance of Shri Ganapati saying, “How big is your belly, those sifting-pan-like ears, that trunk and those miniature eyes !” Upon hearing this, Shri Ganapati cursed the moon, “Henceforth no one will look at your face. Whosoever does so, will attract the blame of theft.” Sure enough, nobody allowed the moon to come before them. Living in seclusion is impossible. The moon performed austerities, appeased Shri Ganapati and asked for mitigation of the curse. ‘When mitigating a curse, it should not be completely lifted. The curse should also remain in part and its mitigation should also take place. It is not appropriate for me to destroy a curse given entirely by me.’ Thinking thus, Ganapati mitigated the curse by saying to the moon, ‘No one will look at you on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi. However, on Sankashti Chaturthi, no one will have meal without seeing you.’

2. Types of Chaturthi

The Chaturthi of the bright fortnight of each month is called ‘Vinayaki’ and that of the dark fortnight is called ‘Sankashti’.

A. Vinayaki

The ritualistic worship on this day does not include looking at the moon and worshipping it, like on Sankashti. Fast the entire day of Vinayaki, and end it the next day. The Deity of this vrat is Shri Siddhivinayak. Vinayaki is performed for all-round well-being.

B. Sankashti

Sankashta means sankat (Calamity). The 360 waves, emitting from the core of the earth, surround us. These restrict the flows within the body. This itself is known as a ‘sankat’. In the dark fortnight, these 360 waves are active to a larger extent. This restricts the flow of energy through the vessels in our body. Sankashti is performed to overcome this calamity. Shri Ganapati is the God of the 360 waves; hence, worshipping Him helps avoid this calamity. Fast the whole day. In the evening, after a bath, make preparations for the ritualistic worship of Shri Ganapati. At night, after seeing the moon, either an Idol of Shri Ganapati or a betel nut placed on a mound of akshata, symbolic of Shri Ganapati, should be worshipped with Shoḍashopachar-pūja. Recite the Atharvashirsha twenty-one times. Pay obeisance to the moon after giving an oblation of water and sprinkling gandha (Sandalwood paste), flowers andakshata in its direction. On the day of Chaturthi, the oblation of water should be made in a tamhan (Metal dish). We should eat only after offering Mahanaivedya, which consists of five delicacies. The Deity of this vrat is Shri Vighnavinayak.

C. Angaraki

The Chaturthi, which falls on a Tuesday is called Angaraki. Angar means the planet Mars or land. Shri Ganapati is the presiding Deity of Mars, as well as the Earth. Both Shri Ganapati and Mars have the same complexion. On the day of Angaraki, Shri Ganapati waves reach the Earth in a larger proportion and those from Mars, too, reach the Earth. Consequently, most of the waves emitting from the moon are destroyed. Hence, the benefit derived by performing Angaraki Vinayaki and Angaraki Sankashti is equivalent to that of performing the Vinayaki and Sankashti throughout the year. Angaraki, unlike other vrats, is not performed throughout the day and night. It is an observance which lasts five prahars, four during the day and one at night. According to the ritual, a meal should be taken at moonrise. Thus, that meal becomes a part of the ritual and is not partaken to conclude the fast.

3. Relative importance of the types of celebration methods






1Getting benefit from Sree Ganesh Principle (%)2010 to 157 to 10

2Getting Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) (%)503020

3Getting Shakti (Divine Energy) (%)402010

4Relative importance (%)Bhav (Spiritual emotion)7010030


5Impact on the devoteeAwakening of theSushumnanadi, awakening of bhav, and chanting occurring at a higher level of speechAwakening of bhav, can easily absorb Chaitanya and Shakti and awakening of theSushumnanadiand the Suryanadi (Sun channel).Gettting Chaitanya and Shakti, removal of subtle black covering and awakening of the Suryanadi.

6Impact on different bodies of the embodied soulPhysical body102All bodies get purified up to 15%. Vital energy body and mental body get purified up to 30%.

Mental body303

Causal (intellect) body201

Supra-causal (ego) body102

All bodies get purified, resulting in overall increase in sattvikta (Purity)Increase in overall sattvikta of the bodies and increase in Chaitanya absorbing capacity of the bodies

Reference : Sanatan Sanstha’s Holy text ‘Shri Ganapati’.

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Chandra MantraSacred 23 November 2013

MantrasChandradev Mantra Om shraam shreem shraum sah chandraya namah |

Chandra Beej MantraOm som somay namah ||

Navagrah Chandra Shanti Mantra

दधिशंखतुषाराभं क्षीरोदार्णवसम्भवम् ।नमामि शशिनं सोमं शम्भोर्मुकुटभूषणम ।। Dadhishangkhatushaarabham Ksheerodaarnvasambhavam |Namaami Shashinam Somam Shambhormukutbhooshanam||

Chandra Gayatri Mantra ॐ अत्रिपुत्राय विद्ममहे सागरोद्भवाय धीमहि तन्नश्चन्द्रः प्रचोदयात् ।

Chandra Dhyaan Mantra श्वेताम्बरः श्वेतविभूषणश्च श्वेतद्युतिर्दण्डधरो द्विबाहुः ।चन्द्रोऽमृतात्मा वरदः किरीटी मयि प्रसादं विदधातु देवः ।।

Chandra Grahan Mantra Om Shraang Shreeng Shroung Sah Chandramase Namah |

Chandra Tantrik Mantra ॐ श्रां श्रीं श्रौं सः चन्द्राय नमः ।ऐं क्लीं सोमाय नमः ।

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How to do Til Chaturthi - Sakat Chauth Vrat - Vidhi - YouTube

▶ 7:43

Jan 8, 2013 - Uploaded by Festivals n Culture

Sakat chauth or Til Chaturthi Vrat is celebrating on the forth day of Magh ... sabudana , potatos , singada ) is ...

tilkut chauth sakat ganesh chaturthi vrat vidhi aur chauth vrat ...

▶ 4:11

Jan 26, 2016 - Uploaded by anjali smpr

sakat ganesh chaturthi tilkut chauth vrat vidhi aur chauth vratkatha Til ... Shree Mahalaxmi Vrat ...

Sakat Chauth , Til Chaturthi Vrat Katha - YouTube

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Jan 29, 2013 - Uploaded by Festivals n Culture

Sakat Chauth or Till Chaurthi Vrat comes on the month of Magh( Jan -Feb ) ... Sankashti Chaturthi Pooja Vidhi ...

Ganesh Sakat chauth puja - YouTube

▶ 7:10

Nov 10, 2014 - Uploaded by Pooja Luthra

Ganesh Sankashti Chaturthi Puja Vidhi Aur Vrat Katha,Ganeshsakat Chauth Puja and katha, Til ...

sakat ganesh chaturathi tilkut chauth shri ganesh vrat katha ...

▶ 1:31

Jan 26, 2016 - Uploaded by anjali smpr

How to do Ganesh puja on Ganesh Sankashth Chaturthi in hindisakat ganesh chaturathi tilkut ...

Dharm: Sakat Chauth Pooja - YouTube

▶ 17:38

Jan 8, 2015 - Uploaded by Aaj Tak

... of Magh, which is also observed as Sakat Chauth, for the long life of your ... Sankashti Chaturthi Pooja ...

Sankashti Chaturthi Pooja Vidhi Aur Vrat Katha 2016 ...

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Nov 28, 2015 - Uploaded by Days and Festival

Sankashti Chaturthi / TilKut Chauth Pooja Vidhi Aur Vrat Katha in Hindi ... 27 January (Wednesday) Sankashti ...

Til Kund Maghi Chaturthi Vrat Method & Katha - YouTube

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Feb 11, 2013 - Uploaded by Festivals n Culture

This Video is having the importance of Til Kund chaturthi and VratKatha. ... Sankashti Chaturthi Pooja Vidhi ...

Ganesh Chaturthi Puja Vidhi & Vrath Katha | Vinayak ...

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Nov 11, 2014 - Uploaded by Pooja Luthra

Ganesh Chaturthi Puja Vidhi & Vrath Katha, Ganesh Chaturthipuja and fast story, ... tilkut chauth ...

Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat Katha & Pooja Vidhi - YouTube

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Apr 16, 2015 - Uploaded by Khushi Gala

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Sankashti Chaturthi (संकष्टी चतुर्थी) also known as Sankata Hara Chaturthi is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha. This day is celebrated in every Lunar month or Hindu calendar month on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (dark lunar phase or the waning phase).

Angarki Sankashti Chaturthi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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2016 Sankashti Chaturthi dates with Moonrise timings for ...

List of Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat dates with moonrise timings in year 2016 for Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India.

‎Sankashti Chaturthi - ‎संकष्टी चतुर्थी - ‎Lambodara Sankashti

Sankashti Chaturthi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sankashti Chaturthi (संकष्टी चतुर्थी) also known as Sankata Hara Chaturthi is an auspicious(?) day dedicated to Lord Ganesha. This day is observed in every Lunar month of Hindu calendar month on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (dark lunar phase or the waning phase).

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Angarki Sankashti Chaturthi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sankashti Chaturthi (संकष्टी चतुर्थी) also known as Sankata Hara Chaturthi is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha. This day is celebrated in every Lunar month or Hindu calendar month on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (dark lunar phase or the waning phase).

2015 date‎: ‎1 September

Observed by‎: ‎Hindus

Celebrations‎: ‎Fast and Pooja

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Sankashti Chaturti 2016 - 2017 Dates – Ganesh Sankashta ...

Aug 1, 2015 - Sankashti Chaturti, or Ganesh Sankashta Chaturthi Vrata, is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha in a Hindu lunar month. Below are ...

You can check the dates of Vinayaki Chaturthi HERE.

Sankashti Chaturthi 2016. Wednesday, 27th January 2016, 09.24 pm. Friday, 26th February 2016, 9.42 pm. Sunday, 27th March 2016, 10.02 pm. Monday, 25th ...

Importance of Sankashti Chaturthi - Muktid Ganesh

Long long ago there lived a sage called Bhrushundi.(sage Bhrushundi did penance for many years of Lord Ganesha and became great among the devotees of ...

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When to break fast on sankashti / sankathara chaturthi

When to break fast on sankashti / sankathara chaturthi. I first bow down to my guru and take their aajna (permission). 1. Sankathara chaturthi vrata. According to ...

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2016 Sankashti Chaturthi Dates - Kalnirnay 2016 Calendar

Oct 2, 2015 - If you are devotee of Lord Ganesha then you might be know about Sankashti or Sankashti Chaturthi. It is an auspicious day dedicated to ...

Chaturthi 2016 Dates - Chaturthi 2016 Vrat Dates

CHATURTHI 2016 DATES are here. CHATURTHI is of two types- SANKASHTI CHATURTHI & VINAYAKA CHATURTHI. CHATURTHI 2016 will come twice a ...

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Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat Katha & Pooja Vidhi - YouTube

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Apr 16, 2015 - Uploaded by Khushi Gala

Detailed Video on Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat Katha & Pooja Vidhi @ Related Searches ...

Siddhivinayak Mandir Sankashti chaturthi Morning Aarti ...

▶ 4:54

Oct 21, 2013 - Uploaded by Bhakti Sagartv

Live :- Angarika sankashti chaturthi from Siddhivinayak Mandir (Prabhadevi) 2013 Angarika sankashti ...

Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat Katha in Rajasthani - YouTube

▶ 3:07

Jan 7, 2016 - Uploaded by Days and Festival

Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat Katha in Rajasthani Ganesh Sankashti Vrat and Puja is dedicated to Lord ...

Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat Katha Jeshtha Maas - YouTube

▶ 6:38

May 20, 2013 - Uploaded by Festivals n Culture

Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat Falls every month on Krishna paksha 4th day . In this day Lord Ganesh is worshiped ...

Sankashti Chaturthi Pooja Vidhi Aur Vrat Katha 2016 ...

▶ 8:03

Nov 28, 2015 - Uploaded by Days and Festival

Sankashti Chaturthi / TilKut Chauth Pooja Vidhi Aur Vrat Katha in Hindi - संकष्टी चतुर्थी पूजा विधि और व्रत कथा 2016 Ganesh ...

Significance Of Sankatahara Chaturthi - Srikanth Sharma ...

▶ 12:03

Jan 28, 2013 - Uploaded by Bhakti

Watch the significance, importance and rituals to be followed on Sankatahara Chaturthi / Sankashtahara ...

Angaraka Sankashti, Angarika Chaturthi ... - YouTube

▶ 22:10

May 28, 2013 - Uploaded by Tv9 Kannada

TV9 Discussion: Shubha Angaraka Sankashti Chaturthi 2013 - Full...., Angaraka Sankashti,Angarika ...

Sankashti Ganesha Chaturthi Vrat Vidhan va Mahatva ...

▶ 2:59

Jan 3, 2014 - Uploaded by Vaibhava Nath Sharma

Sankashti Ganesha Chaturthi Vrat Vidhan va Mahatva ... Ganesh Sankasht Chaturthi Puja Vidhi Aur ...

Live :- Angarika sankashti chaturthi from Siddhivinayak ...

▶ 9:22

Oct 21, 2013 - Uploaded by Bhakti Sagartv

Live :- Angarika sankashti chaturthi from Siddhivinayak Mandir (Prabhadevi) 2013 Angarika sankashti ...

Ganesh Sankasht Chaturthi Puja Vidhi Aur Vrat Katha ...

▶ 7:10

Nov 10, 2014 - Uploaded by Pooja Luthra

Ganesh Sankashti Chaturthi Puja Vidhi Aur Vrat Katha,Ganesh sakat Chauth Puja and katha, Til ...

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About 1,67,000 results (0.49 seconds)

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Sankashti Chaturthi (संकष्टी चतुर्थी) also known as Sankata Hara Chaturthi is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha. This day is celebrated in every Lunar month or Hindu calendar month on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (dark lunar phase or the waning phase).

Angarki Sankashti Chaturthi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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2016 Sankashti Chaturthi dates with Moonrise timings for ...

List of Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat dates with moonrise timings in year 2016 for Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India.

‎Sankashti Chaturthi - ‎संकष्टी चतुर्थी - ‎Lambodara Sankashti

Sankashti Chaturthi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sankashti Chaturthi (संकष्टी चतुर्थी) also known as Sankata Hara Chaturthi is an auspicious(?) day dedicated to Lord Ganesha. This day is observed in every Lunar month of Hindu calendar month on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (dark lunar phase or the waning phase).

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Angarki Sankashti Chaturthi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sankashti Chaturthi (संकष्टी चतुर्थी) also known as Sankata Hara Chaturthi is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha. This day is celebrated in every Lunar month or Hindu calendar month on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (dark lunar phase or the waning phase).

2015 date‎: ‎1 September

Observed by‎: ‎Hindus

Celebrations‎: ‎Fast and Pooja

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Sankashti Chaturti 2016 - 2017 Dates – Ganesh Sankashta ...

Aug 1, 2015 - Sankashti Chaturti, or Ganesh Sankashta Chaturthi Vrata, is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha in a Hindu lunar month. Below are ...

You can check the dates of Vinayaki Chaturthi HERE.

Sankashti Chaturthi 2016. Wednesday, 27th January 2016, 09.24 pm. Friday, 26th February 2016, 9.42 pm. Sunday, 27th March 2016, 10.02 pm. Monday, 25th ...

Importance of Sankashti Chaturthi - Muktid Ganesh

Long long ago there lived a sage called Bhrushundi.(sage Bhrushundi did penance for many years of Lord Ganesha and became great among the devotees of ...

You visited this page on 26/3/16.

2016 Sankashti Chaturthi Dates - Kalnirnay 2016 Calendar

Oct 2, 2015 - If you are devotee of Lord Ganesha then you might be know about Sankashti or Sankashti Chaturthi. It is an auspicious day dedicated to ...

When to break fast on sankashti / sankathara chaturthi

When to break fast on sankashti / sankathara chaturthi. I first bow down to my guru and take their aajna (permission). 1. Sankathara chaturthi vrata. According to ...

You visited this page on 26/3/16.

Chaturthi 2016 Dates - Chaturthi 2016 Vrat Dates

CHATURTHI 2016 DATES are here. CHATURTHI is of two types- SANKASHTI CHATURTHI & VINAYAKA CHATURTHI. CHATURTHI 2016 will come twice a ...

  1. Ganesh Chaturthi Puja‎‎

How to do puja on of Lord Ganesh on Ganesh chaturthi day

Sankashti chaturthi vrat: For fulfillment of wishes

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