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The Independence Day of Bangladesh (Bengali: স্বাধীনতা দিবস Shadhinôta Dibôs), also referred to as 26 March, is a national holiday. It commemorates the country's declaration of independence from Pakistan in the late hours of 25 March 1971 by the "Father of the Nation" Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman before he was arrested by Pakistani forces.[1]



  • 1History

  • 2Celebrations

  • 3Independence Award

  • 4See also

  • 5References


Once after the 1970 Pakistan Elections, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman linguistically and culturally of Bangla background, then head of the largest political party of Pakistan, the Awami League, had won with a clear majority, the Pakistan establishment was not willing to hand over power or be led by Mujib. Negotiations began, but Sheikh Mujib's reputation was such that the ruling Punjabi leadership never trusted him, let alone by the Pakistan established, no matter Mujib's efforts. When all indications gradually surfaced crystal clear, promises given were not followed through, the whole nation of Bangla speaking Muslims and Hindus of East Pakistan dived into the spirit and vibe of a real struggle. Mujib was still determined to keep Pakistan united under his legitimate and legal claim and did not commit the nation politically for independence neither called upon the masses with such an endeavor. He, however delivered an emotion loaded angry speech as response filled with warnings of a struggle for independence, displaying his strength of political control over society. Out in the streets the reaction was boiling as another fighting spirit with independence aspirations was inciting outright struggle with his fiery speeches to huge crowds around the nation, Maulana Bhasani. Initially the Pakistan authorities called curfews, paved way for huge influx of military hardware and personnel from western Pakistan by sea and air. Pakistan authorities also blocked supplies going to the general population. Killings and destruction of property was on a climatic rise around the main port cities of Khulna and Chittagong and other important economic points of trade and education. Police and the military units were deployed in numerous areas of the country. Pakistan Urdu and Punjabi speaking personnel rounded up Bangla speaking armed forces officers, nco's and enlisted personnel. Forced disappearances went rampant. On the 25th of March evening in an interview with David Frost, Sheikh Mujib still called out openly for negotiation and a united Pakistan. That night the Pakistan army spilled out to the streets killing and destroying everything on sight. It was official, they were not ready for a peaceful transfer of political power to the Awami League led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. During the early hours of 26th March1971 the independence of Bangladesh was declared from an unexpected and unknown patriot, and the guerilla struggle officially began. The people of then independence declared Bangladesh took part in this war to be a separate nation independent from Pakistan. Independence for Bangladesh was gained through a nine-month guerilla war against the Pakistan Army, and their collaborators (commonly known as Razakars in Bangla রাজাকার) which resulted in the loss of about 3 million lives. The Bangladesh Forces, later with military support from India, defeated the Pakistan Armyending the war on 16 December in the same year.


Celebration with Bangladeshi Flag.

Independence Day is commonly associated with parades, political speeches, fairs, concerts, ceremonies and various other public and private events celebrating the history and traditions of Bangladesh. TV and radio stations broadcast special programs and patriotic songs in honor of the Independence Day. Generally, a thirty-one gun salute is conducted in the morning. The main streets are decorated withnational flags. Different political parties and socioeconomic organizations undertake programs to mark the day in a befitting manner, including paying respects at Jatiyo Smriti Soudho, the national memorial at Savar near Dhaka.

Independence Award[edit]

The Independence Award, which is bestowed upon Bangladesh citizens or organizations on the eve of the Independence Day, is the highest state award given by the Government of Bangladesh. This annual award, instituted in 1977, is given for substantial contribution in Independence War, the Language Movement, education, literature, journalism, public service, science-technology, medical science, social science, music, games and sports, fine arts, rural development, and other fields.

Google displayed a doodle commemorating the Independence Day of Bangladesh on 26 March 2013 on their bd domain.

See also[edit]

  • History of East Pakistan (1947–1971)

  • Bangladesh War of Independence

  • The Blood telegram

  • East Bengal

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26th March ~ Independence Day ~ Bangladesh - YouTube

▶ 5:28

Mar 25, 2014 - Uploaded by Rashed Hasan

DON'T FORGET TO LIKE AND SHARE. A tribute to all thoseBANGLADESHI freedom fighters who gave up ...

Bangladesh independence day - YouTube

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Dec 18, 2013 - Uploaded by CLIKATV

independence day of bangladesh paragraph independence dayof bangladesh images celebration of ...

Bangladesh Independence Day, 26 March, 1971 - YouTube

▶ 0:25

Mar 26, 2015 - Uploaded by S & F CONSULTING FIRM LIMITED

Bangladesh Independence Day, 26 March, 1971 A war, 3 millions peoples killed, massive women raped, roar ...

Bangladesh Victory Day 2012 Parade - March Past - YouTube

▶ 28:53

Dec 16, 2012 - Uploaded by bdmilitary

Bangladesh Victory Day 2012 Parade - March Past. Proudly brought to you by ... Independence Day. Armenia ...

Bangladesh Independence Day 2015 - YouTube

▶ 2:38

Mar 25, 2015 - Uploaded by Postman TV

On this fateful night in 1971, the Pakistani military junta launched the “Operation Searchlight” and mercilessly killed ...

Independence Day Bangladesh - YouTube

▶ 1:09

Mar 25, 2015 - Uploaded by A.I.Squad

Aerial Robot developed by A.I Squad. Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Independent ...

Bangladesh Celebrates 40th Independence Day - YouTube

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Mar 28, 2011 - Uploaded by NTDTV

For more news visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ Add us on ...

26 MARCH Independence Day Of Bangladesh - YouTube

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Apr 13, 2014 - Uploaded by Mamun Sarkar

26 MARCH Independence Day Of Bangladesh ... Bangladesh Independence Day (26th March) | Intro ...

Bangladesh Independence Day (26th March) | Intro ...

▶ 3:18

Mar 23, 2015 - Uploaded by Nayon Ashiek

Bangladesh Independence Day (26th March) | Intro & Makeup | Nayon Ashiek ... Bangladesh vs Pakistan Asia ...

Bangladesh Independence Day & World record for national ...

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Mar 28, 2014 - Uploaded by BDlife inUAE

Bangladesh Independence Day & World record for national anthem 26th march 2014 at Bangladesh Islamia ...

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Help Send feedback Privacy TermsAbout 1,04,000 results (0.30 seconds) Search Results26th March ~ Independence Day ~ Bangladesh - YouTube▶ 5:28 25, 2014 - Uploaded by Rashed HasanDON'T FORGET TO LIKE AND SHARE. A tribute to all thoseBANGLADESHI freedom fighters who gave up ...Bangladesh independence day - YouTube▶ 2:31 18, 2013 - Uploaded by CLIKATVindependence day of bangladesh paragraph independence dayof bangladesh images celebration of ...Bangladesh Independence Day, 26 March, 1971 - YouTube▶ 0:25 26, 2015 - Uploaded by S & F CONSULTING FIRM LIMITEDBangladesh Independence Day, 26 March, 1971 A war, 3 millions peoples killed, massive women raped, roar ...Bangladesh Victory Day 2012 Parade - March Past - YouTube▶ 28:53 16, 2012 - Uploaded by bdmilitaryBangladesh Victory Day 2012 Parade - March Past. Proudly brought to you by ... Independence Day. Armenia ...Bangladesh Independence Day 2015 - YouTube▶ 2:38 25, 2015 - Uploaded by Postman TVOn this fateful night in 1971, the Pakistani military junta launched the “Operation Searchlight” and mercilessly killed ...Independence Day Bangladesh - YouTube▶ 1:09 25, 2015 - Uploaded by A.I.SquadAerial Robot developed by A.I Squad. Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Independent ...Bangladesh Celebrates 40th Independence Day - YouTube▶ 1:08 28, 2011 - Uploaded by NTDTVFor more news visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ Add us on ...26 MARCH Independence Day Of Bangladesh - YouTube▶ 3:21 13, 2014 - Uploaded by Mamun Sarkar26 MARCH Independence Day Of Bangladesh ... Bangladesh Independence Day (26th March) | Intro ...Bangladesh Independence Day (26th March) | Intro ...▶ 3:18 23, 2015 - Uploaded by Nayon AshiekBangladesh Independence Day (26th March) | Intro & Makeup | Nayon Ashiek ... Bangladesh vs Pakistan Asia ...Bangladesh Independence Day & World record for national ...▶ 5:43 28, 2014 - Uploaded by BDlife inUAEBangladesh Independence Day & World record for national anthem 26th march 2014 at Bangladesh Islamia ...Stay up to date on results for bangladesh independence day.Create alert12345678910NextHelp Send feedback Privacy Terms

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Bangladesh/Founded date

March 26, 1971


Independence Day (Bangladesh) - Wikipedia, the free ...

The Independence Day of Bangladesh also referred to as 26 March, is a national holiday. It commemorates the country's declaration of independence from ...

‎History - ‎Celebrations - ‎Independence Award - ‎See also

You visited this page on 25/3/16.

Independence Day of Bangladesh - Simple English ...

The Independence Day of Bangladesh on 26 March is a national holiday. It is for the country's declaration of independence from Pakistan. On the night of 25th ...

Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bangladesh Liberation War (Bengali: মুক্তিযুদ্ধ Muktijuddho), also ..... 26 March 1971 is considered the official Independence Day of Bangladesh, and the ...

In the news

Google doodle celebrates Bangladesh Independence Day

The Daily Star‎ - 9 hours ago

Google posts a special Doodle for Bangladesh on its 46thIndependence Day. The Doodle ...

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Greets Bangladesh On Independence Day

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Bangladesh celebrates Independence Day

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Bangladesh Independence Day | Independence Day of ... › Bangladesh

Bangladesh Independence Day, the occasion is associated with parades, speeches by political leaders, concerts, fairs, ceremonies, activities in schools and ...

26th March : The Independence Day of Bangladesh | ISS ...

The Independence Day of Bangladesh (Bengali: স্বাধীনতা দিবস Shwadhinata Dibôsh), also referred as 26 March is a national holiday. It commemorates the co...

You visited this page on 25/3/16.

Why is March 26 observed as Independence Day in ... - Quora

Mayeesha Tahsin, born and raised in Bangladesh. 26 March is observed asIndependence Day to commemorate the fact that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (our first ...

Independence Day in Bangladesh / March 26, 2016

The independence of Bangladesh was formally declared on March 26, 1971 by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who later became the country's first president. However ...

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8 hours ago - New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today greeted Bangladesh on its Independence Day and hoped for the further growth of India's ...

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Country in South Asia

Bangladesh, east of India on the Bay of Bengal, is South Asian country of lush greenery and many waterways. Its Padma (Ganges), Meghna and Jamuna rivers create fertile alluvial plains, and travel by boat is common. On the southern coast, the Sundarbans, an enormous mangrove forest shared with India, are home to the Royal Bengal tiger.

Capital: Dhaka

Dialing code: +880

Currency: Bangladeshi taka

Prime minister: Sheikh Hasina

President: Abdul Hamid

Population: 156.6 million (2013) World Bank


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