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World Water Day

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For the Armenian day for water, see Vartavar.

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World Water Day

A World Water Day banner in Kenya

Observed byAll UN member states

Date22 March

Next time22 March 2016


World Water Day is an annual event celebrated on March 22. The day focuses attention on the importance of freshwater and advocates for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.[1]

This day was first formally proposed in Agenda 21 of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. In 1993, the first World Water Day was designated by the United Nations General Assemblyand since, each year focuses on a different issue.

The UN and its member nations devote this day to implementing UN recommendations and promoting concrete activities within their countries regarding the world's water resources. Additionally, a number of nongovernmental organizations promoting clean water and sustainable aquatic habitats have used World Water Day as a time to focus attention on the critical issues of our era. Events such as theatrical and musical celebrations, educational events, and campaigns to raise money for access to clean and affordable water are held worldwide on World Water Day, or on convenient dates close to March 22.[2]

The occasion of World Water Day is also used to highlight required improvements for access to WASH (water, sanitation, hygiene) facilities in developing countries.



  • 1Annual themes

  • 2See also

  • 3References

  • 4External links

Annual themes[edit]

Each year, World Water Day is celebrated to show the importance of water on the globe, and each year there is an annual theme.

2016: Water and Jobs ("Better water, better jobs") - This theme shows the correlations between water and jobs created either directly or indirectly by water sources on the globe.

A World Water Day infographic

2015: Water and Sustainable Development - Under the theme ‘Water and Sustainable Development’, the year 2015 provides an important opportunity to consolidate and build upon the previous World Water Days to highlight water's role in the sustainable development agenda.

UN-Water supports the World Water Day campaign and sets the theme each year. At the World Water Week 2014, UN-Water presents the plan for the World Water Day 2015 campaign, which is coordinated by UNDP with the support of WWAP, UNESCO, HABITAT, UNEP, The World Bank and UN-DESA.

Participants will get an opportunity to learn more about the theme of World Water Day, get the latest update on how the international community perceives water's role in the post-2015 framework and will be invited to get involved in the campaign. In addition, participants will also discover the logo of the World Water Day 2015.

2014: Water and Energy Water and energy are closely interlinked and interdependent. Energy generation and transmission requires utilization of water resources, particularly for hydroelectric, nuclear, and thermal energy sources. Conversely, about 8% of the global energy generation is used for pumping, treating and transporting water to various consumers.

In 2014, the UN System – working closely with its Member States and other relevant stakeholders – is collectively bringing its attention to the water-energy nexus, particularly addressing inequities, especially for the 'bottom billion' who live in slums and impoverished rural areas and survive without access to safe drinking water, adequate sanitation, sufficient food and energy services. It also aims to facilitate the development of policies and crosscutting frameworks that bridge ministries and sectors, leading the way to energy security and sustainable water use in a green economy. Particular attention will be paid to identifying best practices that can make a water- and energy-efficient 'Green Industry' a reality.

Coordinated by UNIDO and UNU-INWEH. Official Website

2013: Water Cooperation In December 2010, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2013 as the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation. In reflection of this declaration, the 2013 World Water Day, which will take place on 22 March 2013, also will be dedicated to water cooperation. Therefore, UN-Water has called upon UNESCO to lead the 2013 United Nations International Year on Water Cooperation, in particular because of the Organization’s unique multidisciplinary approach which blends the natural and social sciences, education, culture and communication. Given the intrinsic nature of water as a transversal and universal element, the United Nations International Year on Water Cooperation naturally would embrace and touch upon all these aspects.

Coordinated by UNESCO in collaboration with UNECE and UNDESA. Official Website

2012: Water and Food Security: The World is Thirsty Because We are Hungry Official [3]

Coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The visual identity and communication campaign is by UN-Water.[4] It is in conjunction with a one-day event organised by EU Minister for Water Stephen Tummon who has organised a one-day event to raise awareness about water, called "Aquatic Picnic". On the matter, Tummon said; "It's incredible how many people don't know that water actually exists, I first learnt about "water" in 2009 and my life hasn't been the same since. Thats what #aquapic (sic) is all about"

On the occasion of 2012 World Water Day, the ICRC is calling attention to the water-related challenges faced by civilians caught up in fighting.[5] WaterAid partnered with Waterlogic to help raise funds for clean water and sanitation for poor communities worldwide.[6] In participation with World Water Day 2012, Waterlogic pledged $225,000 USD to WaterAid over the course of three years.[7]

2011: Water for cities: responding to the urban challenge[3]

Coordinated by UN-HABITAT. The visual identity and communication campaign is by FAO WATER, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Water section.[4]

Children doing a puppet theatre in the "My School Toilet" contest on the occasion of World Water Day 2010 inCagayan de Oro, Philippines

2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World

Coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The communication and visual identity campaign is by FAO WATER, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Water section.[4]

  • Official website of the World Day for Water 2010:

UN-Water is dedicating World Water Day 2010 to the theme of water quality, reflecting its importance alongside quantity of the resource in water management.

Clean water and war: in time of war the access to clean water is frequently restricted because water supply or purification systems have been destroyed, because water reserves are located in areas that have become dangerous or because of massive displacement. People ultimately resort to sources of water with a high health risk and many people contract water-borne diseases.[8]

2009: Trans Waters

In support of the 2009 World Water Day, soldiers from the United States210th Fires Brigade help clean a river

Coordinated by the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO), with the assistance of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Water section.[4]

  • Official website of the World Day for Water 2009:

  • UNESCO webpage on the World Day for Water:

  • Further information:

On the occasion of 2009 World Day for Water, the ICRC called on governments to ensure safe water and decent sanitation for civilians in conflict zones. In many conflicts, disease kills more civilians than bullets.[9]

Display at World Water Day 2008 to highlight connections betweensanitation and agriculture (ecosan) atGIZ headquarters in Eschborn, Germany

2008: Sanitation

Coordinated by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The World Day for Water 2008 had the theme "sanitation" and coincided with the International Year of Sanitation (2008), which was organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) in collaboration with the UN-Water Task Force on Sanitation.[10]

  • Official website of the World Day for Water 2008:

  • Official website of the International Year of Sanitation:

  • Further information:

On 21 March 2008, The Guardian Weekly published a special report on World Day for Water.[11]

2007: Coping With Water Scarcity

Coordinated by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 2007's theme highlighted the increasing significance of water scarcity worldwide and the need for increased integration and cooperation to ensure sustainable, efficient and equitable management of scarce water resources, both at international and local levels.[12]

  • Official website of the World Day for Water 2007:

  • Further information:

2006: Water and Culture

Coordinated by United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO). The theme 'Water and Culture' of 2006 drew the attention to the fact that there are as many ways of viewing, using, and celebrating water as there are cultural traditions across the world.[13][14]

  • Official website of the World Day for Water 2006:

  • Further information:

2005: Water for Life 2005–2015

Coordinated by the United Nations (UN). The United Nations General Assembly at its 58th session in December 2003 agreed to proclaim the years 2005 to 2015 as the International Decade for Action, "Water for Life" (Water for Life Decade), and beginning with World Water Day, 22 March 2005.[15] The Water for Life decade set the world's goals on "a greater focus on water-related issues, while striving to ensure the participation of women in water-related development efforts, and further cooperation at all levels to achieve water-related goals of the Millennium Declaration, Johannesburg Plan of Implementation of the World Summit for Sustainable Development and Agenda 21."[16]

  • Official website of the International Decade for Action, "Water for Life":

  • Further information:

2004: Water and Disasters

Coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR). The message of the Day was: Weather, climate and water resources can have a devastating impact on socio-economic development and on the well-being of humankind. According to the World Meteorological Organization, weather and climate-related extreme events, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, storms, cyclones, floods and drought, account for nearly 75 per cent of all disasters. They lead to an enormous toll of human suffering, loss of life and economic damage. Monitoring these events, predicting their movements and issuing timely warnings are essential to mitigate the disastrous impact of such events on population and economy.[13]

  • Further information:

2003: Water for Future

Coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Water for the Future was the theme for World Water Day 2003. It called on each one of us to maintain and improve the quality and quantity of fresh water available to future generations. The goal was to inspire political and community action and encourage greater global understanding of the need for more responsible water use and conservation.[13]

  • Further information:

2002: Water for Development

Coordinated by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The theme for 2002, 'Water for Development,' carried the message that the poor and deteriorating state of water resources in many parts of the world demand integrated water resources planning and management.[13]

  • Official website for the World Day for Water 2002:

  • Further information:

2001: Water for Health

Coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The message for the day was: "Concrete efforts are necessary to provide clean drinking water and improve health as well as to increase awareness world-wide of the problems and of the solutions. 22 March is a unique occasion to remind everybody that solutions are possible. Use the resources on this site to help turn words into political commitment and action."[17]

  • Official website of the World Day for Water 2001:

2000: Water for the 21st century

Coordinated by United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO).[18]

  • Further information:

1999: Everyone Lives Downstream

Coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The 1999 World Water Day's primary message is that when it comes to using freshwater, human beings, whether they live in a village or a megacity, cannot isolate themselves from their neighbours. Rather, there are fundamental linkages and dependencies between water users and uses in a given drainage basin that affect everyone in that basin.[19]

  • Official website of the World Day for Water 1999:

1998: Groundwater – The Invisible Resource

Coordinated by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Nearly half of the world's population depends on groundwater sources for drinking water supply and for other uses. The UN is concerned about three primary gaps in groundwater management which have enormous implications for sustainable development: (1) The accelerated degradation of groundwater systems, through pollution of aquifers. (2) The lack of both professional and public awareness about the sustainable use and economic importance of groundwater resources generally. (3) The economic implications of not resolving groundwater demand and supply management.[20]

  • Official website of the World Day on Water 1998:

1997: The World's Water: Is there enough?

Coordinated by United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO)and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The message for the World Day for Water 1997 was that water is a basic requirement for all life, yet water resources are facing more and more demands from, and competition among, users.[13][21]

1996: Water for Thirsty Cities

World Day for Water 1996 emphasized the growing water crisis faced by cities across the world which threatens the sustainability of their social and economic development.[13][22]

1995: Women and Water[23]

1994: Caring for our Water Resources is Everybody's Business[24]

See also[edit]

  • Earth Day

  • International Day of Forests

  • World Water Forum

  • World Toilet Day

Why is conservation education so important? Earth needs an environmental balance!Speech on Nature Conservation

BSB International charitable nonprofit organization

"I recognize the right and duty of this generation to develop and use our natural resources, but I do not recognize the right to waste them, or rob by wasteful use, the generations that come after us." US-President Theodore Roosevelt

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Definition Nature Conservation:

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Because Human lives depend on it! We will be harmed by bad drinking water We will be harmed by air pollution We run out of natural resources We run out of healthy food We will face wars about water and food We will be harmed by violent weather and high food prices! We will loose our freedom! BSB informs how Nature Conservation affects Your life...

BSB informs how good or bad Nature Conservation affects Your life...

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To keep Earth safe, safe for the next generation. He/she believes in responsibility and Ethics Conservation is essential to all of us! More knowledge about Nature Conservation and Science leads to more understanding for a better life! BSB members believe that we have a responsibility to care for the next generation. Ethics should not only be taught, but also practiced! What will this generation tell their grandchildren if we fail to address the coming global environmental catastrophe? Compare your thoughts with our thoughts!

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Conservation Education is needed to see the 'big picture' When You see the big picture, you will act better, will be happier, will have a better life!

Should all babies look alike? Should we have only one mammal to eat? Should we have the same food every day?

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E) We need to protect our rain forests. Rain-forests produce most of our oxygen. Rain forest plants grow the cure for many illnesses. Rainforests regulate our climate. If rain forests are destroyed billions of living beings will die. BSB works hard to protect all forests on Earth and the animals, plants and people that depend on them. We campaign for sustainable agriculture. Emissions reductions and increases in the use of energy-efficient technologies are strongly needed. F) Conservation of local flora, fauna and natural habitats through offering conservation advice on development proposals, planning strategies and environmental impact assessment, law enforcement, research and implementing biodiversity conservation plans. G) Conducting regular ecological surveys to take inventory and update the status of biodiversity assets to establish an ecological database Soil conservation is important to make sure that we have the land we need to live on.

H) We need to protect our soil, we need to fight erosion to protect our future food supplies. Erosion control can be done with grass, mulch or plants. If you see something that's making the soil sick, do everything you can to make the soil healthy again. If you live on a farm, make sure that the soil on your fields and pastures stays right where it is right now! BSB Conservation education courses explain how you can do that! Erosion control is very important, because it helps to conserve water! Water conservation is needed for a growing population! Climate change is among the most pervasive threats to life on Earth today.

Nature Conservation Saying "The world will not be destroyed by the few who do harm, but by the many who do nothing against it... " Albert Einstein

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Do you know how much water on Earth is drinkable? Do you know how much of the oxygen humans need is produced in the rain forests? Do you know why burning fossil fuel changes our climate?

To update your Nature knowledge you should you join BSB Better in-depth knowledge helps You preserve and not to destroy Earth! A good environmental education helps You to understand and to deal with coming changes and challenges. Many BSB members can prove that more knowledge about Earth makes life Earth.

Our nonprofit organization Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation gives you information needed to understand our changing Earth climate! The more you know the more you and we can do! BSB conserves endangered species: animals + plants through supporting international trade controls. We have protected our Nature preserve with a conservation easement! A conservation easement is a flexible and effective way to conserve and protect private property. It’s a legal agreement that ensures property will be managed according to the landowner’s wishes for years into the future. It also may qualify the landowner for tax benefits if granted in perpetuity to either a nonprofit 501(c)(3) publicly supported tax-exempt conservation organization -- commonly called a land trust involved in land and water conservation. These easements can be tailored for a few acres or a few thousand acres and can help protect scenic vistas, historic buildings, wildlife habitat, endangered species habitat or ranch-land. The landowner will retain legal title to the property and determine the types of uses to continue and those to restrict. The property can still be bought, sold and inherited, but the conservation easement is tied to the land and binds all present and future owners to its terms and restrictions. For more information, send us an email. BSB promotes public awareness and participation in Nature conservation through publicity and educational activities.

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Earth is getting warmer. Floods, strong winds, storms, hurricanes, droughts - food supply for over 7 billion humans get scarce and expensive. Millions of trees have died, less CO2 storage leads to a higher acidification of Earth oceans. The Gulf stream secures millions of peoples livelihood, but is endangered! Earth wide high energy demand causes more problems. Electricity producing power plants are often not efficient and need huge amounts of water for cooling. Reducing our electricity demand not only saves money, but also water, water that humans need to survive!

Nature Conservation - because humans need intact Nature! Conservation Education - because humans need a better life Water conservation - because all life on Earth needs water! BSB is an international charitable nonprofit organization achieving its goals with the help of volunteers! "Responsibility is born when the love, the feeling of responsibility for others grows stronger than the love for yourself." Peter Bonenberger, founder + elected president BSB We all work without a salary. Every cent of your membership dues works to educate people! Join us - show responsibility! Learn online, whenever you have the time.

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BSB Education BSB preserves - - Lectures - Keep Earth Beautiful - - Join BSB - BSB members strongly believe that Conservation Education CE is the only solution to give the majority of human beings a better life on Earth. Search BSB with your search phrase Copyright Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation International charitable nonprofit org. 501(c)(3) All rights reserved Peter Bonenberger - volunteer + president Marianne Bonenberger + director of education BSBNCG POB 63295 Pipe Creek 78063 TX USA BSB tries to be as accurate as possible, but we are not responsible for broken or false links or misinterpretation Privacy Policy: Your privacy is very important to us. We don't collect information from you! + BSB was founded 2002 + As a nonprofit organization, BSB is always grateful for donations in support of our mission.

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  1. World Water Day‎‎

Save 15 litres of water everyday by turning off the tap when brushing.

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World Water Day 2016: Home - UN-Water

Focuses on international water issues such as working to alleviate poverty and hunger, sustainable ...

World Water Day 2016: Home - UN-Water

over a year ago #WorldWaterDay: Water can change workers' lives & livelihoods ... Alexandria Water ...

World Water Day 2015: Home - UN-Water

water is industry. More water is used to manufacture a car than to fill a swimming pool. learn more. water is ...

Water is Our World - World Water Day 2015 Trailer - YouTube

▶ 1:09

Mar 8, 2015 - Uploaded by UN-Water

If you think about it, water links to almost everything in the world. Health. Nature. Urbanization. Industry. Energy ...

World Water Day: 2015 Water and Sustainable ... - YouTube

▶ 2:21

Mar 17, 2015 - Uploaded by UN-Water

"Water is a precondition for human existence," says UN Deputy Secretary-General, Jan Eliasson in this film ...

UNWaterWorldWaterDay - YouTube

Official United Nations' World Water Day YouTube Channel. World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance ...

Official Trailer: World Water Day 2016 - YouTube

▶ 0:52

Feb 9, 2016 - Uploaded by UN-Water

The power of water and jobs - transforming people's lives. Half of all workers on Earth are employed in water ...

World Water Day: Animated Short - YouTube

▶ 2:01

Feb 27, 2013 - Uploaded by ADRAInternational

Join us for World Water Day on March 22!

World Water Day 2016: Home - UN-Water

over a year ago #WorldWaterDay: Water can change workers' lives ... On World Water Day, people ...

QNET: 10 Ways to Conserve Water this World Water Day ...

▶ 1:45

Mar 3, 2015 - Uploaded by QNET (Official)

... about QNET, visit: World Water Day is celebrated globally on 22nd March every year ...

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The theme of World Water Day for 2016 is Better Water, Better Jobs. Photograph: Francis R ...

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Focuses on international water issues such as working to alleviate poverty and hunger, sustainable development, environmental integrity, and human health.

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World Water Day 2016: About - UN-Water

World Water Day is an international observance and an opportunity to learn more about water related issues, be inspired to tell others and take action to make a ...

Background information on World Water Day, 22 March

Background. International World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for ...

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World Water Day, 22 March

Water means jobs. Water is the essential building block of life. But it is more than just essential to quench thirst or protect health; water is vital for creating jobs ...

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World Water Day is an annual event celebrated on March 22. The day focuses attention on the importance of freshwater and advocates for the sustainable ...

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