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1. What Is Narasimha Dwadashi

Dedicated to worshipping Lord Narasimha, the man lion manifestation of Vishnu, Narasimha Dwadashi falls year on year on the Dwadashi (twelfth day) of the Shuklapaksha (waxing phase of the lunar month) during Phalguna (February - March) month. The other name of this observance is Govinda Dwadashi.

2. Narasimha Dwadashi Importance

The highlights of this day include observance of fasting, worship of Lord Narasimha and chanting the slokas dedicated to him in a way winning his blessings for fearlessness, conquering the obstacles of life, happiness, peace in family and success in all the endeavours. Lord Narasimha always blesses his devotees with courage, confidence and protection. Therefore observing this vrat is considered highly efficacious.

3. What are Dwadashi Vrats

Dwadashi is the twelfth day of the lunar month. There are two kinds of Dwadashis namely Shuklapaksha Dwadasis (twelfth day of the bright half of lunar month) and Krishnapaksha Dwadashis (twelfth day of the dark half of lunar month). With twelve of each in a typical year, there are twenty four Dwadashis in a year.

4. What are Dwadashi Vrats

Each of the Dwadashis is associated with worshipping a particular form or manifestation of Vishnu. Narasimha Dwadashi is dedicated to worshipping Lord Narasimha. Narasimha Dwadashi vrat is one of the most popular vrats in Hinduism which is believed to wash away all the sins of the observers.

5. Narasimha Dwadashi Vrat Procedure

On the day of Narasimha Dwadashi, the devotees need to wake up before sunrise and have a holy dip in a sacred river like Ganges, Saraswati, Yamuna, Godavari or Cauvery. People in other locations can have a dip in a nearby river or lake chanting the mantras of Lord Vishnu and Mother Ganga.

6. Narasimha Dwadashi Vrat Procedure

If even this is not possible, they can invoke the deities of river in the water they use for bathing and purify their bodies and minds setting the tone for the worship. Thousands throng at the Mahodadhi Teerth on the coast in Puri which is believed to have a great astrological significance. Then follow the pujas of the day to Lord Narasimha with offerings like fruits, flowers and special dishes.

7. Other good Activities on the Day

Chanting Narasimha Mantra on this day is highly beneficial. ------ People give charities to the needy.-------- People visit the local Vishnu temples or some famous pilgrim sites dedicated to Vishnu.------- People stay awake during the night chanting the stotrams of Lord Narasimha.

8. Mantra to be Chanted on the Day

Om Hreem Kshraum Ugram Veeram Mahaa-Vishnum---------- Jwalantham Sarvatho Mukham---------- Nrisimham Bheeshanam Bhadram--------- Mrityu-Mrityum Namaamyaham

9. Meaning of Mantra

I bow down to Lord Narasimha who has a fiery form and is all pervasive. You radiate heat and radiance all around. With a terrific and auspicious form, you are the death of death. Narasimha mantra is said to be a Kavacha mantra that can protect the chanters from all dangers of the world. It can confer peace, confidence and fearlessness in people enjoining them to a higher form of meaningful life. The mantra can be chanted all day or all night long as per convenience on the Narasimha Dwadashi day and the blessings of Narasimha shall protect them from all evils.

The story of Hiranyakashipu and Prahlada – Narsimha avatar

Posted in Gods & Goddesses, Stories, Vishnu's Avatars • 2 years ago• Written by vaibhav • 2 Comments

Many year ago, To save earth from the captivity of Hiranyaksha, Lord Vishnu had arrived in the avatar (incarnation) Varaha (boar) form and killed him. Hiranyakashipu, Elder brother of Hiranyaksha wanted to take revenge on the devotees and in particular on Lord Vishnu. He wanted to become the master of all the three worlds -Heaven, Earth & Pathala.

According to a story from Bhagavata Purana, Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha are Vishnu’s gatekeepers Jaya and Vijaya, born on earth as the result of a curse from the Four Kumaras. In Satya Yuga, Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha – together called the Hiranyas – were born to Diti, daughter of Daksha Prajapathi , and sage Kashyapa.

He went to the Himalayas and began to perform severe penance for many years. Lord Brahma was pleased by his penance and asked him for a boon. He asked for a boon that would make him as good as immortal. He asked that let death do not come to me either by man or beast, nor devil, nor god shall cause my death by day or by night with steel or stone or wood, indoors or outdoors, or earth or in sky. Grant me undisputed lordship over the world. With Boon, he became very domineering and egoistic. In this state of mind he ordered that only he should be worshipped as God in his kingdom. Now considered himself invincible and started a reign of terror, hurting and killing everyone on earth and conquest of the three lokas.

Whilst Hiranyakashipu had been performing the penance to be granted this boon, his home had been attacked by Indra and the other devas seizing the opportunity in his absence. Lord Indra had even abducted his wife, Queen Kayadhu who was expecting a child. At this point the divine sage, Narada intervened in order to protect Hiranyakashipu’s wife, Kayadhu and the unborn baby who was a supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu. Under the guidance of Narada, her unborn child (Hiranyakashipu’s son) Prahlada, became affected by the transcendental instructions of the sage even at such a young stage of development.

Hiranyakashipu eventually becomes so angry and upset at his son’s devotion to Vishnu (who he sees as his mortal enemy) that he decides he must kill him. The demons tried to use their illusionary powers on Prahlad but none of their powers could stand before him. He tried to influence Prahlad against Lord Vishnu but failed and Prahlad was still as devoted as ever to Lord Vishnu. He ordered him to be trampled underfoot by an elephant. The enraged elephant was unable to crush the body. They thrown him over a precipice, but, as Vishnu resided in the heart of Prahlada, he came down upon the earth as gently as a flower drops upon the grass. They tried Poison, burn, starvation, throwing into a well, enchantments, and other measures on the child one after another, but to no purpose. They failed in all their attempts because Lord Vishnu was protecting his devotee.

As a last hope, the king called his demoness sister, Holika for help. Holika has a distinctive cloak that when worn prevented her from being harmed by fire. By preparing a bonfire Hiranyakashipu asked Holika to sit with his son Prahlad in her lap in the hope that he will become a victim to fire. Without any fear of death Prahlada started chanting the mantras of Lord Vishnu. As the fire grew, a strong breeze started swaying the cloak. The cloak flew from Holika and covered Prahlad. It was then that she was charred to death and Prahlad remained unharmed. Since then, the night is celebrated as Holika Dahan.

Hiranyakashipu eventually becomes so angry and upset went to meet Prahlada as he refuses to acknowledge his father as the supreme lord of the universe and claims that Vishnu is all-pervading and omnipresent. To which Hiranyakashipu points to a nearby pillar and asks if ‘his Vishnu’ is in it. The king got up from his throne in fury and hit the pillar with his mace. And to his surprise! The pillar cracked with a thundering sound and Vishnu appeared there in the form of Narasimha. One half of his body was of a lion and the other half of a man. He had matted hair on his head, large moustaches on the face and terrible teeth in the mouth. His paws had terrible nails on them.

Narsimha roared angrily. The demon king Hiranyakashipu tried his best to escape from Narsimha. But at last, Narsimha caught hold of him and dragged him towards the threshold. There, he put Hiranyakashipu on thighs and tore his belly with his terrifying nails.Even after killing Hiranyakashipu none of the gods(Lord Shiva, Brahma) were able to calm Narasimha’s fury, So all the gods and goddesses called His consort, the goddess Lakshmi, but she was also unable to do so. Then, at the request of Brahma, Prahlada was presented to Narasimha. He was pacified when Prahlad touched his feet. Lord Narsimha then asked Prahlad to seek some boon. Prahlad said: “You are my true Lord. If you wish to grant me a boon, kindly bless me that no desire may arise in my mind for anything.” Pralada also prayed for his father.

Lord Narasimha then made Prahlad the King and instructed him to follow good conduct and do his duties. Saying those words Lord Narsimha disappeared.

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Narasimha Dwadashi Vrat Procedure - Speaking Tree

Mar 7, 2016 - Narasimha Dwadashi Vrat Procedure - Dedicated to worshipping LordNarasimha, the man lion ... On the day of Narasimha Dwadashi, the devotees need to wake up before sunrise and have a holy dip ... Points · Aarti Sharma

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1 - Panchang, Panchangam for Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India › Panchang

Mar 1, 2015 - It lists most Hindu festivals and vrats for each day. It also lists daily timing and ... Amalaki Ekadashi, Narasimha Dwadashi. Ekadashi, Phalguna ...

Effectiveness of Dwadasi Vrathas related to Vishnu s - Sri ...

Sage Durvasa outlined the Vrata Vidhan of Sukla Dwadasi Vratas to .... Nrisimha Vrata is to signify the appearance of Narasimha Deva in the dual form of ...

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About Govinda Dwadashi | Govinda Dwadashi 2016 date › Festivals

Govinda Dwadashi is also celebrated as 'Narasimha Dwadashi' as the ... On this day devotees also observe strict fasting that is known as Govinda Dwadashi vrat. ... As per the Hindu legends, Lord Vishnu in His Narasimha avatar killed the ...

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significanceOfVratas - Scribd

Jan 31, 2011 - It is also detailed in the Narasimha Purana and Bhavishaya Purana. Thelegend or story or Vrat Katha of Sankashti Ganesh Chaturthi is ..... the Sun rose on theDwadasi. please listen as I narrate to you. after performing all the ...

Govatsa Dwadashi 2015, Nandini Vrat - Hindupad

Govatsa Dwadashi 2015, Nandini Vrat 2015 date, Govatsa Dwadasi 2015 date, ... Thelegend and the significance of Govatsa Dwadasi vrata are mentioned in the ... Thisvrat katha is associated with Nandini, the divine cow, and her calf. ... Prayer for Safe Pregnancy · Korukonda Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple in ...

Tulsi Vivah Vrat Katha: Legend, Story of Tulsi Saligram ...

May 28, 2015 - Tulsi Vivah Vrat Katha: Legend, Story of Tulsi Saligram Vivah Puja ... observed either on Kartik Ekadasi or Ksheerabdi Dwadashi or on Kartik Purnima day. ... Korukonda Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple in Andhra Pradesh ...

Govatsa Dwadashi Archives - Hindupad

Govatsa Dwadashi (Nandini Vrat) is observed on Krishna paksha Dwadashi in ... Govatsa Dwadasi vrata katha (story) and the significance of the vrata are ... Thelegend and the significance of Govatsa Dwadasi vrata are mentioned in the ... Prayer for Safe Pregnancy · Korukonda Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple in ...

Festivals of India: Ekadashi Vrat - 2016

Mokshda / Vaikuntha Ekadashi (Geeta Jayanti) Vrat Katha .... The moral of the legendis that even if one loses his health, wealth, belongings, honour, affection, ...... “On theDwadashi the day after Ekadashi (the twelfth phase of the Moon), one should give up the ...... 139) chaturdamstrah: He who has four canines (Nrsimha)

About vishnu, Legend of Vishnu, God Vishnu, Stories of ...

The texts contain legends related to Vishnu and explain that he is the Supreme Lord. ... and then fourth incarnation as Narasimha (half-man and half-lion) to kill another ... What is the story behind Sudarsana Chakra? Related Bhakti Sangrah. Aarti ... Moksha Amavasya · Padmanabha Dwadashi · Papankusha Ekadashi 2015 ...


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