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Shabari Jayanti

Shabari Jayanti is dedicated to Shabari devi who was an ardent devotee of Lord Rama. She attained Moksha by worshiping Lord Rama throughout her life.Shabari Jayanti is observed on Krishna Paksha Saptami in the month of Falgunas per Indian lunar calendar. Shabari Jayanti is celebrated with devotedly onTuesday 1st March 2016. Shabari Jayanti is of great significance to the KolCommunity.

Shabari was a hunter’s daughter who belongs to the Nishadha tribal community. She met Sage Matanga Maharshi at the foot of the Mountain Rishyamukha, and accepted him as Guru, serving him with devotion. She was told to remain in hermitage till Rama came and by His arrival she was going to attain the moksha. She worshiped Rama for several years and waited for him in ashram.

Lord Rama and Lakshman visited Shabari’s hermitage, while searching for Sita, after her abduction by the demon Ravan. Rama went to Shabari’s ashram because of her sincere devotion. On seeing Rama, Shabari who was waiting for Rama all those years became ecstatic and fell on his feet.

Shabari offered the berries she had meticulously collected for Rama. Lord Rama ate the same fruit happily that had been tested by Shabari herself, in case the fruit should be sour or bitter. She wanted to give the good and sweet berries to Rama. The thought never came to her that she should not taste it before it was offered to a deity. But Lord Rama proved that it is not the value of the offering that matters but devotion of the devotee who offers it.

She is the one who told about Sugriva and led Rama and Lakshman to visitSugriva and Hanuman for searching Sita. As per the Ramayana, Shabari was an intellectual saint.

Lord Rama pleased with Shabari’s devotion and blessed her. Rama givesShabari a discourse on the Nava–vidha bhakti (nine kinds of devotion).

Shabaridham and Pampa Sarovar, Dangs, Gujarat


Located on a hill called ‘Chamak Dungar’ off 4 km from village Subir on Ahwa-Navapur road, this temple of Shabarimata is a place where Lord Rama met Shabari, a Bhil woman. Legend goes that Shabari offered tasted berries to Lord Rama at this place. Three stones on which Lord Rama, his brother Laxman and Shabari are said to have sat are still worshipped. Present temple with statues of Rama, Laxman and Shabari was constructed in 2004.

Shabaridham Temple

Idols of Shabari, God Ram, Laxman

Idol of Shabari

Pampa Sarovar

Pampa lake near village Jarsol, around 6 km from Shabaridham, is a fresh water lake on the banks of river Pampa. Mythological belief is that Matang Rishi, guru of Shabarimata, established his ashram on the banks of Pampalake.

Pampa Sarovar

Pampa Lake

Posted by sayon kanti kar at 12:10 AM No comments:

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TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2012

Lumbini - The BirthPlace of Lord Buddha

"After I am no More ,O Ananda,men of Belief will visit the four Places with Faith,Curiosity and Devotion.Lumbini Where I was born,Bodhgaya where i attained enlightment,Saranath where I gave the first Sermons, and Kusinara where I Shall Pass into MahaParinirvana." - Lord Buddha As the birthplace of the lord Buddha - the apostle of Peace and the light of Asia was Born in 623 BC - the scared area of Lumbini is one of the holiest places of one of the world's great religion,and its remain contain important Evidence about the nature of Buddhist Pilgrimage centres from a very early period. Lumbini,in the South-western Terai of Nepal,evokes a kind of holy sentiment to the millions of Buddhist all over the world,Like Jerusalem to Christians and Mecca to Muslims. Lumbini is the Place where Lord Buddha,was born.It is the place which Should be visited and seen by a person of Devotion and which should cause awareness and apprehension of the nature of impermanence.The site and its sorroundings area is endowned with a rich natural setting of domesticable fauna and Favorable agricultural environ.Historically,the regions is an exquisite treasure -trove of ancient ruins and antiquities ,dating back to pre-christian era.The Site,Described as a Beautiful garden in Buddha's time,still retains its legendary charm and beauty. The birthplace of the Gautam Buddha ,Lumbini,is one of the four holy places of Buddhism.It is said in Parinibbana sutra that Buddha himself identified four places of future pilgrimage: the sites of his birth,enlightment,First Discourse, and death.All these events happened outside in nature under trees.There is no particularly significance on this,other tha it perhaps explains why Buddhist have always respected the environment and natural law. Lumbini is Situated at the foothills of Himalayas in Modern Nepal.In the Buddha's time,Lumbini was beautiful garden full of green and shady sal trees.The garden and its tranquil environment were owned by both the Shakyas and clans. King Suddhodhana ,father of Gautam Buddha,was of Shakya Dynasty and Belonged to Kshatriya(Warrior Caste). Maya Devi ,his mother,gave birth to child on her way to her parents home in Devadaha while resting in Lumbini under a sal tree in the month of May,642 BC.The Beauty of Lumbini is Described in Pali and Sanskrit Literature.Maya Devi ,it is said,was spellbound to see the natural grandeur of Lumbini.While she was standing,she felt labour pains and catching hold pf a dropping branch of a sal tre,she gave birth to baby. In 249 BC,when the Indian Emperor Ashoka visited Lumbini,it was flourishing Village.Ashoka Constructed four stupas and a stone pillar with figure of horse on top.The stone pillars beads an inscription ,which in translation runs as follows:'King Piyadasi(Ashoka),beloved of devas,in the 20th year of the coronation,himself made a royal visit,Buddha Sakyamuni having been born here;a stone railing was built built and stone Pillar erected to the Bhagavan having been born here,Lumbini village as taxed reduced and entitled to the eight part'. Lumbini remained neglected for centuries.In 1985,Feuhrer ,a famous German archaeologist ,Discovered the great pillar while wandering about the foothills of the churia range.Further exploration and excavation of the surrounding area revealed the existence of brick temple and Sandstone sculpture within the temple itself,which depicts the scenes of Buddha's birth. It is Poined out by Scholars that the temple of Maya Devi was constructed over the foundations of more than one earlier temple or stupa,and that this temple was probably built on an Ashokan stupa itself.To the south of the Maya Devi temple there is the famous scared bathing pool known as Puskarni.It is believed that Maya Devi took a bath in this Pool before the delivery.By the side of Ashoka Pillar a river which flows south-east is locally called ythe OI.In 1996,an archaeological dig enearthed a 'flawless stone' placed there by Ashoka in 249 BC to mark the Precise location of the Buddha's birth more than 2600 years ago. Source - Image nepal,Unesco,Clt,whc,,

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Gurumaharaj Sri Hari Swamiji Discourse In Podhigai Tv ...

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Dec 25, 2015 - Uploaded by Madura Krishnaa

Gurumaharaj Sri Hari Swamiji Discourse In Podhigai Tv - SabariDurga ... RE 'GURU MAHARAJ JI ...

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Sabarimala Rituals and Myths | Documentary | Manorama Online - Duration: 10:09. Manorama Online 19,474 ...

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Aug 10, 2011 - Uploaded by Telugu Filmnagar

... Babu and the music of the film composed by the legendaryK.V.Mahd... ... Sabarimala Rituals and Myths ...

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Jan 5, 2010 - Uploaded by Sivanandakumar Srambikal

Ayyappan Vilakku is a ritualistic observance, conducted in Ayyappa ... Songs are sung on the legendary ...

Gurumaharaj Sri Hari Swamiji Discourse In RAJ TV - Sabari ...

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Dec 29, 2015 - Uploaded by Madura Krishnaa

Gurumaharaj Sri Hari Swamiji Discourse In RAJ TV - Sabari Durga ... RE 'GURU MAHARAJ JI' DEVOTEE ...

Leadership Stage Mime Theatre division presentation ...

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One of the best Legendary mime artist, one of the most acclaimed representatives of this form of art in the ...

Sri. Sorimuthu Aiyanar Temple - ஸ்ரீ ... - YouTube

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Aug 16, 2015 - Uploaded by Vijayavel Mama

As per the legends, Muthupattar himself came out as Sorimuthu Aiyanar. ... Other usual rituals as abishek and ...

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sabari express loco engine attaching in hyderabad with loco pilots - Duration: ... SUPERFAST TRAIN OF ...


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Dec 25, 2012 - Uploaded by SabarimalaHelpDesk

Ramprashan Interview with Legendary Singer K.J.Yesudas - Duration: ... Sabarimala Rituals and Myths ...

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Jan 17, 2015 - Uploaded by Marya Shabri

Marya Shabri ... Terbaru Mitos Urban Legend Heboh, PENAMPAKAN NYATA di POM Bensin Samping ...

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Holy river Pampa, Pampa vilakku and the legends on Sabari

Jan 9, 2012 - This article explains about an annual ritual of Pampa Vilakku and thelegend associating the river and the hunter woman Sabari on whose ...

Sabari and Ramayana - Welcome to

This was where Sabari offered her warm welcome to Sri Ramachandra and Lakshmana when they arrived there ... These stories and legends may be farfetched.

Making Sense of Tantric Buddhism: History, Semiology, and ...

Christian Wedemeyer - 2012 - ‎Religion

History, Semiology, and Transgression in the Indian Traditions Christian ... “dining out at Lake Pampa: The Shabari episode in Multiple Ramayanas,” in P. ... in early Buddhist Tantras Reminiscent of the Later Padmasambhava Legends,” ...

Temples & Legends Of kerala - The Author ( Page 1)

The temples of Kerala, barring a few, form a class by themselves. They are to be distinguished not only for their unique architecture but for the rituals practiced in ...

Navadha Bhakti:- Nine forms of devotion | Jai Guru Dev

The second step is to enjoy listening to legends/discourses pertaining to the Lord. 3. ... Shri Ram adds that Shabri's Bhakti is perfectly complete. ... Faith is the critical element without which any ritual or religious practice is meaningless.

Hinduism- Legends and Beliefs: May 2012

May 31, 2012 - Labels: bheemseni ekadashi, ekadashi, jyeshtha, legend, ritual, vaikuntha, .... On the other hand Lakshman was not happy as Shabri offered ...

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[PDF]Mahaprasad of Lord Jagannath - Odisha

ritual. Such a practice arouses a feeling of unanimity and fraternity ... From a legendmentioned in the book .... priests of Sabari Narayan of Sripura point out.


There is a legend that not only explains why the peetha of the deity is situated at Gopalprasad Gada but also links with the daily-rites of Lord Jagannath at Puri. ... Dehury worships the Goddess by chanting `Sabari Mantra' and pacifies her by ...


Jan 14, 2011 - This is the light which millions of pilgrims visit Sabari hills to witness on Makara Sanktranti day. ... This is a holy ritual fire, lit at a specific time, on a hill east of the sannidhanam -- NOT a ..... what is the legend behind this?

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