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Pradosha or Pradosham (IAST: Pradoṣa) is a bimonthly occasion on the thirteenth day of every fortnight in Hindu calendar.[1] It is closely connected with the worship of Hindu god Shiva. The auspicious 3 hour period, 1.5 hours before and after the sunset is one of the optimum time for worship of Lord Shiva. The fast or vow performed during the period is called "Pradosha vrata".[2] A devotee should wear rudraksha, Vibhuti and worship Lord Shiva by Abisheka, Sandal paste, Bilva leaves, Fragrance, Deepa & Naivaedyaas (Food offerings)



  • 1Etymology

  • 2Legend

  • 3Shani Pradosha

  • 4Notes

  • 5References

  • 6External links


Pradosha is indicative of day names in the calendar. Etymology of Pradosha - Pradosha is the son of Kalpa and Dosha. He had two brothers namely Nishita and Vyustha. The three names mean beginning, middle and end of night.[3] The days from new moon day to full moon day is called "Sukla Paksha" and days from every full moon day to new moon day is called "Krishna paksha". During every month and during every paksha, the point of time when triyodashi (13th day of the fortnight) meets the end of dwadasi(12th day of fortnight) is called Pradosha.[4][5] During pradosha, Nandi (the sacred bull of Shiva) in all the Shiva temples in South India is worshipped. The festival idol of Shiva with Parvathi in a seated pose on Nandi is taken as a procession in the temple complex.[6]


Shiva and Parvathi sitting in Nandi - called Vrishaba Vagana

The devas, celestial deities approached Shiva in the most propitious moments ofpradosha to get relief from asuras - Danavas and Daityas.[7] They ran around Kailasha, Siva's abode hitherto on a triyodashi evening and was aided by Nandi, Shiva's sacred bull. Shiva aided them in killing the asuras - the practise of worshipping Shiva ontraiyodashi along with Nandi emerged and continues in Shiva temples. "Pradosha vrata" (vow) is performed on pradosham with sacred ritual steps following the tradition.[8]

Shani Pradosha[edit]

Shani Pradosha, the pradosha falling on a Saturday corresponding to planet saturn is considered important among other pradosham.[9] The importance of Shani Pradosha is closely associated withMahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain, a town in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.[9] The city of Ujjain was called Avantika and was famous for its devotional epicenter. It was also one of the primary cities where students went to study holy scriptures.

According to legend, there was a ruler of Ujjain called Chandrasen, who was a pious devotee of Shiva and worshipped him all the time. He was blessed with a celestial gem which could create miracles. Rivals of Ujjain, king Ripudaman and king Singhaditya of the neighboring kingdoms decided to attack Ujjain and take over the treasure.[10] The king Chandransena unaware of the impending war was worshipping Shiva. He was joined by a farmer's boy named Shrikhar, who was walking on the grounds of the palace and heard the king chant the Shiva's name. However, the guards removed him by force and sent him to the outskirts of the city near the river Kshipra. Shrikhar continued to pray and the news spread to a priest named Vridhi. He was shocked to hear this and upon the urgent pleas of his sons, he started to pray Shiva inside the river Kshipra. The enemy kings chose to attack and it happened to be a Saturday and Triyodashi.[10] With the help of the powerful demon Dushan, who was blessed by Brahma to be invisible, they plundered the city and attacked all the devotees of Shiva. Upon hearing the pleas of his helpless devotees, Shiva appeared in his Mahakal (form of light) and destroyed the enemies of king Chandrasen.[11] Upon the request of his devotees Shrikhar and Vridhi, Shiva agreed to reside in the city and become the chief deity of the kingdom. From that day on, Shiva resided in his light form as Mahakal in a Lingam that was formed on its own from the powers of the Shiva and his consort, Parvati. It is believed that people worshipping Shiva on a Shani Pradosha would be free from the fear of death and diseases. They would also be granted worldly treasures.[12]


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Falling of Tithi Trayodasi on a Saturday is called as Sani Trayodasi. The Lord of this Tithi is Kamdeva. Lord Shiva conquered Kamdeva by burning him to ashes. This marks the Pradosha Vrata on every Trayodasi mostly celebrated by the devotees of the Lord Shiva. Saturday happens to be the day of Lord Vishnu. Trayodasi is for Lord Shiva. Thus the result of Sani Trayodasi is related to the both gods. On this auspicious day performing the pooja, touching the tree (on Saturday only) and Pradakshna of Aswatha Vruksha is recommended by Puranas. In the Aswatha Vruksha Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Narayana will be present on Saturdays especially. Shivaabhishekam and Tailaabhishekam of Lord Sani are also performed on that day. Lord Sani is known as Ayush Karaka (life) and Vrutti Karaka (employment). Lord Sani is the Favorite of both Lord Siva and Lord Vishnu. Worshiping Lord Sani results in worshiping both lord Shiva and lord Vishnu on this day. On the day of Sani Trayodasi, natives have to perform viewing the self reflection, lighting Deepam or Tailaabhishekam with the gingelly oil will get relief from body pains and diseases. One can get rid of poverty and miseries from his/her life by worshiping Lord Sani on this day. Those natives who are suffering due to the adverse effect of Sani, or those natives who are undergoing the period of Elenati Sani (Sade-Sani), Ardhastama Sani, Ashtama Sani or its antar dasa are generally advised to perform necessary remedial measures to please the Lord Sani to beget his blessings. Mahardsha People who are running through the phase of Sade Sati (71/2 years), Astama Sani, Ardhastama Sani and Sani Mahardasa, unemployed, unmarried, people suffering from chronicle diseases, legal problems related property or criminal charges and also family problems should perform the above Poojas to please Lord Sani and get his blessings. Some black grams, 100 grams of gingelly oil packet, one kilo coal, a small black ribbon, 8 iron nails, some Navadhanyams that is to be tied in a black cloth and donate the same to the temple priest or drop the same in running water will definitely please Lord Shani Bhagavan. Offer food items to a crow and feed the needy persons. Do not purchase oil, leather, umbrella, Navadanyams etc., on this Saturday. black clothes have to be donated to the poor people on Saturday. It is advised to recite at least 108 times the following mantra to please Lord Shani Bhagavan. Natives have to perform pujas and abhishekams to please Lord Shani Bhagavan.

नीलांजन समाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम। छायामर्तांड संभूतं तन्नमामि शनैश्चरम।। ओं शनैश्चराय विद्महे नीलदेहाय धीमहि। तन्नो शनि प्रचोदयात।।

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Saturn’s Transit reckoned from birth star The Star which Saturn transits reckoned from Janma Nakshatra has vital importance in judging the nature of results. This can be judged from Table 5. Table 5

StarPart of the bodyResult

1FaceFear, Loss

2 to 5Left ShoulderSuccess

6 to 11LegIllness / worries

12 to 16HeartGain of Money

17 to 20Right ShoulderFear

21 to 23HeadGain of Status


26,27AnusFear of Death

Saturn is the most malefic planet and is feared much. Here its transit effects are studied from different angles.

1. Ardhashtama or Kamtaka Sani (Saturn in 4th from Moon) 2. Ashtama Sani (Saturn in 8th from Moon) 3. 71/2 years Sade-sati Sani (Saturn in 12th, 1st and 2nd from Moon sign) 4. Anga Sani: Saturn in different parts of the body in relation to birth star. Saturn completes one round of the Zodiac in 30 years and remains in a Rasi for 21/2 years. It gives good results, only in 3, 6 and 11th Rasis from birth Moon. In all other houses, he is malefic. This means that in one round of Saturn, it gives good results 21/2 x 3 = 7 1/2years, i.e, 3, 6 and 11 from Moon and in remaining 9 Rasis (221/2 years), bad results. Now, we will see how the intensity of malefic results are distributed during each of his round: 1. It is good in 3rd, 6th and 11th houses. 2. In 5th , 9th and 10th houses, it gives moderately bad results. 3. In the 4th house called Ardhashtama or Kantaka Sani, it is worse than in 5, 9 and 10th. 4. In the 8th, it is called Ashtama Sani, which gives bad results only. 5. In the 12 and 2nd houses, it is the first and last 21/2 years of Sade Sati. This is a bad period only. 6. Janma Sani is the period of 21/2 years, when Saturn is in birth Moon sign and it is highly malefic period and even dangerous to life. Out of these, Ashtama Sani and Ardhashtama Sani are called Kalyani and Laghu Kalyani in some texts prevalent in Northern India. For Laghu Kalyani or Ardhashtama Sani, i.e., Saturn in 4th, the following results are given:- There will be diseases, enmity with relatives and friends, miseries, sorrows, unwanted wandering to various places, without any aim or benefit and mental worries. For the Deergayush Jataka, we will look into the nature of the 4 rounds of Sade-sati of Saturn. 1st round of Sani: This can also be called manda (dull) Sani. During this period, there will be many difficulties. There will be harassment from government, many trials and ordeals including bad health. Education will be spoiled. 2nd round of Sani: This can be called as Fertile Sani. Auspicious functions like education, marriages, fruitful project work, etc. may be finished by the native. The first part will however be bad. In the last part, all that is lost during Sade Sati will be regained or compensated. 3rd round of Sani: This can be called depressing Saturn. During third round of Saturn’s Sade Sati, those who have long life will suffer from mental worries, agony, mourning, death of relatives, sorrows, miseries. If allotted life span is over, the native may even pass away. 4th round of Sani: This is very bad. If the native does not die during third round of Sade Sati, then during this period, if life span gets completed, certainly one passes away. Out of all the above four rounds, only the 21/2 years of Janma Sani is very bad. There will be fear of death (during Janma Sani of 3rd round or 4th round). In other rounds, there will be petty quarrels, many chronic diseases, humiliation, loss of self-respect, fear of death, mental agony, hysteria, confusion etc. Saturn's 71/2 years results can be analysed in yet another way. The total 90 months period is distributed among the limbs of the native with specific results as given below:

Table 6

House fromNo. ofParts of

S.NoJanma RasiMonthsthe bodyResults

1.Vyaya(12)7HeadDifficulties and Loss


3.Vyaya(12)8FaceGain of money

4.Vyaya(12)6NeckGain of money

5.Janma Rasi(1)10HeartGain of money

6.Janma Rasi(1)11StomachGain of money

7.Janma Rasi(1)5NavalFear

8.Janma Rasi(1)4AnusDeath




Total90 months

Saturn’s transit from Ashtakavarga angle

8 One becomes the head of a village or town 7 One gets female slaves, camels and other animals 6 One gains respect from the leaders of thieves 5 One gets bountiful agricultural produce 4 Moderate happiness 3 Loss of wealth 2 Imprisonment, sickness, anxiety, poverty stricken 1 Sickness 0 Loss of everything, death

Please note that interpretation of transit results without considering Ashtakavarga angle would lead to erroneous results.In an article of this nature it is impossible to take into consideration all the individual charts. Hence the chartholder should take all the predictions as generic in nature and not announce this to an individual without taking his/her Ashtakavarga chart into consideration. Transit rules are general in nature. Ashtakavarga system enables correlation of transit results, with reference to an individual’s chart. Without Ashtakavarga system, transit rules will only lead to vague conjectures.

Remedial Measures In general, to alleviate the adverse effects of Saturn, the following remedial measures are seen adopted.

1. Worship Lord Hanuman. 2. Recite Hanuman Chalisa or recite the Moola mantra of Shani. 3. Donate Sesame oil to temples. 4. Light lamp with Sesame oil at a Shani shrine or at a Shiva temple. 5. Fast on Saturdays.

“Brahmanda Purana” says that chanting the following sloka can relieve all the ill effects of Saturn:

Saturday is the most appropriate day for worshipping Lord Shani. Those who have afflicted Saturn in their horoscope should wear Blue Sapphire and light a lamp (with Sesame oil ) on Saturdays, for propitiating Lord Shani. This would alleviate the adverse effects of Saturn to a great extent. Favourable influence of Lord Shani will result in good health, success in all endeavours, peace of mind, prosperity and zest for life. Worship of Lord Hanuman is considered a panacea for the evil effects of Sani. because Lord Hanuman is said to have rescued Lord Shani from the clutches of the demon-king Ravana. Visit to Thirunallar is essential to overcome the adverse transit of Saturn. Here is the procedure: Take a Black piece of cloth, a few new and old clothes for doing charity, one coconut, a Certain sum of money for donation and another sum of money for charity. Visit to Thirunallar is essential to overcome the adverse transit of Saturn. Here is the procedure: Take a Black piece of cloth, a few new and old clothes for doing charity, one coconut, a Certain sum of money for donation and another sum of money for charity.

1. Wash your feet or if possible take bath in Nala Theertham. Leave the Black cloth in Nala Theertham.

2. Break the Coconut and worship “Kali Theertha Vinayagar” (Lord Ganesha in the temple premises).

3. Worship Goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva (as Dharbaranyeshwar) and Lord Shani Bhagwan. Drop the (initial) sum of money in the Temple Hundi.

4. To a deserving person, donate new clothes.

5. If beggars are found, give them money ( the second sum) as charity and old clothes for their use.Those who are affluent can buy new clothes and give them as donation.Please note that donation of torn clothes will only add to our existing balance of sins.

6. It is important that after visiting Thirunallar, you need to go home directly without visiting anyone’s house or any other temple.

Shani Bhagwan at Thirukollikaadu is supposed to be a deity who blesses devotees with abundance. Shani Bhagwan was very upset for he was being held responsible for all the woes of human beings. He prayed to Agneeswarar (Lord Shiva), at Thirukollikaadu, after bathing in the Agni theertham. Lord Shiva gave him darshan and praised him for being a just planet, meting out justice impartially based on the deeds of human beings. He further pleased Shani Bhagwan by asking him to reside in the temple as Pongu Shani, showering his blessings on devotees. This temple is located in Thirukollikadu near Thiruthuraipoondi in Thiruvarur district in Tamilnadu. Agni Bhagavan is said to have worshipped Lord Shiva here and hence the name Agneeswarar and the place came to be known as Agnipuri. King Nala who got rid of his Shani dosha at Tirunallar, is said to have got back his wife, children, kingdom and all wealth, after worshipping Shani Bhagwan at this temple.A Chola king with heavy Shani dosha finally got relief from his sufferings upon worshipping Shani Bhagwan at Thirukollikaadu.King Harichandra is also said to have bathed at this place and was finally relieved of his dosha by the grace of Thirukollikadu Shani Bhagwan. The river where he bathed is named after him.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Trayodashi - Pradosh Vrat

ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ Pradosh Vrat(Trayodashi vrat) ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ

Pradosh Vrat is an auspicious day dedicated to Hindu God Shiva. The Vrat falls on the 13th day of every lunar fortnight in traditional Hindu calendar. Below are the Pradosh Vrat dates in 2012. Shiva devotees fast from sunrise to sunset and important rituals and pujas are held during the twilight period. Usually there are only two Pradosh in a month. In July 2012, there are three Pradosh Vrats.

~*~ Pradosham literally means removal of sins.

~*~ Pradosh Kaal:--The time of 2 hours 24 minutes, after sunset is known as Pradosh time. It keeps changes according to the different territories. Normally, a period between sunset and starting of night is considered as Pradosh Kaal.

~*~ These times give opportunity to remove negative karma (or karmic energy).

~*~ It is believed, that in Pradosh Kaal, Lord Bholenath, perform dance on Mount Kailash in a pleased mood.

~*~ It is said that just lighting a single deep or having darshan of Shiva in a nearby temple during Pradosham Period is enough to please Lord Shiva.

ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ Significance of Pradosh Vrat ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ

Pradosh Fast is observed on Trayodashi of every Moon month (Chandra Masa). This fast is kept in both Krishna and Shukla Paksha.

~*~ This fast joins a person with religious practices and salvation, and, free from the shackles of mean working. In this fast Lord Shiva is worshiped. People doing this Puja, get relived from their poverty, death, sadness and loans.

~*~ Those time people who keep the fast on Trayodashi and worship Lord Shiva have grace of God on him. Person observing this fast get the path of salvation and gets free from rounds of taking rebirths.

~*~ According to the Shiva Puranas, "Pradosh vrat katha is associated with Samudramanthana or Churning of ocean" observing a fast on Pradosham Vratam is regarded as highly auspicious and beneficial. One would be blessed with wealth, children, happiness and honor. While the fast is undertaken by all Shiva devotees, but all women who have been longing for a son specially observe this. Also, praying to Lord Shiva during the course of the fast is said to liberate the devotee from all his previous and present sins and evil deeds committed.

Lord Vishnu the gods (Devas) and the demons (Asuras) were stirring the milky ocean (ksheer sagar) to extract amirtam (nectar), with Vasuki (the serpent king) as a rope. As Vasuki underwent severe scratches due to the churning, she emitted a powerful poison which is capable of destroying the world. The helpless celestials pleaded Lord Shiva to save them. In order to save them, Lord Shiva swallowed the poison. Goddess Parvati stopped the poison in Lord’s throat and it is believed that his throat turned to blue. As a result of this, Lord Shiva came to be known as Thiruneelagandan or Neelakandan or Neelkanth (the one with Blue Throat). The gods and demons continued the samudra-manthan and finally they got the Amrita on the twelfth day of lunar fortnight.

It is said that on the Trayodhasi (thirteenth moon day) day, the gods and demons realized that they had committed a sin of not praying the God and prayed for forgiveness. They thanked Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva Shankar forgave them and danced in between the horns of the Nandhi’s (Celestial Bull) forehead. This time is called Pradhosham. It is believed that if anybody prays Lord Shiva in that time, he fulfills their wishes and gives them mukthi.

Another myth relates the importance of observing this vrat with the divine couple, Lord Shiva and Parvati. On the Trayodashi day during the evening twilight, the couple is said to be in a propitious and favorable mood. Hence, all prayers and grants demanded by a sincere and loyal devotee are easily fulfilled. Additionally, Bael or Bilva leaves are offered to the Lord during this twilight period as it is regarded to be very fortunate. Hence, all stern Shiva devotees observe both the fasts that occur on two Pradosha days in a month. Such devotees consume only water during their fast and break their fast by eating Prasad after the evening prayers only.

Furthermore, they eat cooked food only from the next morning. Some devotees follow another method for fasting during Pradhosham Vratam. These eat fruits while observing the vrat and resume with eating cooked food on the same day after the evening prayers. Therefore, the strictness followed during the Pradosha fasting totally relies on the devotee. Nonetheless, there are devotees who do not observe a vrat on this day but offer prayers and worship Shiva either at home or in temples.

ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ Benefits obtained by Pradosh Vrat ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ

It is believed that each day of the week has different benefits during Pradosh time:

~*~ Monday Trayodashi (Som Pradosha) provides with good health and helps to fulfill our wishes. Good thinking

~*~ Tuesday Trayodashi(Bhaum Pradosha) cures diseases and provide with benefits of health. Removal of poverty

~*~ Wednesday Trayodashi fulfills the wishes of person observing the fast. Blessing of child, Knowledge and education

~*~ Thursday Trayodashi (Guru Pradosha) is observed for the destruction of enemies. Divine blessings through the Pitars, all dangers will be eliminated

~*~ Saturday Trayodashi ( Shani Pradosha or Mahaa Pradosh) is observed for the pleasure and happiness of married life. Also, people expecting to conceive a child, should observe this Pradosh fast of Saturday.Nullifying opposition

~*~ Sunday Trayodashi Shubha Mangal

More expanded categorized into three depending upon the month of the Pradosh: (1) Uttam Shani Pradosh (Maximum power) - The Shani Pradosh that comes during the months of Chaitra, Vaishaakh, Aashaadh and Kaartik during the Growing Lunar Cycle (Shukla Paksh), ie New moon to Full moon period. (2) Madhyam Shani Pradosh (Normal power) - The Shani Pradosh that comes during the months of Chaitra, Vaishaakh, Aashaadh and Kaartik during Diminishing Lunar Cycle (Krishn Paksh), ie Full moon to New moon period. and (3) Adham Shani Pradosh (Minimum power) - All the other Shani Pradosh.

ॐ ॐ The duration between 4.30 pm and 6.30 pm everyday is called Nitya Pradosh. ॐ ॐ

All the Gods and Goddesses assemble during Pradosh time. So Pradosh worship gives the blessings of all these Gods and Goddesses. We should not go in between Shiv Lingam and Nandee in any temple even in normal time but especially during the Pradosh time, we strictly should not. We should first worship Nandee Jee, then Shiv Jee through the gap in between the two horns of the Nandee. Since Nandee is the one who takes one's prayers to Shiv, we can tell our wishes and prayers in the ears of Nandee. Very sacred to chant Rudra during Pradosh, offer red flower garland and Naivedya to Nandee are very sacred.

ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ Procedure of Pradosh Vratॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ One who takes this Vrata fasts on that day, and keeps vigil at night after the fast is over. ~*~ Bathing an hour before sunset, the worshipper first performs a preliminary worship of Lord Shiva, together with all the others of His divine family, namely, Parvati, Ganesha, Kartikeya and Nandi. ~*~ Some people worship sacred Shivlinga. The Shivling is bathed with water and Bilva Patra (Bel leaves ) are offered.~*~ Or some people use a painting or a picture of Lord Shiva for worship. ~*~ Or some worship Lord Shiva in the form of a kalash.The kalash filled with water is covered with durba grass and a lotus is drawn on it. ~*~ Now Lord Shiva is invoked, take a betel leaf, betel nut, rice, a coin and flower petals and pray to Lord Shiva asking Lord Shiva to please come and accept your prayers.

शिव स्तुति कर्पूर गौरम करूणावतारम संसार सारम भुजगेन्द्र हारम | सदा वसंतम हृदयारविंदे भवम भवानी सहितं नमामि ||


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Pradosha or Pradosham (IAST: Pradoṣa) is a bimonthly occasion on the thirteenth day of every fortnight in Hindu calendar.[1] It is closely connected with the worship of Hindu god Shiva. The auspicious 3 hour period, 1.5 hours before and after the sunset is one of the optimum time for worship of Lord Shiva. The fast or vow performed during the period is called "Pradosha vrata".[2] A devotee should wear rudraksha, Vibhuti and worship Lord Shiva by Abisheka, Sandal paste, Bilva leaves, Fragrance, Deepa & Naivaedyaas (Food offerings)



  • 1Etymology

  • 2Legend

  • 3Shani Pradosha

  • 4Notes

  • 5References

  • 6External links


Pradosha is indicative of day names in the calendar. Etymology of Pradosha - Pradosha is the son of Kalpa and Dosha. He had two brothers namely Nishita and Vyustha. The three names mean beginning, middle and end of night.[3] The days from new moon day to full moon day is called "Sukla Paksha" and days from every full moon day to new moon day is called "Krishna paksha". During every month and during every paksha, the point of time when triyodashi (13th day of the fortnight) meets the end of dwadasi(12th day of fortnight) is called Pradosha.[4][5] During pradosha, Nandi (the sacred bull of Shiva) in all the Shiva temples in South India is worshipped. The festival idol of Shiva with Parvathi in a seated pose on Nandi is taken as a procession in the temple complex.[6]


Shiva and Parvathi sitting in Nandi - called Vrishaba Vagana

The devas, celestial deities approached Shiva in the most propitious moments ofpradosha to get relief from asuras - Danavas and Daityas.[7] They ran around Kailasha, Siva's abode hitherto on a triyodashi evening and was aided by Nandi, Shiva's sacred bull. Shiva aided them in killing the asuras - the practise of worshipping Shiva ontraiyodashi along with Nandi emerged and continues in Shiva temples. "Pradosha vrata" (vow) is performed on pradosham with sacred ritual steps following the tradition.[8]

Shani Pradosha[edit]

Shani Pradosha, the pradosha falling on a Saturday corresponding to planet saturn is considered important among other pradosham.[9] The importance of Shani Pradosha is closely associated withMahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain, a town in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.[9] The city of Ujjain was called Avantika and was famous for its devotional epicenter. It was also one of the primary cities where students went to study holy scriptures.

According to legend, there was a ruler of Ujjain called Chandrasen, who was a pious devotee of Shiva and worshipped him all the time. He was blessed with a celestial gem which could create miracles. Rivals of Ujjain, king Ripudaman and king Singhaditya of the neighboring kingdoms decided to attack Ujjain and take over the treasure.[10] The king Chandransena unaware of the impending war was worshipping Shiva. He was joined by a farmer's boy named Shrikhar, who was walking on the grounds of the palace and heard the king chant the Shiva's name. However, the guards removed him by force and sent him to the outskirts of the city near the river Kshipra. Shrikhar continued to pray and the news spread to a priest named Vridhi. He was shocked to hear this and upon the urgent pleas of his sons, he started to pray Shiva inside the river Kshipra. The enemy kings chose to attack and it happened to be a Saturday and Triyodashi.[10] With the help of the powerful demon Dushan, who was blessed by Brahma to be invisible, they plundered the city and attacked all the devotees of Shiva. Upon hearing the pleas of his helpless devotees, Shiva appeared in his Mahakal (form of light) and destroyed the enemies of king Chandrasen.[11] Upon the request of his devotees Shrikhar and Vridhi, Shiva agreed to reside in the city and become the chief deity of the kingdom. From that day on, Shiva resided in his light form as Mahakal in a Lingam that was formed on its own from the powers of the Shiva and his consort, Parvati. It is believed that people worshipping Shiva on a Shani Pradosha would be free from the fear of death and diseases. They would also be granted worldly treasures.[12]

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Shani Pradosh Vrat Katha शनि प्रदोष व्रत - YouTube

▶ 2:58

Jun 15, 2015 - Uploaded by SanatanDharmaॐΨGITA PRESS23Mamta2992Dhody4664ॐΨ

Shani Pradosh is observed if a trayodashi thithi is present on a saturday. The following is the process to ...

Sri Shani Dev Vrat Vidhi - YouTube

▶ 5:19

Feb 3, 2015 - Uploaded by sandy san

Shani Dev is very kind & justice love god. it is by sandy. ... Importance Of Shani Trayodashi Pooja Vidhi ...

How to do Vat Savitri Vrat*Vat Savitri Purnima*12-6-2014 ...

▶ 3:59

Jun 12, 2014 - Uploaded by ॐΨParam Puratan Satya Sanatan DharmaΨॐ

Married women observe Vat Purnima Vrat for well-being and long life of their husband. ... observed during ...

Pradosh Vrat or Pradosham - Story, Importance and Puja ...

▶ 3:27

Jan 6, 2016 - Uploaded by AskGanesha Astrology

Pradosh Vrat is a Hindu vrat which is dedicated to God Shiva and ... Shani Trayodashi | Importance ...

How to do Shani Dev Puja - Must See - YouTube

▶ 5:16

Sep 7, 2014 - Uploaded by

Shani Dev Puja vidhi Go to ... Importance OfShani Trayodashi Pooja Vidhi | Dharma ...

Vat Savitri Purnima*12-6-2014.Gauri Ganpati Puja in ...

▶ 2:01

Jun 12, 2014 - Uploaded by DOLL1789MarshalDhody

Married women observe Vat Purnima Vrat for well-being and long life of their husband. ... during Jyaishta ...

NEWS9: Poojas offered on Shani Jayanti - YouTube

▶ 1:28

May 27, 2014 - Uploaded by NEWS9

Thousands of devotees across the state are thronging Shani Mahatma ... Importance Of Shani Trayodashi ...

Vat Savitri Puja on Vat Purnima.12-6-2014. - YouTube

▶ 2:08

Jun 12, 2014 - Uploaded by mamtashivadhody

Married women observe Vat Purnima Vrat for well-being and long life of their husband. ... observed during ...

Shani Mantra 9 times - YouTube

▶ 4:27

Jul 7, 2007 - Uploaded by Nitish Jani

Nine times recitation of Shani Mantra by Param Pujya Shri Ashwinkumar Pathak.

shani jayanti Puja Vidhi | शनि जयंती का महत्व और ...

▶ 3:31

May 2, 2015 - Uploaded by Pooja Luthra

Shani jayanti Puja Vidhi, शनि जयंती का महत्व और पूजा विधि, How to ... "शनिवार व्रत कथा "__ Shanivaar Vrat Katha || Shani Bhagwan || Vidhi ...

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Pradosh Vrat 2015 Dates - Pradosham 2015 Dates

Shani Pradosh : When the Pradosh Vrat falls on a Saturday, it is known as Shani ... The legend Lord Shiva is worshiped and Pradosh Pooja will be performed ...

Pradosham 2016 - Pradosh Vrat 2016 Dates - › Festival

Feb 3, 2016 - Here, we presents the Pradosh Vrat 2016 Dates and choose the best suitable date to ... Deepa Pradosham : Shani Pradosham (Pradosh falling on Saturday) is also ... Click here to know - Pradosh Vrat Significance & Legend.

Shravan Month, Shravan Maas, Sawan Mahina 2016 ...

The legend of Shravan Month is that the Samudra Manthan or churning of oceans took ... AThe Shravan Maas Puja is Shravan Somvar Vrat, where people observe a fast on all of ... Saturdays: are for Saturn (Shani Dev). ... Shani Trayodashi ...

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Shiva Pradosham/Pradosh Vrata in Hindu Religion: why to ...

Shiva Pradosham/Pradosh Vrata in Hindu Religion: why to observe Pradosham ... According to one legend, Lord Shiva is believed to have drunk the Halahala ... SaniPradosham is classified into Uthama Shani Pradhosham, Mathima Sani ...

Pradosh Vrat - › Vrat & Upavas

List of Pradosh dates or Pradosham Vrat Dates in year 2016 for Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, ... 06, February, (Saturday), Shani Pradosh Vrat (K), 18:13 to 20:48.

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Importance Of Pradosham - Pradhosha Vrata Significance ... › Hindu Fasts

Among all the Pradosham vrats, the Soma Pradosh and Shani Pradosh are the ... According to one legend, Lord Shiva is believed to have drunk the Halahala ...

Festivals of India: Trayodashi ( Pradosh) Vrat - 2016

Pradosh Vrat is an auspicious day dedicated to Hindu God Shiva. The Vrat falls on the 13th day of every ... Shani Pradosh Vrat (K). 17:59 to 20:37. 20. February.

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Pradosham, soma pradosham, shani pradosh, Pradosha Vrata

Pradosham is a day of importance for Shiva and is considered an opportunity to remove negative karma. Pradosham occurs twice every month once during the ...

Welcome To Pradosham - Sri Bhaktha Aanjaneya

Pradosha, also spelled Pradosh or Pradosham, falls on the 13th lunar day ... Legend of Narasimha and Pradosham: .... To overcome the bad influence of Shani, devotees observe a vrat on Shani Pradosh and offering prayers to Shiva during ...

Pradosha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fast or vow performed during the period is called "Pradosha vrata". ... 1 Etymology; 2 Legend; 3 Shani Pradosha; 4 Notes; 5 References; 6 External links ...

You visited this page on 20/2/16.

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