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SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2009

the role of Shani dev..

According to Vedic astrology, the planetary position at the time of birth determines the future of a person. Hindus worship Shanidev (Planet Saturn) as a god and one of the navagraha’s. Buddists and Jains too consider him as one of the navagraha’s. Buddists believe that Lord Shani rides on a tortoise. Shanidev is black in appearance and ferocious in nature. Saturday is considered to be the day of Shanidev and is considered inauspicious for starting new ventures. Shani or Shanichar is believed to be the son of Suryadev and Chhaya, the servant whom his wife Swarna surrogated. He is also the brother of Yama, the lord of death. Lord Shani is the 7th of the Navagraha’s which govern our lives. It is said that when Lord Shani when he first opened his eyes, his father Surya went into an eclipse. Since then Lord Shani is believed to be the god causing miseries in the life of a human beings. Shani literally means the “slow-moving-one”. Shanidev is lame and has a limp because his knee was injured when he fought as a child with Yama. Shanidev has several names. They are Saura, Krura-dris, Krura-lochana, Mandu, Pangu, Saptarchi and Asita. Shani-dev is depicted wearing blue or black robes, having dark complexion and riding a vulture or on an iron chariot drawn by eight horses. He holds in his hands a bow, an arrow, an axe and a trident. Shanidev is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who is designated the task of granting the fruits of one's action and is the most feared amongst Hindu gods. Shanidev is considered to be the reason of accident, fear, loss, adversities etc., in our lives. It is beleaved that Shanidev has to be pleased for warding off evil and for getting rid of obstacles in life.It is said that a favorable Shani bestows wealth and fame but at the same time, an unfavorable Shani gives endless miseries. Shanidev only punishes those who are involved in ill deeds. Like a judge he also rewards those who perform good deeds and gives them progress in their lives. He forces people to be disciplined, to understand that one needs to be humble, focused, patient, and hardworking to achieve success. Shanidev gives slow and long afflictions to individuals and teaches one by experience.Shanidev thus has the role of judge in our lives and is capable of making a king into a pauper and viceversa. the role Shani dev playz while in astro.. Some traits of Individuals based on the placement of Planet Saturn in the different Houses of Horoscope is given below. Saturn 1st House - lacks self confidence and shy Saturn 2nd House - possessive, struggles hard for money Saturn 3rd House - hardworking, caring and practical Saturn 4th House - inseccured and unhappy Saturn 5th House - creative, difficult childhood Saturn 6th House - hardworking and liking stability in life Saturn 7th House - faithful companion Saturn 8th House - responsible and takes life seriously Saturn 9th House - traditional approach to problems Saturn 10th House- ambitious and reliable Saturn 11th House- hardworking Saturn 12th House- mostly reserved but a good team worker


Saturn in different signs of the Zodiac

Some traits of individuals with Saturn in different signs of Zodiac is given below.

Aries - Able to cope up even in difficult circumstances

Taurus - Ambitious, materialistic, patient and disciplined

Gemini - logical appoach to problems

Cancer - Ambitious and hardworking but can be suspicious and self pitying.

Leo - Organized, faithful and determined.

Virgo - modest, patient and hardworking

Libra - understanding

Scorpio - determined and committed to goals

Sagittarius - Honest

Capricorn - Ambitious, organized, hardworking and practical.

Aquarius - Ambitious and independent

Piscus - Creative and idealistic


Shri Shanidev Chalisa

Jay Ganesh Girija Suvan,

Mangal Karan Kripaal,

Deenan Ke Dukh Door Kari,

Kijei Naath Nihaal.

Jay Jay Shri Shanidev Prabhu,

Sunahu Vinay Maharaaj,

Karahu Kripa He Ravi Tanay,

Raakhahu Jan Ki Laaj.

Jayati Jayati Shanidev Dayaala,

Karat Sada Bhaktan Pratipaala.

Chaari Bhuja, Tanu Shyaam Virajei,

Maathe Ratan Mukut Chhavi Chhajei.

Param Vishaal Manohar Bhaala,

Tedhi Drishti Bhrakuti Vikaraala.

Kundal Shravan Chamaacham Chamake,

Hiye Maal Muktan Mani Damakei.

Kar Me Gadaa Trishul Kuthara,

Pal Biich Karei Arihi Sanhaara.Pingal,

Krishno, Chhaaya, Nandan, Yam, Konasth, Raudra,

Dukh Bhanjan.Sauri, Mand Shani, Dash Naama,

Bhaanu Putra Pujahi Sab Kaama.

Jaapar Prabhu Prasann Havei Jaahi,

Rankahu Raav Karei Kshan Maahi.

Parvatahu Trin Hoi Nihaarat,

Trinahu Ko Parvat Kari Daarat.

Raaj Milat Van Raamahi Dinhayo,

Kaikeihu Ki Mati Hari Linhayo.

Vanahu Me Mrig Kapat Dikhaai,

Maatu Jaanaki Gai Churaai.

Lashanahi Shakti Vikal Karidaara,

Machiga Dal Me Haahaakaara.

Raavan Ki Gati-Mati Bauraai,

Ramachandra So Bair Badhaai.

Diyo Keet Kari Kanchan Lanka,

Baji Bajarang Bir Ki Danka.

Nrip Vikram Par Tuhi Pagu Dhaara,

Chitra Mayoor Nigali Gai Haara.

Haar Naulakha Laagyo Chori,

Haath Pair Daravaayo Tori.

Bhaari Dasha Nikrasht Dikhaayo,

Telahi Ghar Kolhu Chalvaayo.

Vinay Raag Dipak Mah Kinhayo,

Tab Prasann Prabhu Hvei Sukh Dinhayo.

Harish chandra Nrip Naari Bikaani,

Aapahu Bhare Dom Ghar Paani.

Taise Nal Par Dasha Siraani,

Bhunji-Meen Kud Gai Paani.

Shri Shankarahi Gahyo Jab Jaai,

Paaravati Ko Sati Karaai.

Tanik Vikalokat Hi Kari Reesa,

Nabh Udi Gayo Gaurisut Seesa.

Paandav Par Bhai Dasha Tumhaari,

Bachi Dropadi Hoti Ughaari.

Kaurav Ke Bhi Gati Mati Maarayo,

Yuddh Mahabharat Kari Darayo.

Ravi Kah Mukh Mah Dhari Tatkaala,

Lekar Kudi Parayo Paataala.

Shesh Dev-Lakhi Vinati Laai,

Ravi Ko Mukh Te Diyo Chhudaai.

Vaahan Prabhu Ke Saat Sujaana,

Jag Diggaj Gardabh Mrig Svaana.

Jambuk Sinh Aadi Nakh Dhaari,

So Phal Jyotish Kahat Pukaari.

Gaj Vaahan Lakshmi Grih Aavei,

Hay Te Sukh Sampatti Upajaavei.

Gardabh Haani Karei Bahu Kaaja,

Singh Siddhakar Raaj Samaaja.

Jambuk Buddhi Nasht Kar Daarei,

Mrig De Kasht Praan Sanhaarei.

Jab Aavahi Svaan Savaari,

Chori Aadi Hoy Dar Bhaari.

Taisahi Chaari Charan Yah Naama,

Svarn Lauh Chaandi Aru Taama.

Lauh Charan Par Jab Prabhu Aavei,

Dhan Jan Sampatti Nasht Karaavei.

Samta Taamra Rajat Shubhakaari,

Svarn Sarvasukh Mangal Bhaari.

Jo Yah Shani Charitra Nit Gaavei,

Kabahu Na Dasha Nikrisht Sataavei.

Adbhut Naath Dikhaavei Leela,

Karei Shatru Ke Nashi Bali Dhila.

Jo Pandit Suyogya Bulavaai,

Vidhivat Shani Grah Shaanti Karaai.

Peepal Jal Shani Divas Chadhaavat,

Deep Daan Dei Bahu Sukh Paavat.

Kahat Ram Sundar Prabhu Daasa,

Shani Sumirat Sukh Hot Prakaasha."


Shanidev ki Aarti

"Jay Jay Shri Shanidev Bhaktan Hitakaari,

Sooraj Ke Putra Prabhu Chaaya Mahataari .

Jay Jay Shri Shanidev Bhaktan Hitakaari.

Shyaam Ank Vakra Drasht Chaturbhujaa Dhaari,

Nilaambar Dhaar Naath Gaj Ki Asavaari .

Jay Jay Shri Shanidev Bhaktan Hitakaari.

Kirit Mukut Shish Sahaj Dipat Hai Lilaari,

Muktan Ki Maal Gale Shobhit Balihaari.

Jay Jay Shri Shanidev Bhaktan Hitakaari.

Modak Mishtaan Paan Chadhat Hai Supaari,

Lohaa Til Tel Udad Mahishi Ati Pyaari.

Jay Jay Shri Shanidev Bhaktan Hitakaari.

Dev Danuj Rishi Muni Surat Nar Naari,

Vishvanaath Dharat Dhyaan Sharan Hai Tumhaari.

Jay Jay Shri Shanidev Bhaktan Hitakaari."


Story of Lord Krishna and Shanidev

To story goes to the time when lord Krishna was born in Nandgaon. Hearing the news of the birth many saints and gods visited Nandgaon to see Lord Krishna, one among them being Shanidev. Everyone was allowed to have Krishna's darshan except Shanidev. Yashoda stopped him at the door and saying that her son would be frightened at the sight of Lord Shani. Shanidev was highly disappointed and went to the nearby forest and prayed, "O God! I am your servant. You have appointed me to judge and punish sinners according to their karmas. Then why does everybody think of me as being malignant and cruel; why do they avoid even my shadow? Today, when all gods and demi-gods could enjoy the bliss of your darshan, I am denied that right and benediction." Touched by his prayer lord Krishna manifested Himself to him. He advised him to stay put near Nandanvan and granted him the boon that anyone who came to his temple to pray would immediately be freed from all worries and afflictions. That part of the forest where Krishna appeared before Shanidev, has since been called Kokilavan and one can visit the renowned and ancient temple of Lord Shani (Saturn) today which is just six km from Kosi (UP) on the Nandgaon-Barsana road.


How to pacify Lord Shani..

Serve your Parents and elders, Husband and wife's should be loyal to each other and loyalty towards Nation. Lit a lamp (Deepak) at Pipal tree in the evening and circumambulate around the tree for seven times. After this offer seven ladoos to a black dog. Doing so, Lord Shani grants the positive results. Even Shani is pacified by offering black desi grams to a black buffalo or a horse, on any Saturday. Lord Shani can be pacified through the herbs and the roots too. On any Saturday, when ‘Pushya’ constellation is prevailing, one should put on the root of Bichuva Buti or Shami (Chhokar) over his upper right arm after having tied it in black thread. It turns down the malefic effects of Lord Shani. Go and search the horse’s shoe and get it made into a ring from the blacksmith on any Saturday. Put it in the clean water or dip it into the unboiled milk on Friday night. On Saturday morning put it in the middle finger of your left hand. It gives instant results. A person suffering from the troubles relating to SadheSatti should keep fasting on every Saturday for getting rid of such troubles. After worshipping Lord Shani, he should break his fast in the evening, after sun set. The Pooja Samagri used for worshipping Lord Hanuman are - Vermilion, black sesame oil, deepak and the red flower. On Saturday fill the oil in the iron pot, putting seven pieces of black grams, seven pieces of barley, seven pieces of black urad into it and also putting Dakshina (Cash) over it. Looking your face into it, give the alms to a ‘Dakote’ or go and put it in the Shani Temple. This is applicable and result oriented, if performed before 11:00 AM only. To nullify the adverse effects of ‘Sadhesatti’, one should take a bath putting aniseeds, i.e. the seeds of symploce racemose, poppy seeds, creosode, collyrium, the black sesame, mastic (gum arebic), 'shatkusum'; the parched rice in the water. It nullifies the malefic effects of Shani. On Friday night, dip one and a quarter Kilograms of black grams in three parts, all in equal quantities. Offering them to Lord Shani through mental worship, offer the first part to a horse or a buffalo after been fried and putting chilies and masala over it. Now, second part may be distributed to the persons suffering from leprosy, and the third part be put on the road-crossing (where there four lanes meet). It is the best way to pacify Lord Shani. On Saturday, before sunrise, a Deepak of oil (mustard oil or sesame oil) may be lit under Pipal tree and it should be worshipped by the milk, dhoop, deep etc. It is beneficial to attain good results. Lord Shani is also pleased by worshipping the black cow. Cow may be worshipped putting tilak over her forehead, tying sacred thread over her horns and offering dhoop. Her Aarti must be performed. Finally she may be offered boondi ladoo (four in number), after circumambulating around her. It stops all adverse effects of Sadhesatti of Lord Shani. Even offering Ladoo to crows and the black dogs also pacify Lord Shani. One should enchant the mantra for twenty one days, starting from any Saturday (23,000 times in number). Om Pram Preem Prom Se Shanishcharaya Nameh The substitutes of Neelam (Sapphire) are the stones named ‘Sanglileeya’, ‘Sangjamuniya’ and root of ‘Bichhole’. Putting on these substitute stones or the root also give a benefic effects. On Saturday take a black thread, 19 times as long as your hand and put it around your neck as a garland. It gives good results. Dip black grams in water on Friday night. On Saturday take these black grams, the coke, the turmeric and a piece of iron and tie them all in a black clothe and throw them into the flowing water among the fish. Perform it every Saturday for a one long year; it cools down the obstacles created due to the malefic effects of Shani. Fish and the Flesh-eaters should avoid eating fish during this period. It's called ‘Motidan’. Putting on the ring made of a horse-shoe or with the nail of an old ship, gives good effects to pacify Lord Shani in Sadhesatti period. Malefic effects of Shani are pacified by offering to a black dog a chapatti made of oil and putting a sweet over it. On any Saturday with ‘Sharavan’ Nakshatra, put on the root of ‘Bichuva Buti’ or the seed of ‘Shami’ tied with black thread, over the right upper arm. It rectifies all troubles. On any Saturday, prepare two chapattis with flour (inclusive of bran). Put oil and sweet over one chapatti and the ghee over the other chapatti. Offer the first chapatti (with oil and sweet) to a black cow and the second (with ghee over it) to the same cow. Now pray to Lord Shani for the peace and prosperity. Offer bananas, sweet parched rice, jaggery and black grams to the monkeys on every saturday. This also helps ending up malefic effects of Shani. On any Saturday, wrap sacred thread (kacha soot) around the Pipal tree for seven times and keep on enchanting either of Shani Mantra; it takes away the troubles of Sadhesatti. Poojan and litting of deepak at Pipal tree is compulsory after wrapping the thread. On this day the fasting person should take saltless food that too once in a day. In order to please Lord Shani, at the time of rising sun, enchant below mentioned Shani mantra, seven times or twenty-one times, every day. It takes away all your troubles Suryaputro Deerghadehee, Vishalakshya Shivpriya! Mandchar prasanatama,Peeram haratam may Shani!! In our classical books, calling the names of the wife of Lord Shani has been advised. The native gets its positive results. It may be enchanted over every day. Om Sham Shanishcharaaye Nameh, Dhwajini, Dhamini, Chaiv, Kankali, Kalahpriyeh! Kantaki, Kalahi, Chath, Turangi, Mahishi, Aja,Om Sham Shanishcharaya Nameh!! Enchanting these names pleases the wife of Lord Shani. With a result, Lord Shani is pacified and takes away all the troubles of a native. Your house may be decorated with blue cloths, blue curtains and blue bed sheets and colour the walls in blue colour. On 27 long Saturdays, put seven pieces of the almond and black urad each, at some religious place. Keep away from the liquor and the fish & flesh as well as Tobacco & other intoxicating drinks should not be taken. If someone happens to die on a Saturday, donate the wood for his funeral ceremony. Starting on a Saturday, at the time of rising sun, offer oil at Shani idol, continuously for 43 days, excluding Sundays. In dark cell of your house in the south or west direction, put twelve almonds tied in a black cloth. Water the Pipal tree on Thursday or Saturday. Always keep a square piece of silver with you. Take a bath while sitting on a wooden stool, putting unboiled milk in the water. Incase moon is a malefic planet in your horoscope, put 500 pieces of urad in Mustard Oil and throw them into the flowing water. Incase moon is placed uncomfortably in your horoscope, offer 500 gms milk in the flowing water on Monday and the black urad on Saturday. Give yellow clothes as offering to a Saint or Sage.


Even females can worship lord shani

It’s surprising that a major class of the society considers females unworthy of worshipping Lord Shani. Incase someone asks them the reason thereof they are kept quiet. Some of them consider woman folk to be untouchable, where as some others consider them to be the weaker sex so that they are dread of the awful (horrible) form of Lord Shani. Instead of having faith and fidelity, their heart is shocked to look at Shani and they are badly horrified. It can harm them in many ways i.e. physically as well as mentally. However, such an idea is really fake, baseless and imaginary too. It has no traditional basis. So there exists no such reason; for which Lord Shani can’t be worshipped, adored or offered oil by the females. Please, reflect upon it, our sages have considered them to be goddesses like and said, “Where their ladies are respected, the gods roam about there”. So how can such honoured persons can said to have been called impure. They are said to be the better half of the males. In case they are impure, how can man (male members) remain pure? In our classical books, it is mentioned very clearly that if a man performs any religious ceremony, without been accompanied by his wife, his pooja is not fructified. It can’t be a complete pooja. Even Lord Shiva, not accompanied by his Shakti (Maa Parvati) remains Shava (the dead one) because its the force (Shakti) that makes Lord Shiva to move or only shakti makes him 'Lord Shiva', the 'Eternal'. Our ancient sages have never looked down upon females. They have rather considered them worthy of pooja and called them goddess like. Our classical books like Vedas, Puranas, Ramayana & Geeta etc. have never ever said them unworthy of worshipping. In all times they (females) have been worshipping Lord Shiva, Maa Durga and the saints and the gurus etc, so how can they be deprived of worshipping Lord Shani, who is the devotee of the Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman, who is the devotee of Lord Ram. It is possible that in some specific times, at certain place or owing to the native himself or due to difference of the situations and circumstances we are living in, some female be declared unworthy of worship. However, such exceptions can’t be quoted as examples for the sake of all times and for the common person. Such exceptional rules are applicable to men also. However, for such reasons all humanity can’t be deprived of performing Pooja. During the reign of foreign invaders, all of a sudden, the veil-system was prevailing in our society; it was unavoidable under the then circumstances. However, we are continuing to such exceptional rule of the society, which is no more useful under the present circumstances. It is not a wise step. In olden times, almost all categories of society maintained this veil-system. It may be a reason behind that females were forbidden from worshipping these Lords. However, these days, people are far more educated. These days, women folk are shouldering social and financial liabilities going hand in hand with men. Veil-system is almost over. Under these circumstances, been bounded of certain forced veil-system of the medieval age it is objectionable to deprive them of worshipping any of the gods and goddesses. Lord Shani and Hanuman treat all human beings equally. He may be a man or a woman; he may be an illiterate or a learned one. It makes no difference as to which does worship them and who does not these lords are not affected. Somebody considers women folk unworthy of worshipping the gods, to Lord Shani it hardly matters. He will shower his bliss to whomsoever he wishes to bless. He will also bestow his anguish over those whosoever deserves it. He is the chief justice among the jury of planets. He alone can make a perfect judgment. He never believes in favouritism. He always acts impartially. He makes them to undergo the results of their good deeds and misdeeds irrespective of the fact that one is a man or a woman. Some of them give a plea to it that women folk are impure because of their mensurative cycles but it is not justified. Except for the four-five days of her menstrual cycle, she is but pure enough. For those specific days, she herself completely takes care of. Some rigid people say that Lord Shani, Lord Hanuman, Lord Balaji are such Lords as maintain Celibacy. Therefore, they should not be touched by or worshipped by the women. The celibacy is maintained through controlling over your minds and your sensory organs. Those who have control over their minds and the sensory organs, they can’t be afraid of been worshipped by a women or been served or contemplated over by a woman. It can’t be a hindrance for their Celibacy or Devotion (Tapa) etc. Such an idea is even accepted by a commonly determined man too. On the other hand, Lord Balaji, Lord Shani and Dev poorush Hanuman ji are such Lords as provide their adoration to their devotees, after having all their troubles been done away with. So, their devotee can be a man or a woman, it makes them no difference. They are hardly concerned to it. God does never distinguish between them. He is simply a lover of his devotees and he takes care of them. Since time immortal, the sages, the saints and the gurus have been from among both the categories i.e. the people maintaining celibacy or the people having families. Those who were insane, they also had to live with the people having families. Moreover, both men and women had been their devotees and they all were equally treated by them. God bestowed their grace over them equally in departing self-realization (knowledge of the self) to them. If such Saints, the Sages and Mahatamas (great people of their time) can be abide by the principles of the celibacy, how can Lord Hanuman go so weak that he is moved by the glance of a woman or can become anguish. It can’t weaken him nor can his greatness be questioned this way! Maa Anjani, mother of Lord Hanuman, herself has sung his worthy songs. If she, being a mother, can sing his worthy songs, why other women can’t do the same being his daughters? It is a point to be noted! Obviously such a forbiddance is baseless and useless ones. The principle of depriving them (women) from worshipping Lord Shani is purely imaginative. Its a great injustice, keeping them deprived of the worship of Lord Shani by calling them impure. If they get impure for a certain period of time, even the men do get impure likewise. However, they (men) are not finally deprived of any pooja. Then why such an injustice is done to the women folk. This principle is not at all justified! Worshipping Lord Shani by females is not harmful. Its not an offence. On the other hand besides worshipping Lord Shani wife of Lord Shani is also worshipped. This way he gets easily pleased. He is concurred over easily and happens to be friendly. Thus, he starts giving favourable results of his dasha periods. He deprives the devotees of their most formidable sins, too. Oh, Yes! The principle of embracing the idol of Lord Shani in wet cloths, after having him bathed by oil i.e. ‘Telabhishek’, is quite inconvenient to ladies because doing so they are supposed to wear unstitched clothes and this pooja has to be performed in wet cloths alone. So such performances are supposed to be made by their husbands or the sons. Hence its not that they are kept aside because of impurity but its due to inconvenience to be borne by them to maintain the above principles of ‘Telabhishek’. Till date, we have not been successful in making such arrangements for the women folk at ‘Shani Dham’ so that they themselves can join the performance of ‘Telabhishek’. It is planned to make such arrangements very shortly, in order to enable themselves, to perform ‘Telabhishek’ to Lord Shani.


Lord Shani - An Introduction

Father of Lord Shani : Lord Sun Mother of Lord Shani : Chhaya (Suvarna) Brother of Lord Shani : Yamaraj, Savarni Manu, Ashwani Kumar Sister of Lord Shani : Yamuna, Tapti Guru of Lord Shani : Lord Shiva Gotra of Lord Shani : Kashyap Interest of Lord Shani : Service, Spirituality, Law, Diplomacy and Politics Place of Birth : Saurashtra Colour : Black (Krishna) Nature : Windy

Category and Caste : Shudra (the Servant) Deity : Yama Permanent Home : Tenth House

Element : Air Characteristics : Darkness (gloomy) Direction : West Enemy Planets (naturally) : Sun, Moon and Mars Friendly Planets : Mercury, Venus and Rahu Season of Lord Shani : Autumn (Shishir) Essence : Astringent The Diseases :Abdominal pain, Arthritis, Rheumatism, pain in Arms, pain in the right part of the body, Paralysis, Diabetes and other diseases of the nervous system Nature of Lord Shani : Serious, Renouncing, Ascetic,Obstinate, Indifferent Other names : ‘Konasth’, ‘Pingal’ ,’Babhru’, ‘Sauri’, Shaneshcharya’, ‘Krishna’, ‘Mand’, ‘Roudra’, ‘Antak’, ‘Yam’ Loving Friends : Kal Bhairav, Hanuman ji,Mercury and Rahu Signs of Lord Shani : Capricorn, Aquarius Lordship : Night Area of Work : Justice to all Living Beings Day Dear to Lord Shani : Saturday, Amavasya (Date: falling on Saturday) Constellations of Lord Shani : Pushya, Anuradha, Uttarabhadrapad Stone : Blue Sapphire Objects dear to Lord Shani :Black Cloth, Black Sesame (Til), Urad, Treacle (gud), the Sour and Astringent Objects and Mustard Oil Dear Metal : Iron and Steel Business related to Lord Shani : Iron, Steel, Cement, Coal industry, Factories, Petroleum, Transport, Medicine, Printing Press and hardware Diseases related to Lord Shani : Rheumatic diseases, Cancer, Sugar, Kidney, Leprosy, Incurable Diseases, Blood Cancer, Madness and the Skin Diseases Remedies : On any Saturday evening,give alms to some poor, old man the objects that are dear to Lord Shani Effective Period : The SadheSatti & Dhaiya Period Major Period : 19 years Sites worth visiting : Lord Shani Temple, Gwalior Kokilavan, Vrindavan Shree Shani Temple Beedh Maharastra Shree Shani Kshetra Nastanpur, Maharastra Shree Shani Kshetra Model Tirth Nandur bar Maharastra Shree Shani Kshetra Rameshwar Tirth Shree Shani Tirth Tirunalaru TN Shree Shani Mandir Tirth Ujjain Shree Shingnapur, Maharastra Shree Sidh Shakti Peeth Shani Dham, Shree Shani Tirth Kshetra, Asola, Fatehpur Beri, Mehrauli, Delhi Shree Sidh Shakti Peeth Shani Dham, Gol Nimbada, Sojat-Pali Highway, Pali (Raj.)


Lord shani with ravan & Lord hanuman... & King Dashratha

Lord Shani, Ravana & Hanuman

As per the various ancient stories, Lord Rama, a progeny of the Sun and a gem of the 'Raghukul' was exiled due to the anguish of Lord Shani. The golden city of Ravana was turned into ashes just because he had insulted Lord Shani. According to an ancient story Ravana invaded over Lord Shani’s territory, since he was overambitious for attaining immortality. He had imprisoned Lord Shani. As per the law of Brahma, Lord Shani remained in Ravana’s imprisonment till Lord Hanuman reached Lanka, in search of ‘Maa’ Sita. When fire was set on the tail of Hanuman ji and with the help of his tail, he set Lanka on fire. He found Lord Shani in the basement of Ravana’s palace. At the humble request of Lord Shani, Shree Hanuman ji made him free from confinement. Consequently, Lord Shani starred at Lanka through his slayer aspect and it was ruined away within no time, leaving behind none; from Ravana’s family. Lanka was ruined away to ashes and Shree Hanuman received the help of Lord Shani in his attempt to ruin away Lanka. Since Lord Shani got pleased with Hanuman, he asked him for service. At this, Shree Hanuman got a promise from Lord Shani that he may not trouble those people who are the devotees of Lord Hanuman. A lot many stories from our ancient books justify of keeping up the words given by Lord Shani to Shree Hanuman ji. As few Epics say, Pandavas were made to dwell in the forest due to the fatal effects of Lord Shani. Their troubles could come to an end, only after prospecting Lord Hanuman and the grace bestowed by him. Even King ‘Nal’ happened to undergo lot many troubles. His troubles could finally come to an end with a result of the devotion of Lord Hanuman.

Lord Shani & King Dashrath As per the ancient books, the story of King Dashratha and Lord Shani is very famous. In the Kingdom of King Dashratha, Lord Shani was to transit over the ‘Rohini’ the constellation of the moon. Under such a planetary position, the living beings have to undergo death like pains and troubles due to the fatal effects of Lord Shani, since it leads to no rain for twelve long years and resulting into an acute scarcity of food grains. When he got such an information from the learned astrologers, King Dashratha, (affectionate to his subject) riding over his chariot reached the planetary world. He tried to bring round Lord Shani not to transit over ‘Rohini’, so that his subject may not suffer. When Lord Shani turned a deaf ear to his advice, he invaded over him, like that of a warrior. Lord Shani was much pleased with King Dashratha because of his dutifulness, his warrior like behaviour and the subject-loving nature. He asked him to beg of a boon. King Dashratha requested Lord Shani, not to transit over Rohini constellation. In the presence of his father (Lord Sun), Lord Shani granted him this boon and been choked with emotions king Dashratha started praying to Lord Shani. Lord Shani, once again asked King to beg of a boon. This time he said, “You kindly never trouble the living beings unduly.” Now, Lord Shani promised to King Dashratha, “Oh, Lord! Transiting over the first house (Lagna), fourth or the eight house of a native, I shall make the native to undergo death like troubles and pains. Despite this fact, if a native worships my idol by this prayer submitted to me by you (Dashratha Strotra), he would be spared off from my fatal effects. I shall protect him at all times." Since that day, the prayers made by King Dashratha works like a protective device from the fatal effects of the Lord Shani. It is called 'Dashratha Krit Strotra', which is also given in the book EFFECTUATION OF LORD SHANI.


Lord Shani & his famous stories...

• Lord Shani & King Harish Chandra According to the story of an ancient religious book, Lord Shani did not spare even to King Harish Chandra from his fatal affects. Though Harish Chandra was a king of his own progeny. King Harish Chandra had sold out himself and his wife to Maharishi Vishvamitra in order to pay him off the honorarium. Lord Shani (in the grab of a snake cobra) had bitten his son, Rohit. During the SadheSatti period of the transiting Shani in three signs, i.e. before, over and after the moon sign. When transiting Shani passes over these three signs, it is called the SadheSatti period. In his SadheSatti period King Harish Chandra was surrounded by the troubles from all sides. He had no escape. Lord Shani spares no one. At the last phase of his Sadhesatti, when his wife brought her son’s dead body for cremation and King Harish Chandra forced upon his wife to pay off the tax (death tax) in the form of her sari, the only cloth over her body. At that moment Maharishi Vishvamitra and Lord Shani appeared before him and stopped her from doing so. He was much pleased with him for his dutifulness and he returned him all his kingdom and made his son alive. When King Harish Chandra came to know that Lord Shani was a causing factor behind all his troubles, he cursed Lord Shani by these words, “Those performing good deeds, won’t be affected by his fatal powers.” Lord Shani & Muni Piplad An ancient story says that sage Piplad lost his father in his childhood. When he grew up, he came to know of this fact through her mother, that his father had lived the life of a hermit at the bank of river Yamuna. In spite of this fact, he had to undergo the anguish of Lord Shani and he died due to various diseases caused to him by Lord Shani as a punishment for the misdeeds of his pre-births. Sage Piplad was an ascetic of a high order. When he came to know the fact about his father’s death, he became angry over Lord Shani, the killer of his father. He decided to punish Lord Shani for this act of bringing death to his father. Within no time he searched out ‘Brahmdandh’ and on the basis of his auspicious devotion he collected various effectual powers in it. He aimed ‘Brahmdandh’ at Lord Shani and released it. Lord Shani felt helpless to bear to this attack and ran fast to save his life. He ran towards the three Worlds, this World, the other World and the third World but everywhere this effective Brahmdandh troubled and tortured him. Finally the feet of Lord Shani got broken with the effectual power of Brahmdandh. So, he became handicapped and could not run fast anymore. Lord Shani was quite restless by the torture of Brahmdandh so he called out Lord Shiva in a very humble tone for his help. Now, the innocent ‘Shanker’ appeared before Muni Piplad and made him understand that he need not be angry upon Lord Shani. He has no friend, no foe. He only owes his duties, entrusted to him. Neither he troubles someone nor does he take away the life of anyone. The causing factor of his father’s death is not Lord Shani, but the period of his life was over. Lord Shani shoulders the responsibilities of making living beings to undergo the effects of their misdeeds, during their life time alone. So Lord Shani need not be blamed for ! Hearing to the words of the Lord Shiva, sage Piplad apologised from Lord Shani and had withdrawn his Brahmdandh'. Sage also added that those who listen to this story and sing the glory of Pipleshwar Mahadev, they would get rid of the troubles created to them by Lord Shani. Since Lord Shani got both his feet injured by the ‘Brahmdandh’ of Sage Piplad, since that day he moves slowly and has been called by the famous name:- 'Mandgati’ which means slow speed. Lord Shani cursed by his wife As per an ancient story, since his childhood Lord Shani was a keen devotee of Lord Krishna. When his father Lord Sun married him to Sangya a skillful daughter of Chitrrath, He (Lord Shani) used to remain absorbed in the deep thoughts of Lord Krishna. One day, his wife came to him, after having taken a bath after her mensuration period, At that time Lord Shani was deeply absorbed in the deep thoughts of his deity (Lord Krishna). He didn’t even care to glance at his wife. His wife got much depressed and cursed him, “You may not be able to look at some one in future, and your sight would remain ever downward. Whomsoever you look at, he would be ruined away." When she overcame of her rage, she repented a lot, but the curse could not be get undone, so the sight of Lord Shani remains downward forever. so friendz u see... Lord Shani just perform his duties.. he never hurt someone by his intention... so dunt misinterprete him... if ur facing any probh by Lord shani.. pyar to him.. to solve it..


As per the story in our ancient religious books, Lord Sun entrusted each of his sons the work of one world. However, Lord Shani was not satisfied with it and he started planning to attack the other worlds in order to take them under his territory. Lord Sun couldn't’t bear with such an action of Lord Shani and tried his best to bring him round. However when Lord Shani didn't’t listen to him, he went to Lord Shiva and asked him to forbid Lord Shani doing this mischievous act. Now, Lord Shani did not comply with it and got ready to fight against his deity, Lord Shiva. He scarred Shiva Sena inclusive of Veerbhadra and Nandi etc. At this, Lord Shiva opened his third eye (the eye of destruction) and the slayer aspect of Lord Shani in response. With the intersection of both the sights, a new and a rare auspicious bright light was created, which covered the whole world of Lord Shani. Looking at this, Shiva, the Lord of destruction attacked over Lord Shani by his trident and by this attack Lord Shani became unconscious. Now, Sun got restless because of the love for his son and prayed humbly to Lord Shiva to save his life.Lord Shiva was moved away at the request of Lord Sun and saved the life of Lord Shani. When Lord Shani gained consciousness, he apologised from Lord Shiva and acceded to his all powerfulness and finally submitted himself to Lord Shiva, who accepted him at his service. Lord Shiva, since that day entrusted him with the responsibility of making living beings to undergo the results of their misdeeds. Since that day, Lord Shani started performing his duty. He is never partial in giving them the results of their misdeeds. He is neither a friend nor a foe to anyone. He does his duty to all; the gods or the devil gods; to an ascetic or a chaste; to a sage or a household, he treats them all equally. He (Lord Shani) does not spare anyone in punishing for his misdeeds.


the origin of shanni dev..

Our ancient Epics tell that Lord Shani is the son of Lord Sun and his wife Chhaya. He is from the progeny of Kashyap. He is also called as 'Kashyapey' since he is born of from the ‘Yajna’ named 'Kashyapey', performed under the guardianship of Maharishi Kashyap. However, most of the people called him kashyapey just because he is the successor of Maharishi Kashyap. The origin of Lord Shani has been discussed in many classical books but in Kashi section of the ‘Skand Puran’, the story of the origin of Lord Shani has been discussed in details. It is said to be very authentic one. So before discussing of anything more about Lord Shani, I would like to discuss the story of his origin. This story was spoken to his wife Lopamundra by Maharishi ‘Augusta’. He has very beautifully explained this incident, while conversing with the messengers of Lord Vishnu, narrating them the story of the voyage to the other world of Brahmin ‘Shiv Sharman’. Both messengers of Lord Vishnu said, “Oh Brahmin! Kashyap, the son of Marichi, got Sun as a son from his wife Dakshyani. Sangya, the daughter of King Prajapati, was married to Sun. She has prayed for long-long years and hence she was graceful and loving to her husband, the Sun. She used to adapt the lusture of the zone of Sun but due to the strongness of the lusture, she was fading away day by day and she started losing weight. At this, his father-in-law Maharishi Kashyap got worried for the safety of his grandson; developing in her womb. So he has named his son, Lord Sun, as 'Martand'. The most luminous Sun which makes the Universe radiant through his strong rays, got unbearable to Sangya, his wife. Oh Brahmin! Sangya gave birth to three other children, two sons and a daughter. The elder son was named as Vaivasvart Manu and the younger was called Yamaraj. The daughter was named Yamuna. Later, when Sangya became incapable to bear with the lustre of Sun, she generated Suvarna/Chhaya as her own form of delusion. Chhaya bowed her head before Sangya and asked her of the orders. Sangya said, “Oh mine!, Oh Suvarne! (born of my self-esteem), Oh the Beautiful one! Listen to me! I am leaving here for the house of my father, Vishwakarma. Oh my benevolent!, you stay here in my husbands house, fearlessly and do take care of this twin children (named Yama and Yamuna). Do look after them like your own children. Oh such smite!, you never open this secret to my husband (Lord Sun).” Hearing to this Chhaya said to Sangya, the daughter of Vishwakarma – “Oh goddess!, unless and until I am beaten up to the last extent, or till I am put into trouble of getting cursed, I wouldn't tell of my identity to anyone. So, you may leave the home peacefully.” Thus, binding Chhaya in a promise, she, Sangya left for her father’s house. Reaching there she bowed to her father and said, “Oh dear father! I am unable to bear the lustre of my husband, AryaPutra (Lord Sun).” Hearing to his daughter, Sangya, Vishwakarma scolded her in different ways and repeatedly ordered her to go back to her husband’s house. At that point of time, Sangya was much worried and she thought, “Alas! A woman can never do anything on her own. She has to obey her father in her childhood, her husband in her young age and her son in her old age. She is bound to remain under the guardianship of a male, one or the other way throughout the life. Alas! I have left my husband’s house and have acted foolishly. He, my husband is unaware of my action. I must go back to my husband’s house where my shadow, Suvarna is residing in my disguise. If I remain in my father’s house in spite of my disrespect, my husband the most furious (Sun) would beat his extreme anger upon my parents. Oh! those who tell this, are right. In fact I have now practically experienced this feel. I have invited trouble to myself and have hurt myself. I have left my husband’s house, just because of my own foolishness. Now, I am not safe at my father’s place too. Firstly, I am a woman, secondly I am young enough and thirdly all the people on this earth, as well as on the other world and the third world, do wish to get such a beauty. How can I feel safe anywhere else, except my husband’s place! Fourthly, I belong to such a high family of Sun, who is omniscient, is the eye of this world and the remover of the darkness, witnessing all the three worlds, is all expressible and all accessible, he is my husband. Now how can I get rid of this trouble." Thus, Sangya went away to woodlands and started troubling herself through ‘Tapa’. She disguised herself as a mare and in order to keep herself safe she had loving feels of her husband within herself and kept on grazing over the dry grass. Thus she reached to the Eastern Land of Kurudesh. She kept on thinking that going through ‘Tapa’, she may enable herself to tolerate the lustre of her husband. On the other hand, Lord Sun, started dealing with Suvarna/Chhaya to be her own wife Sangya and got three children from her, the first, Atyauttam Aashtammanu Savarnee, the second one, Lord Shani and the third one, a daughter named Bhadra (Tapati). Chhaya loved her sons and daughter but did not love the children of Sangya in the same manner, just because of being a step mother or just because of the jealous nature of a woman. The younger son of Sangya, named Yama, one day decided to kill his step mother, Chhaya, because of her partial attitude towards those three children of Sangya. He tried to hit her with his feet and made a loud roaring. At this, Chhaya, the step mother of Yama cursed him saying, “The feet you have raised to hit me may be fallen down at once.” Now, Yama was taken aback by her curse and cried “Save me, save me” and ran to his father, ‘Lord Sun’ and narrated to him the whole story. He told his father, “our mother does not treat us equally. So I raised my feet to hit her. It was a blunder on my part because I am just a child or just because I was angry. Please forgive me for the same. Oh, the Lord of the Earth, save me from the curse of my mother and my feet may not be fallen down.” Sun asked Yama, “Mother never curses her child despite thousands of his crimes. There must be some hidden secret behind it; that a mother has cursed a religious and truthful son like you. No body can make the curse of mother to get undone. So, the flesh of your feet would be taken away by the insects and taken to the surface. This way, the curse of your mother would be fructified and your feet would also be saved.” Thus, when Lord Sun went to his bedroom after forgiving and ensuring to his son, Yama. Now, when a bit later her wife reached there in the bed room, he asked her, “Oh dear! All the sons are alike, then why do you have a special love for Suwarni.” Chhaya did not reply to his question; then Lord Sun came to know of this secret through his power of self-realization and got ready to curse her. Now dreaded out of fear, she narrated to him the whole story. Sun felt Chhaya to be an ignorant one, so he didn't curse her and set off for his father-in-law's (Vishwakarma’s) house and got angry upon his father-in-law. Now Vishwakarma consoled Lord Sun who was anguished badly. He welcomed and worshipped him happily and knowing the cause of his arrival, he told him instantly, “Oh Lord Sun! Sangya felt herself helpless to bear severity your lustre, so she has gone to the woodlands and is grazing over dry grass after having disguised herself as a mare. Going there, you would find your loving wife, who is invisible to all beings due to her strong 'Tapa' and the disciplined living.” Vishwakarma erased Lord Sun, as per his instructions. So he became much more smarter and the severity of his brightness was reduced. Thereafter, he left for the northern side, there he found his wife Sangya grazing over dry grass. She looked to be a great mare, since she was leading a disciplined and life of 'Tapa' in that woodland. Sun thought his wife who was disguised as a mare, to be an innocent one. So he himself became a horse and established relations with his wife. Now Sangya, who was grazing in the form of a mare, vomited out the semen of the Sun from her nostrils, considering it to be an illicit relation. Yet, two Ashwani Kumar, the doctors of the gods were created through this relationship. Then Lord Sun showed her, his own original form. Now, Sangya, a perfect devotee of her husband, was pleased at heart. She prospected her husband, Lord Sun with her lovely eyes, he looked to be smart and healthy. She got pleased and satisfied to find him there in such a way. It is true that ‘Tapa’ makes anything possible. Only ‘Tapa’ is the greatest auspicious performance and it grants a high degree wealth too. Only ‘Tapa’ is called the main element of Devas (the gods). Thus, the messenger of Lord Vishnu told Shiv Sharme, “Oh Shiv Sharme! Whatever form of astronomy and the science you happen to look at this Universe, it must be understood as huge aura of the ‘Tapa’. Thus the son of Lord Sun, i.e. Lord Shani who was born of Suvarna (Chhaya) went to Varanasi. There he underwent hard ‘Tapasya’. He installed there ‘Parthiv Shivling’ and by the grace of Lord Shiva, he attained the righteous and most the powerful post in this higher world. The story of the hardest of Tapa made by Lord Shani at Varanasi, has been mentioned at ‘Kashi Khand’ of ‘Skand Puran’, tells about his unlimited tolerance and points out to his strong determination. On the advice of his father, Lord Shani started performing hard ‘Tapa’ and the whole Universe started getting affected by his aura. By and by he left taking the food or fruits and vegetables too and took air as his only food for thousands of years. Finally, he also left breathing air and kept on worshipping Lord Shiva without any food or air. When Lord Shiva got pleased with his endless dedication, he made prospected his real form to Lord Shani. He also blessed him with the boon of becoming the chief justice among the planets. Lord Shiva said, “Oh, my son! Everyone would be afraid of you and you would remain chief justice amongst the planets. You would be ever remembered for your misdeeds and thus purifying them by making them to undergo the results of their misdeeds. You would finally lead them to the path of liberation that is getting freed of the bonds of the life and death.” Availing it to be the best of chances, Lord Shani also got the boon of the devotion of Lord Krishna from his deity (Lord Shiva). Our Epics tell that in lieu of the hard ‘Tapa’ Lord Shani became seven times more powerful than his father, Lord Sun. As also the reign of Lord Shani was extended seven times wider than that of the reign of Lord Sun. All living-beings would remain afraid of him because he mercilessly makes them to undergo the results of their misdeeds, inclusive of the interest accrued there upon. A native who prospects 'Sushobhan Shaneshchreshwar Ling' situated at Kashi and adores it on Saturday; he is not affected by the malefic results of adverse planetary position of Lord Shani, in his horoscope. A person worshipping Vishweshwar Ling in south and the Shankereshwar Ling in the north rests at peace and is blissful in this modern age of Lord Shani. Whosoever does listen to this sacred chapter, while residing in Kashi, he cannot get pains of the adverse planetary position nor would be dreading of his early misdeeds.


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heyo.. all freinds .. well i hv put up this blog to tell u that Lord Shani is not our enemy but he is our friend.. he showz us the way... we all hv some misunderstanding in knowing him... so I hav gathered some information for u to know Lord shani... if u still have douts or Question... fell free to contact meeh I vll try to solve ur each and every query..



  • ▼ 2009 (12)

  • ▼ May (12)

  • the role of Shani dev..

  • Saturn in different signs of the Zodiac

  • Shri Shanidev Chalisa

  • Shanidev ki Aarti

  • Story of Lord Krishna and Shanidev

  • How to pacify Lord Shani..

  • Even females can worship lord shani

  • Lord Shani - An Introduction

  • Lord shani with ravan & Lord hanuman... & King Das...

  • Lord Shani & his famous stories...

  • As per the story in our ancient religious boo...

  • the origin of shanni dev..



meeh a simple... frank.. some times mean guy... loves making frndz... a disciple of lord shani... wot else should i say.. contact meeh n ull come to knw..


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▶ 3:07

Mar 2, 2009 - Uploaded by maagstudio

  1. SHIV-SHANI SANGRAM. maagstudio ... Mahabali Hanuman Scene 12/18 - Hanuman meets Shanidev ...

SHANIDEV & RAWAN - Jyotin Dave as Shanidev - YouTube

▶ 2:36

Sep 29, 2010 - Uploaded by Jyotin Dave

I played this role of SHANIDEV in " BRAHMA VISHNU MAHESH ".a TV serial. ... Nice Work Ur Work as Lord ...

Shri Shanidev Ki Katha Vol-1 - YouTube

▶ 1:00:20

Oct 14, 2011 - Uploaded by Spice Digital

Shani is embodied in the planet Saturn and is the Lord of Saturday. ... is creator of the world, Vishnu is ...

Lord Shiva gave sudarshan chakra to Lord Vishnu. shiv ...

▶ 10:01

Sep 5, 2011 - Uploaded by Nitin Kumar

Vishnu performs puja in order to obtain such a powerful weapon in the battle ... Lord Shiva gave sudarshan ...

Hanuman frees the grahas - YouTube

▶ 6:28

Feb 4, 2009 - Uploaded by Vrishasena

In the chamber, he frees all the grahas, and Shani (Saturn) ... Mahabali Hanuman Scene 12/18 - Hanuman ...

Ravan speaks Lord Shiva before final war - YouTube

▶ 2:22

May 10, 2011 - Uploaded by raghumsp

Ravan speaks Lord Shiva before final war ... Shiva Tandava Stotram by Ravana (Writing is Error Free) [Shiv ...

Brhama, Vishnu Ki Utpati Avam Sati Janam Katha - YouTube

▶ 54:46

Mar 24, 2012 - Uploaded by T-Series Bhakti Sagar

Devon k dev mahadev ek hi hai bholenath shiv Shankar ...SHREE BHAGWAT GEETA KO NAKARNA MURAKHTA ...

Sanidev Ji Ki Katha (Part-2) [Rajasthani Shanidev Bhajan ...

▶ 1:02:26

Oct 14, 2011 - Uploaded by Spice Digital

Sanidev Ji Ki Katha (Part-2) [Rajasthani Shanidev Bhajan] by Jagdish ... Some well known Male Diety are Lord ...

Bhrigu's curse on Vishnu - YouTube

▶ 6:59

Apr 1, 2009 - Uploaded by Vrishasena

The devas then go to Vishnu and appeal to him to come to their aid. ... Avatars of Lord Sri Krishna-Full Series ...

Lord Vishnu - Shri Hari Bhajan : Hari Sharnam Hari ...

▶ 5:50

Apr 11, 2013 - Uploaded by Guru Rajneesh Rishi Ji

Lord Vishnu - Shri Hari Bhajan : Hari Sharnam Hari Sharnam by Pujya ... of World Famous Guru Rajneesh ...

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Shani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  1. This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. ... Shani dev is embodied in the planet Saturn and is the Lord of Saturday. ... "Sri Mandeswara Swamy Temple in mandapalli in kothapet mandal of East ... to Lord Darbaranyesvara, a form ofLord Shiva, in which Lord Shani is located in a niche in a wall.

Lord Shani.. All the inforamtion u need..

May 17, 2009 - Buddists believe that Lord Shani rides on a tortoise. ... Shanidev is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who is designated the task of .... and the third part be put on the road-crossing (where there four lanes meet). .... In all times they (females) have been worshipping Lord Shiva, Maa Durga and the ...

Lord Shani.. All the inforamtion u need..: May 2009

May 17, 2009 - Shanidev is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who is designated the task of .... "Jay Jay Shri Shanidev Bhaktan Hitakaari, ... leprosy, and the third part be put on the road-crossing (where there four lanes meet). .... In all times they (females) have been worshipping Lord Shiva, Maa Durga and the ...


▶ 3:07

Mar 2, 2009 - Uploaded by maagstudio

SHIV-SHANI SANGRAM. maagstudio ... Mahabali Hanuman Scene 12/18 - Hanuman meets Shanidev ...


May 2, 2008 - LORD SHANI FOR EVER BODY ON THE GLOBE - NARESH KADYAN ... This may be the reason why Shri Shani-Maharaj is feared by most. ... Shani-devheard the remarks of Vikramaditya and cursed him. ... Except for prayers to Lord Hanuman, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu you can also chant mantras for ...

HINDU RITUALS AND ROUTINES...: !! Shri Shani Katha !!

There are many gods in our Hindu religion but lord Shani dev is different from them. ...Shani Dev is a great devotee of Lord Shiva because Lord Shiva is Guru of Shani Dev.... Once upon a time, the seven god of the week, were in meeting. .... Stephen Knapp,Vishnu Purana, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Shiva purana, SRI SWAMI ...

Story of God Shani Dev and Hanumanji | AUM

Feb 14, 2013 - God Hanuman is the incarnation of Lord Shiva. He is a great ... of Lord Rama). After meeting with Sita mata, when ... Other story of Shanidev and Hanumanji : God Surya Dev ... He was the... Temples and Places Associated with Sri Hanuman ... By the boon of Lord Vishnu he became the pole star. In ancient ...

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Lord Ganesha, Vishnu, Shiva, Hanuman & Shani Mantras

Jun 20, 2014 - Lord Ganesha , son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, ... desires. ... pl also see- ...


Lord Shanidev is a perfect teacher, if someone is under affliction; then think that saturn is ... Dham is the place where Lord Shri Krishna gave Darshan to Shani Dev. ...Lord Shiva asked to Shanidev, “What's a problem and what can I do for you. .... Aftermeeting with Sita mata, when Hanumanji was coming back, he met with ...

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