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Shattila Ekadashi 2016: Donate Grains Of Sustenance To The Needy!

The date for Shattila Ekadashi in 2016 is February 04. This Shattila Ekadashi in 2016, donate some grains of sustenance to the poor. Your generosity is enough to receive the divine blessings of god. Want to know more about Shattila Ekadashi in 2016? If yes, then read this article.

ShatTila Ekadashi – Also Known As Tilda Ekadashi (Til Means Sesame And Da Means Donation)

By Filed Under Spirituality - Science Behind Rituals | Tagged With: (Til Means Sesame And Da Means Donation), Also Known As Tilda Ekadashi, ShatTila Ekadashi | | Comments Off

All the festivals in the month of Magh are linked directly or indirectly to the use of sesame seeds in some form or the other. Medically sesame is rich in calcium. It has three times the calcium compared to the milk. For its proper absorption, one needs ultraviolet B waves from the sun. The month of Magh is worshiped as a month for consuming sesame along with sunbath. This practically cover the year long requirement of vitamin D and Calcium in the body. All the “shahi snana or spiritual baths” during Magh month starting from Makar Sankranti, Posh Poornima, Tilkut Chaturthi, Shattila Ekadashi, Moni Amavasya, Magh Poornima and Vasant Panchami, are festivals involving bath in the river along with pooja of the sun and worshiping sesame in some form or the other.

In tilkut, sesame is prepared with Gur and used in tilkut ‘chaturthi ’ and in “shattila ekadeshi” sesame is used in six different ways like sesame water for bath; sesame ubtan with besan; sesame oil for message; sesame eatables like ladoo for bhog; sesame for charity and sesame for fire and havans.

Sesame is normally considered a heavy food and except for “Shattila ekadishi” it is not eaten on any other ekadashi.

One is not supposed to take cereals on ekadishi fast day. Eating rice and other refined carbohydrates is specifically prohibited on all ekadishis.

Why we do not eat rice on ekadishi day: “No rice should be taken on Ekadashi days and this is very important. It is said that the sweat that fell down from the head of Brahma assumed the form of a demon and he asked the Lord to provide him an abode to dwell. Brahma said to the demon to go and dwell in the rice particles eaten by men on Ekadashi day and become worms in their stomach. For this reason rice is prohibited on Ekadashi.”

The only scientific answer I can give about the above mythological statement is that worms in the body relish on refined carbohydrates like white rice and sugar. On the day of ekadishi fast as most, as a ritual, drink less water and also on ekadishi body’s natural water movements are also at its minimum ( because of the moon cycle) any intake of refined cardbs, rice or sugar will make the already infested worms in the intestines to jump towards these foods and make them multiply. Also rice crop can easily b contaminated with whip worms fortunately which have been eradicated for the country.

Shattila Ekadashi 2016: What Is Shattila Ekadashi?

Shattila Ekadashi or Shat-Tila Ekadashi takes place during Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) of the Hindu month of Magh. The name Shattila or Shat-Tila has been derived from Til or sesame seeds, which are donated to the needy persons on this day. It is also considered auspicious to bathe with sesame seeds on the day of Shattila Ekadashi.

There’s a lot more to know about Shattila Ekadashi in 2016, but before proceeding forward, let’s know the date and timing of Shattila Ekadashi in 2016 according to the Hindu calendar.

Shattila Ekadashi 2016 Date & Timing


Shattila Ekadashi 2016ThursdayFebruary 04Ekadashi

We hope that the date and timing of Shattila Ekadashi in 2016 will help you to observe the day of Shattila Ekadashi with a more meticulous approach. Now, let’s proceed by knowing more about the day of Shat-Tila Ekadashi in 2016.

You must be interested to know the reasons behind the observance of Shattila Ekadashi. Then, no need to wait, as we have brought you the legends associated with Shattila Ekadashi in this article.

Shattila Ekadashi 2016: Why To Observe Shattila Ekadashi In 2016?

Once there was a rich woman who was an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna and performed the Ekadashi Vrats with great devotion. On the day of the Vrat, she used to donate a bulk of clothes and jewelry to the poor Brahmins. One day, Lord Krishna arrived at her doorstep to teach her a lesson.

Although she was generous in giving away precious things, she never donated a grain of food to the needy persons. In the guise of a beggar, Krishna approached her for some food. He was rudely discarded and a ball of clay was placed in response to his begging. Lord Krishna accepted her behavior and left away.

As she entered indoors, she found that everything had turned into clay, including the food she takes and raw vegetables. This made her starve for days and she gradually fell ill. When Lord Krishna witnessed her suffering, he arrived in front of her eyes and made her realize of the mistake she had done in the past years. It was brought to her knowledge that the biggest charity should be in the form of Anna Danam (donation of food), which she had been ignoring in the past years.

Following Lord Krishna’s advice, she followed severe austerities on the day of Magh Ekadashi. After performing this ritual, she also donated sesame seeds (Til) to the poor. Eventually, the clay items reformed into original form. Since then, the Tithi of Ekadashi in the dark fortnight of the month of Magh, came to be followed as Shattila Ekadashi or Shat-Tila Ekadashi.

Now, as you know the reasons for observing the day of Shattila Ekadashi in 2016, let’s know how to observe this auspicious day on Ekadashi Tithi in 2016.

Shattila Ekadashi 2016: How To Observe Shattila Ekadashi In 2016?

Following are the rituals that are to be carried out on the day of Shattila Ekadashi in 2016:

  1. On the day of Shattila Ekadashi, a fast is carried out by the devotees.

  2. The day of Shattila Ekadashi is dedicated to Lord Krishna. Hence, images and idols of Lord Krishna are cleansed early morning before the proceedings commence.

  3. Devotees observing the day of Shattila Ekadashi, take a bath by mixing sesame seeds in water. This is considered to be holy on the day.

  4. Shattila Ekadashi Vrat commences on the day of Dashami (preceding day).

  5. The fast gets terminated within the Dwadashi Tithi (succeeding day).

  6. After the fast gets terminated, sesame seeds and other food items are given for charity to the persons in need.

Observe the day of Shattila Ekadashi with a generous heart and Almighty will definitely display generosity to you. Don’t forget to devote yourselves at the holy feet of Lord Krishna and get blessed with divinity this Shattila Ekadashi in 2016.

MyKundali wishes you all a divine generosity on Shattila Ekadashi in 2016!

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Shattila Ekadashi vrat is observed to worship Lord Krishna. Know the story of Sattila Ekadashi fasting and how to observe the same.

Festivals : Hindu Fasts : Shattila Ekadashi Vrat


Shattila Ekadashi Vrat

Shattila Ekadashi, also known as Sattila Ekadashi or Tilda Ekadashi, is observed usually in the month of January during the waning phase of the moon. Dedicated to Lord Vishnu, Shattila Ekadashi is performed on the 11th day in the month of Magh, in North India and Paush, in other regions, as per the traditional Hindu calendar. The name Sat-Tila has been derived from �til� which means sesame seeds which are donated to the poor and hungry. The devotees also consider it highly auspicious to bath in water mixed with sesame seeds. They also offer oblations by mixing water with sesame seeds to their dad ancestors. An interesting story lies behind the observance of the Shattila Ekadashi fasting. Read on further to know the same and also find how to observe the fast. How To Observe Shattila Ekadashi Vrat A religious and devoted rich woman performed all the Ekadashi vrats unfailingly. She fed the poor and Brahmins heavily with clothes, jewelry and various other items, the exception being food and grains. Once, Lord Krishna appeared disguised as a poor mendicant wearing torn clothes begging for food on Shattila Ekadashi day. The rich woman agreed to give food but only after the mendicant mentioned his gothra. Nonetheless, the mendicant continued to beg for food. Angrily, the rich woman placed a rolled ball of clay in the begging pot of the mendicant. He blessed her and left. To the woman�s surprise when she went indoors to have her food, all the food items that she had cooked turned into clay. Even the fruits, rice and vegetables had become clay. Hence, the woman became hungry and started turning pale over the days and years. She grew weaker and weaker. With all the wealth in her hand, she could not get food for herself. She began praying to Lord Krishna for repentance and soon, the Lord appeared in her dreams. He then brought to the knowledge of the woman that the biggest dhanam is Anna Danam, or feeding the hungry, which she had been ignoring. He further informed that by performing Sattila Ekadashi, she would be relieved of her all miseries. While performing this ritual, she donated til (sesame) seeds to all the poor and hungry that arrived at her door. Eventually, all the food items turned back to their original forms. Thereafter, the woman kept her doorways open for any hungry passing by her way. Thus, since then, Sattila Ekadashi is practiced continuously on the pretext of redeeming one�s sins. While observing the Shattila Ekadashi vrat, foods made from rice and grains are avoided while the other Ekadashi fasting rules apply to this day as well. Some devotees even eat sesame seeds as part of the vrat.


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Shattila Ekadashi - YouTube

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Jan 7, 2010 - Uploaded by Njashram108

  1. Shattila Ekadashi ... Swaminarayan: Ekadashi Mahima Katha. ... Ashadi Ekadashi Morning Programme ...

Shattila Ekadashi Vrat Katha 4th February 2016 Thursday in ...

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Shattila Ekadashi Vrat Katha 4th February 2016 Thursday in Hindi - षटतिला एकादशी व्रत कथा Shattila Ekadashi is also known ...

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Jan 16, 2015 - Uploaded by Meenu Arora

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Jan 16, 2015 - Uploaded by Sant Amritvani

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2016 Shattila Ekadashi Vrat, fasting date and Parana time ... › Vrat & Upavas › Ekadashi List

This page provides you the most shubh, auspicious time for Shattila Ekadashi Vrat, fasting date and Parana time in year 2016 for Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Shattila Ekadashi Vrat - Festivals - › Hindu Fasts

Shattila Ekadashi vrat is observed to worship Lord Krishna. ... The name Sat-Tila has been derived from til which means sesame seeds which are donated to the poor and hungry. ... An interesting story lies behind the observance of the Shattila Ekadashifasting.

Shattila Ekadashi – Sat-tila Ekadasi ~ Hindu Blog

Jan 15, 2015 - Shattila Ekadasi, or Shatthila Ekadashi, is observed during the waning phase of moon in the month of January/February. The importance of ...

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Jan 23, 2014 - Tilda or Shattila Ekadashi 2014 will be celebrated on 27th January. Know the significance and six different uses of Sesame seed on this Magh ...

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This is a special ekadashi with Tilla(Ellu) or Sesame seed playing an important role. Hence this Ekadashi is called the Sat-TilA ekadashi. "On this Ekaadasii a ...

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SHATTILA EKADASHI 2016 DATE is February 04. Lord Krishna will be worshiped onSHATTILA EKADASHI in 2016. Read on to know more about SHATTILA ...

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Jun 7, 2014 - SHATTILA EKADASHI 2016 DATE is February 04 Observe fast & follow rituals of SHATTILA EKADASHI in 2016 & get immense favor on ...

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Jan 12, 2012 - ShatTila Ekadashi - Also Known As Tilda Ekadashi (Til Means Sesame And Da Means Donation) by Dr KK Aggarwal in health & medicine blog.

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