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Savitribai Phule

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Savitribai Phule

Born3 January 1831 , naigaon , maharashtra.

Died10 March 1897


Spouse(s)Jyotirao Phule

Savitribai Jyotirao Phule (3 January 1831 – 10 March 1897) was an Indian social reformer and poet. Along with her husband, Jyotirao Phule, she played an important role in improving women's rights in India duringBritish rule. The couple founded the first women's school at Bhide Wada in Pune in 1848.[1] She also worked to abolish discrimination and unfair treatment of people based on caste and gender.



  • 1Early life

  • 2Career as a social reformer

  • 3Death

  • 4Legacy

  • 5References

  • 6Further reading

  • 7External links

Early life[edit]

Savitribai Phule was born in 1831 in Naigaon, Maharashtra. Her family were farmers.[2] At the age of nine, she was married to twelve-year-old Jyotirao Phule in 1840.[citation needed] Savitribai and Jyotirao had no children of their own. However, the couple adopted Yashavantrao, who was the son of a widowed Brahmin.[3]

Career as a social reformer[edit]

Statue of Savitribai Phule and her husband, Jyotirao Phule

Savitribai worked as both an educational reformer and social reformer, especially for women. During the 19th century, arranged marriages before the age of maturity was the norm in the Hindu society of Maharashtra. Since mortality rates were high, many young girls often became widows even before attaining maturity. Due to social and cultural practices of the times, widow remarriage was out of question and therefore prospects for the young widows were poor. The 1881 Kolhapur gazetteer records that widows at that time used to shave their heads, and wear simple red saris and had to lead a very austere life with little joy.[4] Savitribai and Jyotirao were moved by the plight of these girls. They organized a strike against the barbers to persuade them to stop shaving the heads of widows.[citation needed]

Also, these helpless women, with no way to refuse this treatment, were easy prey for sexual exploitation, including rape, often by male members of the extended family. Widows who became pregnant would resort to suicide or killing the newborn for fear of being ostracized by the society.[citation needed] Once, Jyotirao stopped a pregnant lady from committing suicide, promising her to give her child his name after it was born. Savitribai accepted the lady in her house and helped her deliver the child. Savitribai and Jyotirao later adopted this child and named him Yashavantrao. He grew up to become a doctor. Savitribai and her husband established a center for caring for pregnant rape victims and delivering their children. The care center was called "Balhatya Pratibandhak Griha " ( Infanticide prohibition house). Savitri ran the home and considered all the children born in the home her own.[citation needed]

Moved by the treatment of the untouchables, who were refused drinking water meant for the upper caste, the Phule couple opened the well in their own house in 1868 for these communities .[citation needed]

Tiffany Wayne has described Phule as "one of the first-generation modern Indian feminists, and an important contributor to world feminism in general, as she was both addressing and challenging not simply the question of gender in isolation but also issues related to caste and casteist patriarchy."[2]


Bust of Savitri Phule in the grounds of Pune Municipal Corporation

Savitribai Phule and her adopted son, Yashwant, opened a clinic to treat those affected by the worldwide Third Pandemic of the bubonic plague when it appeared in the area around Pune in 1897. The clinic was established at Sasane Mala, Hadapsar, near Pune, but out of the city in an area free of infection. Savitribai personally took patients to the clinic where her son treated them. While caring for the patients, she contracted the disease herself. She died from it on 10 March 1897 while serving a plague patient.[citation needed]


  • Two books of her poems were published posthumously, Kavya Phule (1934) and Bavan Kashi Subodh Ratnakar (1982).

  • The Government of Maharashtra has instituted an award in her name to recognize women social reformers.[citation needed]

  • In 2015, the University of Pune was renamed as Savitribai Phule Pune University in her honour.[5]

  • On 10 March 1998 a stamp was released by India Post in honour of Phule.

  • On 20 March 2015, Congress party MP from Hingoli, Maharashtra Rajeev Satav demanded Bharat Ratna award for Savitribai and her husband Jyotirao Phule in the Indian Parliament.[6]

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Savitribai Phule - YouTube

▶ 7:01

Mar 15, 2013 - Uploaded by Pradeep Wankhade

  1. Savitribai Phule. Pradeep Wankhade .... Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule's Full Life History - ...

Savitribai Phule - YouTube

▶ 20:22

Feb 6, 2013 - Uploaded by Sanjaykumar Pandagale

Skit by students of Regional Institute of Education, Bhopal.


▶ 8:30

Oct 19, 2013 - Uploaded by kavita mhetre

Mi Savitribai phule Tumchyashi Bolayla Aley by kavita mhetre Ph.No.9423974244.

Savitribai Phule - YouTube

▶ 6:38

Jan 12, 2009 - Uploaded by savitribaiphule

A speech on Savitribai Phule by a school a girl. ... Savitribai Phule. savitribaiphule ...

savitri bai phule - YouTube

▶ 9:41

Jun 14, 2014 - Uploaded by Raj Kumar

savitri bai phule. Raj Kumar. SubscribeSubscribed ... MAHATMA JYOTHI RAO PHOOLE DOCUMETARY FILM ...

Asmi Savitribai Phule. - YouTube

▶ 0:31

Feb 9, 2012 - Uploaded by Bharat Manjule

Asmi Savitribai Phule. ... Savitribai Phule Birth Aniversary special show On IBN Lokmat - Duration: 19 ...

Anushka's Speech on SAVITRIBAI PHULE - YouTube

▶ 4:34

Jan 11, 2014 - Uploaded by Avinash Londhe

My daughter Anushka did speech on Savitribai Phule, and She got 2nd no. reward by Marathi actress Mrs.Asha ...

Savitribai Phule (सावित्रिबाई फुले) - YouTube

▶ 7:48

Nov 20, 2013 - Uploaded by Sumeet Music

सावित्रीबाई फुले (जानेवारी ३, इ.स. १८३१ - मार्च १०, इ.स. १८९७) या मराठी शिक्षणप्रसारक, समाजसुधारक महिला ...

hoy mi savitri jyotiba phule bolatey - YouTube

▶ 9:18

Jul 31, 2010 - Uploaded by suryakantdolase

hoy mi savitri jyotiba phule bolatey .... 'Haan Main Savitribai Phule'- a play by Sushma Deshpande ...

Dr Sagar JNU Savitribai Phule - YouTube

▶ 5:09

Jan 18, 2010 - Uploaded by ataullah78

Dr Sagar JNU Savitribai Phule ataullah78 ... KrantijotSavitribai Phule AIM OMAN GCC ...

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Savitribai Phule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  1. Savitribai Jyotirao Phule (3 January 1831 – 10 March 1897) was an Indian social reformer and poet. Along with her husband, Jyotirao Phule, she played an ...

‎Early life - ‎Career - ‎Death - ‎Legacy

Savitribai Phule............सावित्रीबाई फुले - भारत की ...

Aug 6, 2011 - Savitribai Phule (January 3, 1831- March 10, 1897) was the first female teacher of the first women's school in India and also considered as the ...

Biography of Savitribai Phule | Savitribai Phule Life History

Savitribai Phule Biography, Savitribai Phule Social Reformer, Savitribai Phule Life History, Savitribai Phule Early Life, Savitribai Phule Birthday,

Savitribai Phule Pune University, One of the Premier ...

University of Pune, one of the premier universities in India, is positioned in the North-western part of Pune city. It occupies an area of about 411 acres.

'First Lady' Teacher of India: Savitribai Phule | Dr. B. R. ...

Sep 3, 2011 - Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. -- Buddha Savitribai Phule (3rd ...

Savitribai Phule - YouTube

▶ 7:01

Mar 15, 2013 - Uploaded by Pradeep Wankhade

Savitribai Phule. Pradeep Wankhade .... Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule's Full Life History - ...

Savitribai Phule: Forgotten liberator - Infochange - India

Savitribai Phule's name is not in the history books alongside the Rani of Jhansi and others. But it deserves to be. She, along with her husband Jotiba Phule, was ...

TBI Heroes: Savitribai, The Mother Of Modern Girls ...

Oct 15, 2013 - Savitribai Phule may not be as famous as Mahatma Gandhi or Swami Vivekananda. But her impact on the liberation of the Indian woman has ...

Salute To Women Liberator – Savitribai Phule | MULNIVASI ...

In 1852 she opened a school for Untouchable girls. Savitribai Phule (1831-1897), is one of the supreme name who fought against the totalitarianism of caste and ...

Savitribai Phule Jayanti | Bhavan's College

“Savitribai Phule Day” is celebrated every year to commemorate the women who pioneered women education in India. College celebrates “Savitribai Phule's ...

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  1. Savitribai Phule


Savitribai Jyotirao Phule was an Indian social reformer and poet. Along with her husband, Jyotirao Phule, she played an important role in improving women's rights in India during British rule. Wikipedia

Born: January 3, 1831, Satara district

Died: March 10, 1897

Spouse: Jyotirao Phule (m. 1840–1890)

Parents: Khandoji Navse Patil, LaxmiBai

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Savitribai Phule Pune University (University in Pune, India)

Vice-chancellor: Wasudeo Gade

Founded: February 10, 1948

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