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Sakat Chauth in 2016

Last Updated: 1/30/2013 3:24:52 PM

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Sakat Chauth is a festival that is mainly celebrated by the north Indian states. The date for Sakat Chauth in 2016 is 27th January, Wednesday. The simple purpose behind the celebration of the Sakat Chauth is worshipping Maa Sakat and Lord Ganesha for the well being of children. Goddess Sakat is so kind that she can’t see her devotees in pain for long. It is believed that Goddess Sakat once saved the life of many children to relieve her devotees from the suffering of losing their child. Great power, strong will and also a kind heart are the attributes of Goddess Sakat. Goddess Sakat is worshipped as well as honored on the day of Sakat Chaturthi.

The day of Sakat Chauth is always the fourth day of the Krishna Paksha in the month ‘Magh’. In the reference to the Gregorian calendar the day usually comes in January. Sakat Chauth makes a person away from all his troubles and also increases the level of happiness in his life. The special importance of the festival Sakat Chauth lies in the story or katha of Sakat Chauth. The katha of Sakat Chauth expresses the power that a Goddess possesses and how the Almighty is always willing to help his or her devotees. Along with Sakat mata, Lord Ganesha is also worshipped on Sakat Chauth as he is believed to be the Sankat mochak (he removes all the obstacles and troubles).

Sakat Chauth Katha

Sakat Chauth is celebrated for the well being of the children. The katha of Sakat Chauth goes like this – “Once there was a potter in a village who used to make pots. He used to do his work successfully but then one day he was not able to harden his pots. This became a major issue of concern for him. He took his problem to the king and the king after consulting a pandit gave a shocking order. The pandit suggested that the bali of a child each day the pots are hardened can solve this issue. The king ordered to all the families that they will send one of their sons whenever they are asked to do so.

The order of king can’t be disobeyed by the people of the kingdom. There was a woman, an ardent follower of Goddess Sakat. She was very upset as she had only one son. Then came a day when she had to give her child for the bali. In order to protect her child she kept on worshipping Goddess Sakat and also gave certain things for protection to her son. Goddess Sakat was so touched by the efforts of that woman that she saved the life of her child. The kindness of Mata Sakat wasn’t confined and she blessed all the kids who were killed with their life. This incident made all the people believe in the enormous power and pure heart of the Goddess Sakat. All the people then started worshipping Sakat mata with ultimate devotion in their heart for her.

Rituals performed on the Day of Sakat Chauth

Sakat Chauth is sincerely dedicated to the Goddess Sakat and Lord Ganesha. They are worshipped and are offered different delicacies. Women in large number observe fast on this day and some don’t even drink water during the fast of Sakat Chauth. The fast is complete with eating fruits in evening or at night. Many things are prepared by women to offer to the Almighty and those things are eaten next day as prasad by them. The most important ritual consists of roasting til and then it is mixed with Jaggery. In most of the places, a dummy of goat is prepared with this mixture and then the neck of the goat is cut by the son. This indicates that the bali of goat has been given in the honor and the life of children will remain protected.

The north Indian states celebrate Sakat Chauth enthusiastically and show their dedication to a great extent. Nothing in a person’s life is more important than his children and they perform all the rituals flawlessly to safeguard the life of their children.

Goddess Sakat and Lord Ganesha both are very well known for their kindness and easy to melt hearts. The fast of Sakat Chauth blesses people with long life of their children and also removes the hurdles of their life. The faith of people in Sakat Chauth is what that makes this festival more fascinating and significant.

Sakat Chauth Vrat Katha

Long ago there was a potter in a village. He used to make nice clay pots and used to harden them in the kiln. One year when the potter kept utensils in the kiln, the fire was not able to ripen the pots. Clay pots were not ripened even after repeated attempts. At last the potter approached the king for the help. After hearing the plight of the potter the king consulted royal Pandit (also known as Rajpurohit) and asked for some solution of this strange phenomenon. Rajpurohit suggested offeringBali of a child each time kiln is prepared for utensils. After listening to Rajpurohit, King decreed that each family should offer one child whenever kiln is prepared. All families, one by one, started giving one of the children to obey decree of the king. After some days it was turn of an old woman who had only one son. It was day of Sakat Chauth. The old woman had only one son in the family to support her in old days. The order of the king could not be disobeyed. The old woman feared that on auspicious day of Sakat her only child would be killed. The old woman, an ardent devotee of Goddess Sakat, gave her only son Betal nut of Sakat and"Dub Ka Beeda" (दूब का बीड़ा) as symbolic cover of protection. The old lady suggested her son to pray Goddess Sakat while in kiln and assured him that these items with the grace of Goddess Sakat would protect him from the fire of kiln. The child was made to sit in kiln. At the same time old woman started worshipping Goddess Sakat to protect the life of her only son. The kiln was lit and left to get prepared for coming days. Due to grace of Goddess Sakat, the kiln which used to take many days to ripen was prepared within one night. Next day in the morning when potter came to inspect the kiln, he was astonished to see it. He found not only the son of old woman safe and alive but also other children who were offered before to prepare kiln were also alive. After this incident all city folks accepted power and compassionate nature of Goddess Sakat. City folks also praised the boy and his mother for their devotion and trust to Goddess Sakat. The day ofSakat Chauth is to commemorate the gratitude of Goddess Sakat. Mothers worship Goddess Sakat and pray to save their children from any untoward incidents.

Check Alternate Legend of Sakat Chauth

श्री गणेश संकट चौथ व्रत | Ganesh Sankat Chauth Vrat 2016 | Ganesh Sankat Chauth Festival 2016

Astrobix | 19 Comment(s) | 84704 times read

श्री गणेश चतुर्थी के दिन श्री विध्नहर्ता की पूजा- अर्चना और व्रत करने से व्यक्ति के समस्त संकट दूर होते है. यह व्रत इस वर्ष 27 जनवरी, 2016 को रखा जाना है. माघ माह के कृष्ण पक्ष चतुर्थी के दिन को संकट चौथ के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. इस तिथि समय रात्री को चंद्र उदय होने के पश्च्यात चंद्र उदित होने के बाद भोजन करे तो अति उत्तम रहता है. तथा रात में चन्द्र को अर्ध्य देते हैं.

हिन्दू धर्म शास्त्रों में के अनुसार भगवान श्री गणेश कई रुपों में अवतार लेकर प्राणीजनों के दुखों को दूर करते हैं. श्री गणेश मंगलमूर्ति है, सभी देवों में सबसे पहले श्री गणेश का पूजन किया जाता है. श्री गणेश क्योकि शुभता के प्रतीक है. पंचतत्वों में श्री गणेश को जल का स्थान दिया गया है. बिना गणेश का पूजन किए बिना कोई भी इच्छा पूरी नहीं होती है. विनायक भगवान का ही एक नाम अष्टविनायक भी है.

इनका पूजन व दर्शन का विशेष महत्व है. इनके अस्त्रों में अंकुश एवं पाश है, चारों दिशाओं में सर्वव्यापकता की प्रतीक उनकी चार भुजाएँ हैं, उनका लंबोदर रूप "समस्त सृष्टि उनके उदर में विचरती है" का भाव है बड़े-बडे़ कान अधिक ग्राह्यशक्ति का तथा आँखें सूक्ष्म तीक्ष्ण दृष्टि की सूचक हैं, उनकी लंबी सूंड महाबुद्धित्व का प्रतीक है.

गणेश संकट चौथ व्रत का महत्व | Importance of Ganesha Sankat Chauth Fast

श्री गणेश चतुर्थी का उपवास जो भी भक्त संपूर्ण श्रद्धा व विश्वास के साथ करता है, उसकी बुद्धि और ऋषि-सिद्धि की प्राप्ति होने के साथ-साथ जीवन में आने वाली विध्न बाधाओं का भी नाश होता है. सभी तिथियों में चतुर्थी तिथि श्री गणेश को सबसे अधिक प्रिय होती है.

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श्री गणेश संकट चतुर्थी पूजन | Sri Ganesha Sankat Chaturthi Worship

संतान की कुशलता की कामना व लंबी आयु हेतु भगवान गणेश और माता पार्वती की विधिवत पूजा अर्चना करनी चाहिए, व्रत का आरंभ तारों की छांव में करना चाहिए व्रतधारी को पूरा दिन अन्न, जल ग्रहण किए बिना मंदिरों में पूजा अर्चना करनी चाहिए और बच्चों की दीर्घायु के लिए कामना करनी चाहिए. इसके बाद संध्या समय पूजा की तैयारी के लिए गुड़, तिल, गन्ने और मूली को उपयोग करना चाहिए. व्रत में यह सामग्री विशेष महत्व रखती है, देर शाम चंद्रोदय के समय व्रतधारी को तिल, गुड़ आदि का अ‌र्घ्य देकर भगवान चंद्र देव से व्रत की सफलता की कामना करनी चाहिए.

माघ मास के कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी का व्रत लोक प्रचलित भाषा में इसे सकट चौथ कहा जाता है. इस दिन संकट हरण गणेशजी तथा चंद्रमा का पूजन किया जाता है, यह व्रत संकटों तथा दुखों को दूर करने वाला तथा सभी इच्छाएं व मनोकामनाएं पूरी करने वाला है. इस दिन स्त्रियां निर्जल व्रत करती हैं गणेशजी की पूजा की जाती है और कथा सुनने के बाद चंद्रमा को अर्ध्य देकर ही व्रत खोला जाता है.

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How to do Til Chaturthi - Sakat Chauth Vrat - Vidhi - Duration: 7:43. by Festivals n Culture 16,589 views

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Vrat Katha of Sakat Chauth

There are two legends of Sakat Chauth. The first legend of Sakat Chauth is related to Goddess Sakat. The second legend is about Lord Ganesh and traditionally it is narrated during Sakat Chauth Puja. Long ago there were two sister-in-laws. Their husbands were real brothers. Although both brothers belonged to the same family, the elder brother was quite rich and the younger brother was very poor. The younger brother used to sell wood which were used for cooking. The wife of younger brother was ardent devotee of Lord Ganesh and used to observe fasting on each Sankashti Chaturthi. She used to work as a maid at the home of elder brother to feed her family. On the day of Sakat Chauth she had nothing to cook. She worked hard at the home of her sister-in-laws to get some remuneration on the auspicious day of Sakat Chauth. The elder sister refused to pay her on the day of Puja and told that she would be rewarded for her hard work only after Puja on the next day. The tired lady came home with empty hands. This made Lord Ganesh angry on the elder sister. In the evening when husband of younger sister came back from the work, she was not able to serve the meal. The husband was also frustrated as no one bought the fuel on the auspicious day of Sakat Chauth. The husband thrashed his wife for not cooking the food. The poor wife went to sleep with empty stomach. At night Lord Ganesh came to her home. When Lord Ganesh asked to open the door she thought of dreaming it and told "All doors are open to come inside as I have nothing in the home to lock". After coming in Lord Ganesh asked for some food and she replied "I cooked Bathua (बथुआ) in the morning which is lying on the stove. You go and eat that". After eating Bathua, Lord Ganesh asked that he wants to relieve. She replied "All five places in home, including four corners and the entrance are available for you to relieve." After relieving Lord Ganesh asked that he wants something to wipe. The hungry and frustrated lady told "Use my forehead for that". Next day when lady woke up she found that her forehead, all four corners in the home and the entrance were full of precious diamonds, jewelry and the gold. Then she realized that it was not in the dream but in the reality Lord Ganesh came to her home to bless her family. Later she went to sister-in-laws to get balance to weigh the massive wealth. Her sister-in-laws stick some adhesive at the bottom on the balance. When the elder sister got the balance back she was able to know about massive wealth. On repeated requests from the elder sister, the younger sister revealed the story of Ganesh coming to her home. After that the elder sister started working at the home of younger sister to repeat the same fortune for her family. On next year she played the whole story as it is to please lord Ganesh, including forcing her husband to thrash her on the day of Sakat Chauth. Everything went as expected except it was not massive wealth but feces and its stink all over her home. The feces were not getting removed even on repeated attempts. Pandits suggested her to share the wealth equally with the younger sister-in-laws to get rid of the curse of Lord Ganesh. She did the same but even after that feces and its stink was not removed. Later it came to know that one necklace was not shared with the younger sister-in-laws. The curse of Lord Ganesh was cured only after that necklace was also shared with the younger sister-in-laws. People pray to Lord Ganesh to get blessed like younger sister-in-laws after listening to this legend.

Sakat Chauth


January 2016 (Wednesday)

Sakat Chauth Pujan

Sakat Chauth Puja Time

Moonrise On Sakat Chauth Day = 21:02

Chaturthi Tithi Begins = 09:55 on 27/Jan/2016 Chaturthi Tithi Ends = 11:57 on 28/Jan/2016

Panchang for Sakat Chauth Day Choghadiya Muhurat on Sakat Chauth

Note - 24-hour clock with local time of New Delhi & DST adjusted for all Muhurat timings (if applicable)

2016 Sakat Chauth Krishna Paksha Chaturthi is dedicated to Lord Ganesha and devotees observe Sankashti Chaturthi fasting on each Krishna Paksha Chaturthi. However Krishna Paksha Chaturthi during month of Magh is also observed as Sakat Chauth and it is observed mainly in North Indian states. Sakat Chauth is dedicated to Goddess Sakat and women observe fasting on the very same day for well-being of their sons. The legend of Sakat Chauth describes compassionate nature of Goddess Sakat. There is Sakat village in Rajasthan and it has temple dedicated to Goddess Sankat. The deity is famous as Sankat Chauth Mata. This temple is about 60 K.M. from Alwar and 150 K.M. from Jaipur, the state capital of Rajasthan. One can visit Sakat Mata Temple to get more information on Sakat Goddess. On Sakat Chauth Lord Ganesha is also worshipped. Worshipping Lord Ganesha on this day brings happiness and prosperity. Sakat Chauth is also known as Sankat Chauth, Til-Kuta Chauth, Vakra-Tundi Chaturthi andMaghi Chauth.

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2016 Sakat Chauth - › Calendars › Hindu Calendar

  1. This page provides you the most shubh, auspicious time for Sakat Chauth puja activities in year 2016 for Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India. Sakat Chauth is also ...

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