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The procedure of pooja

1)Aasanam Samarpayanami:Take the posture (aasana)

2)Padya Samarpayanami:Offer water to the feet of God Shani.

3)Ardhya Samarpayanami:Pour water.

4)Aachamaniya Samarpayanami:Drink the water.

5)Snanam Samarpayanami:Offer water for the bath of God.

6)Vasram Samarpayanami:Offer black cloth.

7)Gandham Samarpayanami:Offer the items of camphor, incense etc.

8)Pushpamalam Samarpayanami:Offer the flower garland.

9)Dhupam Samarpayanami:Light the incense sticks.

10)Deepam Samarpayanami:Light the lamp.

11)Akshatam Samarpayanami:Offer the rice.

12)Naivedyam Samarpayanami:Offer the black ‘til’.

13)Dakshinam Samarpayanami:Offer the ‘dakshina.

14)Namaskaram Karomi:Do ‘namaskara’.

Mantra pushpanjali

Om yadnyen yadnyamayajant devastaani dharmani pradhamanyasan | Te ha nakam mahimanaha sachant yatra purve sadhyaha santi devaha || Om rajadhirajaya prashyasahine namo vayam vaishranaaya kurmehe | Sa me kamanam kamkamaya mahyam kamemavaro vaishrano dadaatu | Kuberaaya vaishrano maharajaya namaha | Om swasti samrajyam bhoujyam swarajyam vairajyam parameshthyam Rajyam maharajyamaadhiptyamayam samantparyaayee syaatsarvabhoumaha | Sarvayush aantadaparardhatpruthivyai samudraparyantaya ekraliti Aavikshitsya kamprervimve devaha sabhasad itee |

The story and history

In our routine lives, there is a great importance of the kindness and the power of God Shani. Shani occupies the seventh place among the nine planets which govern the world. This is viewed as unlucky in conventional astrology. As per 'Kaagol Shastra', the distance of Shani from the earth is 9 crore miles. Its radius is about one billion and 82 crore and 60 lakh kilometers. And its gravitational force is 95 times higher than that of the earth. Planet Shani takes 19 years to complete one revolution around the Sun. The astronauts have viewed the Shani's colours as beautiful, strong, influencing and eye-catching. It has twenty two satellites in its ring.

Shani's gravitational power is more than that of the Earth's. Therefore, when we think good or bad thoughts and make plans, they reach Shani by the strength of his power. In astrological terms, the bad influence is considered as unlucky. But the result of good deeds will be good. Therefore, we must understand God Shani as a friend and not as foe. And for bad deeds, he is Sade Saathi, disaster and an enemy.

As regards the birth of Shani, there are different stories. Foremost and accepted is the one in the ancient 'Scanda Poorana' of Kasi Khanda which is as follows.

God Soorya was married to Daksha Kanya Sadnya. Sadnya could not tolerate the radiance of God Surya. She used to feel that by doing penance she could increase her brilliance. Or, by the power of her penance, she could diminish the glare of God Surya. But for God Surya, she was a spouse worshipping wife. From God Surya, she had three children. One was Vaivastahva Manu. The second was Yama Raj. And the third was Yamuna. Sadnya loved her children very much. But, she was very upset with the radiance of God Surya. One day, she thought that she would separate from God Surya, go to her parents' home and undertake great penance. And if there was opposition, she would go far away to a lonely and undertake great penance.

By strength of her penance, Sadnya created a 'Chaya' (shadow) of herself and named her Suvarna. And, and then the shadow of herself became Suvarna. After handing over the children to Chaya, Sadnya told her that Chaya would thereafter play the role of womanhood and nurse her three children. She told her if any problem arose, she should call her and she would come rushing to her. But she cautioned her that she must remember that she was Chaya, not Sadnya, and nobody should know this difference.

Sadnya hander over her responsibilities to Chaya and went away to her parents' place. She went home and told her father that she could not stand the radiance of God Surya. And therefore, without telling her husband she had come away. Listening to this, her father scolded her very much and told her that without being called, if the daughter returns home, both her and her father would be cursed. He told her to go back to her home immediately. Then, Saudnya began to worry that if she went back, what would happen to the responsibilities which she had given to Chaya. Where would Chaya go? And their secret would be exposed. So, Sadnya went to the dense jungles in Uttar Kurukshetra and took repose there.

She was fearful of her safety in the jungle because of her youthfulness and beauty. And she changed her form into that of a mare so that none could recognize her and started her penance. Elsewhere, the union of God Surya and Chaya begot three children. God Surya and Chaya were happy with each other. Surya never doubted anything. The children of Chaya were Manu, God Shani and Putri Bhadra (Tapti).

As per the second story, the creation of God Shani was the result of Maharishi Kashyap's great 'yagna'. When God Shani was in the womb of Chaya, Shiv Bhaktini Chaya was so engrossed in penance of God Shiva that she did not care for her food even. She prayed so intensely during her penance that the prayers had a profound influence on the child in her womb. As a result of such a great penance of Chaya, without food and shade in the blazing sun, the complexion of God Shani became black. When God Shani was born, Surya was surprised to see his dark complexion. He began to doubt Chaya. He insulted Chaya by saying that this was not his son.

From birth itself, God Shani had inherited the great powers of his mother's penance. He saw that his father was insulting his mother. He saw his father with a cruel gaze. As a result his father's body was charred black. The horses of God Surya's chariot stopped. The chariot would not move. Worried, God Surya called out to God Shiva. God Shiva advised God Surya and explained to him about what had happened. That is, because of him the respect of mother and child had been tarnished and insulted. God Surya accepted his fault and apologized. And regained his earlier glorious looks and the power of his chariot's horses. Since then, God Shani became a good son to his father and mother and an ardent disciple of God Shiva.

The coming of god shani

By the grace of God Shani, should you come to Shanishingnapur and see the idol, you'll feel that this is not an ordinary idol but an self-appeared idol. About how this 16" 6" feet tall and 16" 6" feet wide idol came here has a true story to it.

Where today stands the idol of God Shani, there used to be a housing settlement with 32 huts. About 350 years ago, God himself appeared here. Since then, he has remained here itself. In those days, there wasn't so much population or progress there. There were not that many roads, vehicles amenities etc of modern day life. There were a lot of trees and grasslands here. Nearby, there was a lot of filth, plants and fields. Today, for the comfort of devotees there are tar roads, staying places and food arrangements which were lacking in those days. Now, with the co-operation of the villagers and the Trust made with God Shani's devotees, the Government has supported the village and a lot of activity can be seen.

The cure for sade saathi

Maha mantra : " Om nilanjana samabhasam | Ravi putram yamagrajam || Cahaya martanda samhubhutam | Tama namami Shanescharam||"

The person who has Sade Saathi should recite Shani Mahamantra 23000 times within the 7 and ½ years. Shani Mahamantra's recital should finish within 23 days. Thus, by reciting the Shani Mahamantra by a 'mala' ten times a day, it will finish in 23 days. If the person is young, then his parents can do it for him. While this praying is on, the person should eat simple food. He must sleep on the floor on a bed sheet and live the life of a 'bramhachari'. It should be remembered that the praying of the Shani Mahamantra should be done at one stretch in one sitting at one place. Whoever wants to perform the 'shanti', must perform it on all Shanichari Amavahshya'. On a half meter of black cloth, taking the 'pandraya yantra', the 'sindoor' of God Hanuaman and oil should be mixed and the 'yantra' should be created. After tying a coconut without water in it, by tracing the body's length with it seven times, it should be consigned to flowing water.

The four legends of Shanishingnapur

"There is God, but no temple." "There is a home, but no door." "There is a tree, but no shade." "There is fear, but no enemy."

1.There is God, but no temple

God Shani of Shanishingnapur is so great that he does not want to live in the shadow of anything. Therefore, there is no roof above the divine idol of God Shani. Thus, to protect nature itself and to destroy evil demons, God has taken so many incarnations. And God has done so to protect his devotees. In Shingnapur, this only is the incarnation of God Shani. God Shani is omnipresent here. Whether it is a time of rain, sun, cold or storm, without a roof, God Shani stands here all thetime by day and night and protects the people and visitors of Shingnapur. Thus, the devotees, sleep peacefully. Whenever the elderly or young devotees here tried their best to build a roof, they did not succeed. And whenever someone tried, they faced some loss or the other. Therefore, God Shani gives ‘darshan’ to his devotees at all the times. There is no temple there and there is no door. Thus, this place of worship is open all the time. In my opinion, this is only place of its kind in India.

Whenever I had a discussion with the people of Shingnapur, they said that God Shani came in their dreams and told them that he did not need any roof at all. Seeing the atmosphere here, it seems like there is a place of worship with the divine presence. But there is no aspect here which beautifies the temple. The Gods in other various parts of India have temples, but here, there is no exclusive temple for God Shani. Perhaps, it is for the divine purpose of protecting and helping his devotees that God Shani is open to all. Therefore they say that here, there is God but no temple.

2. There is a home, but no door

A home is necessary for our happiness and prosperity. We install a door to such a house and sleep without a care. Or, for personal walks of our life, we put up doors. But in Shingnapur, there are homes but no doors. Not in India alone, but all over the world, one will not find a place like Shanishingnapur where houses have no doors. Now, where there are no doors and windows, there is no question of locks and latches. Whether inside their homes or in their fields, the belomgimgs of the people here are always in the open. There are no almirahs, no suitcases or boxes in the homes of people here. Just as their homes have no doors, their minds also have no doors and are always open. The doors of their minds are always open to guests. Day by day, in this modern world, man is becoming self-centred. He is building wall upon wall and compound upon wall and yet he has no peace. But Shanishingnapur is one such place in the world, where to solve the problems of all sorts of all kinds of the world, there is a more admirable power than the U.N.O. too.

Thus, by the grace of God Shani, nobody installs door to their houses here. So, anybody who violates the dictates of the place and wishes to live on his own terms, he will have to face the consequences. So in Shingnapur and over 16 square kilometers around it, 160 hectares of area have houses with no doors and windows. Only to keep dogs and cats at bay, boxes are kept. Or, curtains are hung. The village is small but because of its divine ambience, it is considered big. The houses of the relatively well off people are made of stone, bricks and cement. But there are no doors. But the commendable aspect is here there is no flats system. All the commendable things of the houses here are from the blessings of God Shani.

3.There is a tree, but no shade

It is true that in the northern direction of God Shani’s idol, there was a neem tree. ( This was pulled down about 10 to 12 years back.) Many devotees and elders who witnessed it say that when the brances of this tree would grow so long as to come over the idol. The branches would get burnt to ashes. Or, they would break and fall to the ground. But the special thing about it was that as a result of the branches burning or breaking down, nobody suffered in any way or incurred any loss. But the shade of the tree never came on the idol. Therefore it is considered strange that in the realm of nature, there is a tree in this neighbourhood, but no shade.

About 20 to 30 years back, there occurred a miracle here. Lightening struck this neem tree, at a time when there was a marriage procession next to it. Though no harm came to anyone there, the tree was burnt to its roots. The tree burnt for 12 hours. All out efforts were made and the fire was put out. But the strange thing was that on the very next day, the tree was lush and full of greenery. Normally, anything would have been reduced to black cindered in that fire, but by this Divine providence, it was not to be. Therefore, the people here believe that God Shani is the all powerful and ever present Divine force. Therefore the people here say that there is a tree but no shade.

4. There is fear, but no enemy

In the fourth legend, God Shani has been described in very special way. Which means, how unfortunate it is that, upon baseless fears, God Shani has been misrepresented and misunderstood as our enemy. But I can say with conviction that God Shani is not our enemy but our friend. It has been commonly misinterpreted from the normal scriptures that because of Sade Saathi, people come into pain, suffering, losses, unhappiness, ill-luck, gambling and a whole host of bad things. But this can be true from only one reason; as one sows one will reap. As per the laws of nature, if one does selfish wrongs, one will pay the price for it.

Being engulfed in acute silence, loneliness, depression, hopelessness and bad thoughts and being non-communicative with others are all a state of out minds. What fault of God Shani is there in it? In reality, he is not our enemy but our friend. Among ordinary people’s view, it is viewed as a wicked planet which destroys us. But, Pandit Shyam Sunder Lal Vatsa has done extensive research to prove that planet Shani bestow a lot more good effects than most other favourable planets. It is true that in our minds lurk the fear of God Shani. But when? Only when we do bad deeds. Otherwise, he is our friend.

A friend who leads us on with good advice. One should not indulge in theft, robbery, bad thoughts, debauchery, bad habits and falsehood. If one goes astray, God Shani will punish accordingly. If he is pleased with the individual, he will bless with prosperity, wealth, fame and makes the life happy. Therefore, he is our friend and not our enemy.

What role has God Shani in our deeds? In our life after life, age after age and our thoughts and deeds we must suffer our penalties and cleanses ourselves with prayers.

It is because of fear, people do not keep the photos or any thing else about God Shani in their homes. And to blame God Shani for their own misdeeds has become a habit. But the truth is that because of our bad deeds, we blame God Shani. But he is not our enemy. Fear is always associated with the enemy. And an enemy never does us any good. But God Shnai does good for his devotees. Therefore, it is strange that we are fearful when we make mistakes. But he is not an enemy. Based on the vivid experiences of many devotees, it is seen that God Shani is not our enemy but our friend.

was injustice done to women

I met Smt. Rukmini Devi, the wife of late Bhau Banakar. From her I had gone to hear about some real experiences. Then, on 15th February 2004, the 81 year old Rukmini Devi said that she and her husband got see some strange experiences of God Shani. For example, a thief stole the anklet from the foot of their daughter Jayashree. Later, he cut off the gold chain. But after awhile, he came back on his own and he kept the anklet and gold chain and ran away. Ours is a joint family. There are no door or locks and all things are kept in the open. But till today, there has been no loss. I have had no fights with my daughter-in-law and others. By the grace of God Shani, we are a healthy and happy family.

Was injustice done to women?

From whatever books of God Shani I have read, I found that in no book was there any mention about women. Nor is there any scope for their experiences. Is this any injustice to women? Because, they are not allowed onto the foundation here. The oldest woman living here in the village near the temple, Smt. Vithadevi Yashwanth Borude, is over 100 years old. When I met here on 13th February 2004 and asked her questions pertaining to this topic, she answered humbly, "Bhai Saab, in my mind there is absolutely no complaint about this, no hesitation, I am always happy. When husband and children went to the foundation and took a glimpse of God Shani, it was the same as my taking it. There is no difference between them males and us females. Whether the 'darshan' is taken from there near the deity or from down here, there is no difference. Faith depends on the happy mind. And so, when we take the glimpse of God from below here, we find peace of mind."

When I tried to gather more information from Smt. Vithadevi Yashwanth Borude, she said, " Throughout my life, I have had no fear of anybody. You also go into the house of anyone in the village. Nobody will say anything. On the other hand, they will treat you well like a guest. There is no box or lock in our house. Nothing is attached to anything. I have never had any quarrel with any daughter-in-law or anyone else. We all live together cheerfully and happily."

So friends, you can look around in all directions, but you can never find such a village or such a temple. In the house of Vithadevi also, thieves had entered. There was gold and money in the pots. They searched a lot. But they found nothing and in the end they went away. They also said that once, two thieves stole cycles from the temple and began running. But in the end, they came back to the temple after roaming around, left the cycles near the temple and went away.

On the 22nd February 2004, I met Smt. Parvatidevi Darandale in the village. She also narrated an experience with great humility. When I asked her about why women were not allowed on the foundation of the temple's premises, she said, " There is a custom that women are not allowed for the 'darshan' from the foundation, but what difference does it make? When we fold our hand and pray from our hearts from here also, it goes there. For this, what is 'from there' or 'from here'! If the mind is clean, then Ganga can be sought from anywhere. With devotion in my heart, I pray to God Shani from my house also and get his blessings."

Shri. Pramod Honarao, C.I.D. Inspector of Pune has been coming for the last 30 yaers to Shanishingnapur for 'darshan'. From 1991, for the devotees of God Shani's Palki to Pandarpur, he provides the meal for one time.

It is learnt that the Judge of the Mumbai High Court wanted to come here for 'darshan', but could not come. For one reason or the other, he kept postponing it. But last year, his car was stolen. The thieves left the car at Pravara Sangam, near Shingnapur. When the judge came to know that the car was lying there, then he came rushing and took the vehicle. And immediately came over here for the 'darshan'. Everybody says that God Shani himself, called him over, this way, here for the 'darshan'.

The dropping of gods flower

Sheetey-kaul Lagana (The dropping of God's flower)

The populace of Ahmednagar in Maharashtra, are many times, affected by drought. Because of scanty rainfall, repeatedly drought strikes. The main occupation of people here is agriculture. Because of drought, drinking water for people and cattle comes into acute shortage. They wander from place to place. Then, the villagers of Shanishingnapur pray to their dear God Shani. They do 'kaul'. Then by the grace of God Shani, the rains come. This is believed far and wide. People wait for the rains till the coming of the 'Punarvsu' star. If it still does not rain, people come together and ask for the decision of God Shani. They ask of him whether it will rain or no. This is called 'Sheetey-kaul Lagana'. People say that the meteorological department's forecast may go wrong, but the 'kaul' (decision') of God Shani will always be right.

For this, the pooja of Shanichar is performed. The entire premises is kept clean. The 'abhishek' of God Shani is performed with' Ganga Jal' and 'panchamrut'. The 'maternal uncle and nephew ', who are the residents of Shingnapur, will be fasting. The person awaiting the 'decision' of God Shani will also be fasting. People come from far and wide to see this and wait in the courtyard. In this assemblage, nobody wears a black cap, belt or carries a black umbrella. If they have brought it along, it is kept away. Afterwards, 'gomutra'(cow's urine) is sprinkled on everybody.

The ceremony of seeking 'kaul' starts in the afternoon at 3 O'clock. The 'maternal uncle and nephew duo' climb the foundation of the deity. Only 3 people will be on the foundation. The third person will be the one who brings the 'Ganga Jal' is not touched by anybody. The maternal uncle and nephew, in wet clothes are made to stand facing each other in an East westerly direction. At this time, there will be chanting of God Shani's name. Rods of three feet length will have been kept immersed in water all night. This water will be used for God Shani only. The maternal uncle and nephew hold the rods to their waists from either sides with both hands. First, they pray to God. Then, for some time smoke of 'dhoopa 'is given there. The person who is going to ask the question asks the maternal uncle and nephew their stars' names. Upon taking the names of the stars accordingly, if it is going to rain, the rods come close together on their own. If it is going to rain heavily, the rods will stick together closely. Then, the devotees, chant aloud the names of God Shani loudly.

In this ceremony, only three stars' names are taken. They are Punarvasu, Uttara and Hasta. Depending on whichever star's decision is obtained, the rods come together. It is in period that the rains come. If it is not going to rain, then the rods move away and outwards from each other and bend downwards. There is historical evidence that in the years 1952, 1962, 1972,1978 and 1984 this 'kaul' was asked of God Shani and it came true. In 1952, despite the rods being brought together many times, the rods would go way from each other. And it did not rain anywhere, while it rained well in other years.

It is a reality that on the day of 8th September 1984, 'kaul' was asked of God Shani. At that time, in the stars of Punarvasu, Uttara and Hasta, there was a lot of rain. On the same day, throughout the Nevasa taluka, it rained. It is strange that in other places of Maharashtra also, it rained well. Today also, we get to see and hear such miracles. Isn't this one of the strange and uncommon things of the world?

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21 March - 2015

Gudi Padava Utsav

18 April - 2015

Shani Amavasya Yatra

17 May- 2015

Shani Jayanti Festival

12 September - 2015

Shani Amavasya Yatra


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Shri shanaishwar devasthan Shanishingnapur, Post: Sonai, Taluka: Nevasa, Dist.: Ahamadnagar Pin. 414 105. Maharashtra, India.

You are here » Shani Shingnapur »The importance abroad

The importance abroad

Everybody in India is fully aware of the greatness of God Shani. But what is notable that is God Shani is known all the world by his devotees for his miracles and kindness. Mr. Jayesh Shah, an Indian residing in Zimbabwe is very much devoted to God Shani. And he comes from Zimbabwe to India many times only to Shanishingnapur for the 'darshan' of God Shani.

What happened was that he had a flourishing import-export business there. But he got caught in the web of time. His business was shut down, all his earnings were locked up and in the end he came to Mumbai. He saw his 'kundali' (astro-chart.) and based on the astrologer's advice, he came to Shanishingnapur to worship God Shani. He performed the prayers, 'archan' and 'abhishek' of God Shani. His situation improved slowly. And his business picked up and grew again. His position in Zimbabwe returned to him. He came here and accepted everything to God Shani and gave an ambulance of Rs. 8 lakh to the temple. He accepts that his situation improved only because of the grace of God Shani. Otherwise, deep in debt, he was preparing for suicide. Now, he frequently comes down from Zimbabwe for the 'darshan' of God Shani.

Similarr to what happened in Zimbabwe, there is another experience of Hindi cinema's actor Shri Govinda Ahuja of Switzerland. In 1996, he had gone their for shooting, and it is not known how but he had a vision. And he stopped shooting and came from Switzerland to Shanishingnapur for the 'darshan' of God Shani. And surprisingly, he had the 'darshan' and promptly went back to Switzerland. It was the grace of God Shani that brings devotees from far away abroad for 'darshan'.

Here, Central Minister Sunil Dutt came here with his son Sanjay Dutt after the release from Tada jail. Many other people like Sridevi, Amrish Puri, Randhir Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor, Venkatesh Prasad and Shri Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister of Gujarat have come here and benefited.

How and when to do

Why and how is God Shani worshipped.

  • After a pure bath, men should go to the deity’s foundation dressed in a wet cloth.

  • Women cannot go to the foundation.

  • If Shani is coming into your ‘rasi’

  • If you are afflicted by Sade Saathi.

  • If there is ‘adayya’ in your ‘rasi.’

  • If you are suffering from the gaze of God Shani.

  • If you are working in anything such as connected to iron, travel, trucks, transport, oil, petroleum, medical, press and courts.

  • If you do any good work.

  • If in your occupation is related to commerce and there is loss in business and worry thereof.

  • If you are suffering from incurable diseases like cancers, AIDS, kidney, leprosy, paralysis, heart ailments, diabetes, skin ailments and are fed up, then you should most certainly worship God Shani with ‘ahishek’.

  • One must remove the cap or head gear and then pray God.

  • In the houses of devotees where there has been a birth or death recently, they do not go to the deity.

The reamedy for earning God Shani Blessing

Om Shri Siddhi Shani Yantra




|| Shri Shaniyantra to redeem Sade Saathi Afflictions ||

The kakad arati

The early morning aarthi of God Shani

Om namo aadhi rupa omkar swaroopa...vishwachiya roopa panduranga.... Thuziya sattene tuze gun gawoo....tene sukhi raho sarvakaal.... Thuchiya shrota vakta dnyanasi anjan.... sarva hovoni jaane tuze haati.... Tuka mhane yethe naahi mi pan.... karave shravan kona laagi.... Aaklpa ayushya vhave taya kulaa.... maziya sakalaa harichya dasa.... Kalpnechi baadhaa na ho kada kaali.... sant mandali sukhi.... Ahankaracha vaara na lago rajasa.... mazya vishnudasa bhavikasi.... Naama mhane taya asave kalyan.... taya mukhi nidhan panduranga.... Tuze roop velovelaa pado maze donhi dolaa Ram naam japo aani hari katha pado kaani Paayee tirth yatra ghado deh santa ghari pado Sarvakaal dev pooja naman maze garuddhvaja Tuka mhane aaho devaa ghado vaishnavanchi seva Aas hi tuzi faar lagali.... de dayaa nidhe drushi changli.... Deu tu nako drusht vaasnaa.. tuchi aavade aamchya mana.... Vaagavaya sarva shrustilaa.... shaktivan ase ek changala.... Sarva shakti tu sarva dekhna .... kon janato tuzhiya gunaa.... Manse aamhi sarva lekare.... maybaap tu ase khare....

Shani amavasya

On the Saturday of New Moon, it is known as Shaneshchari Amavasya. Normally, in a year, there will be two or three Shaneshchari Amavasya. On the Shaneshchari Amavasya in Shingnapur, there will be arrangements for the festival. From the mid- night of the Friday till the mid-night of the Saturday, prayers, offerings and 'abhishek' will be held. From the Devasthan (temple), a 'Mahapuja' will be held. For the pilgrims who come here for 'Darshanam', their 'Stotra' will be on continuously. Almost 8 to 10 lakh people come within 24 hours. Because of the immense crowd, many devotees who cannot get a glimpse of the deity from the foundation, are happy and content getting it from below itself.

The importance of Shaneshchari Amavasya lies in the fact that out of the rays of the Sun God, the main rays are called 'Ama'. It is from the main rays of Sun God called 'Ama' that the Sun God gives brightness to the three worlds. In this 'Ama' day, especially, God Moon stays. Therefore, it is called Shani Amavasya. This Amavasya is known to give good fruits to all religions. In 'Shradhya Karma', this carries a lot of importance.

Our Festivals

  • 21 March - 2015 Gudi Padava Utsav 18 April - 2015 Shani Amavasya Yatra

  • 17 May- 2015 Shani Jayanti Festival 12 September - 2015 Shani Amavasya YatraSHANI MANTRA Photo Gallery

  • Postal Address Shri shanaishwar devasthan Shanishingnapur,

  • Post: Sonai, Taluka: Nevasa,

  • Dist.: AhamadnagarPin. 414 105.Maharashtra, India.

  • You are here » Worship »Penance of God Shani Penance of God Shani( 23,000 times 'japa' i.e. penance of God Shani.)

  • 1)Beeja Mantra: Om Sham Shaneshchraya Namaha.

  • 2)Tantrokta mantra: Om Pram Prim Pro Saha Shanaeshcharya Namaha.

  • 3)Shani’s Vyas Vicharita Mantra: Om Neelanjana Samabhasam | Ravi Putram Yamagrajam|Om Chaya Martandasambootam | Tam Namaami Shaneshcharam ||

  • 4)Shani’s Puranokta Mantra: Suryaputro Deergadehi Vishaalakshaha ShivapriyahaMandacharaha Prasannaatmaha Peedaam Haratahu Me Shaniha.

  • 5)Shani’s Vedokta Mantra: Om Shamagnibi Karachhanna Stamampatu SuryaShavantova Twarapa Apasnidha.

  • 6)Shani Stotra:Namaste Konsanstahcha Pingalaya Namostu te |Namaste Bhabrurupaya Krushnaya Cha Namostu te ||Namaste Roudradehaya Namaste Chantkay Cha|Namaste Yamasadnyaya Namaste Souraye Vibho ||Namaste Manadasadnyaya Saneshchara Namostu te |Prasada Kuru Devesha Dinasya Pranatasya Cha ||Koshasthayya Pingalo Babhrurukrishno Roudoye Nantko Yamaha |Sauriya Shaneshcharo Mandaha Pipladena Sansthutaha ||Etaani Dasha Namami Prataruttha Ya Ye Patetha |Shaneshchrayakruta Peeda Na Kadachitabhavishyati ||


In this age of internet and computers, the appearing of God himself is uncommon. There is lesser truth and more of false facades in this age. Then who will tryst anyone? But for the devotees at Shingnapur, their faith in divine experience, miracles, fulfillment of wishes etc has increased. The number of devotees is increasing. Sometimes, the number of devotees reaches 1 lakh. People from all over the world and India are coming for 'darshan' here.

At ShriShanishingnapur, after coming here, the desire and faith in prayers and abhishek becomes strong. Thus, from the 'devasthan' here are many arrangements for 'abhishek' for all the devotees who wish to perform them. Here, devotees get their 'kundaliyag', prayers and remedy for Sade Saathi.

They pray 1/10 'japas' to perform 'hawan yag.' Jap'is done here by the name, 'gotra', and 'sankalp'. There are two main kinds of 'Jap' here. 1st is 23, 000 mantras. The 2nd is 92,000 mantras.

Here the devotees have a choice of their own desire whether they want a remedy for their Sade Saathi, suffering from bad planets and the trouble from Shani to end these troubles or not. They can decide in their own hearts whether they wish to or not without any compulsion from the 'devasthan' or any priest.

Shri Hanuman Chalisa

sriguru charan sarojraj, nijman mukuru sudhari| baranau raghuvar bimal jasu, jo daayaku phalachari|| buddhi heen tanu jaani ke, sumirau pavan-kumaar| bal buddhi biddhyaa dehu mohim harahu kales bikar|| jaya Hanuman jnan gun sagar| jay kapeesa thumhoom lok ujaagar|| ram doot atulit baladhaamaa| anjani-putra pavanasuta naamaa|| mahabeer bikram bajrangi| kumati nivaar sumati ke sangee|| kanchan baran bijarasubesaa | kaanan kundal kunchit kesaa|| haath bajra audhwaajaa biraajai| kaandhe moonj janevoo saajai|| sankar suvan kesari nandan| tejp ratap mahaa jag bandan|| vidyaavaan gunee ati chaatur| ram kaajkaribe ko atur|| prabhu charitr sunibe ko rasiya| ram lakhan seeta man basiya|| sukshm roop dhari siyahi dikhaavaa| bikt roop dhari lanka jaraavaa|| bheem roop dhari asur sanhare| ramachandr ke kajsamvare|| laay sanjeevan lakhan jiyaaye| shree raghubeer harashi ur laaye|| raghupati keenhee bahut baddayee| tum mama priy bharat hi sam bhaayee|| sahas badan tumharo jash gavai| as kahi sreepati kant lagaavai|| sanakadika brahamadi munisaa| naarad saarad sahit aheesaa|| jam kuber digapaal jahaan te| kabi kobid kahi sake kahan te|| tum upkaar sugreevahi keenhaa| raam milaay raajpad deenha|| tumharo mantr bibheeshan maanaa| lankeswar bhay sab jag jaanaa|| jug sahasr yo jan par bhanoo| leelyo tahi madhur phala janoo|| prabhu mudrikaa meli mukh maaheen| jaladhi landhe gaye acharjnaahee|| durgam kaajjagat ke jete| sugam anugrah tumhare tete|| raam duraare tum rakhvaare| hoat na aajna binu paisaare|| sab sukh lahaitumhaari saranaa| tum rachhak kaahoo ko dar naa|| aapan tejsamharo aapai| teeno lok haank te kaampai|| bhoot pisaach nikat nahi aavai| mahabeer jab naam sunaavai|| naasai rog haraisab peera| japat nirantar hanumat beera|| sankat te hanuman chudaavai| man kram bachan dhyaan jo laavai|| sab per ram tapasvee raajaa| tine ke kaajsakal tum saajaa|| aur manorath jo koyee laavai| soyee amit jeevan phal paavai|| chaaro jug partaap tumhaaraa| hairaparasindh jagat ujiyaaraa|| saadhu sant ke tum rakhvaare| asur nikandan ram dulaare|| ashtta siddhi naunidhi ke daataa| as bar deen jaanaki maataa|| ram rasaayan tumhare paasa| sadaa raho raghupati ke daasaa|| tumhare bhajan ram ko paavai| janam janam ke dukh bisaraavai| ant kaal raghubar pur jaayee|| jahan janm hari bhakta kahaayee|| aur devataa chitt na dharayee| hanumat seyee sarv sukh karayee|| sankat kataimitai sab peera| jo sumhiraihanumant balabeeraa|| jaya jaya jaya hanumaan gosayi| kripaa karahu gurudev ke naayee|| jo sat baar paath kar koyee| chottahi bandi maha sukh hoyee|| jo yah padhai hanuman chalisaa| hoy siddhi saakhee gowreesaa|| tulasidaas sadaa hari cheraa| keejai nath hriday mah dera|| pavan tanay sankat haran mangal muruati roop| ram lakhan seeta sahit hruday basahu sur bhoop|| || siyaavar raamchandrki jai ||

Shri Shani Chalisa

jaya ganesh girja suvan| mangal kiran krupaal|| dheena ke dhukh dhoor kari| kijai nath nihaal|| jay jay shri shanidev prabhu| sunhoo vinay mahaaraaj|| karhoo krupaa hai ravi tanay| rakhhoo jan ki laaja|| jayati jayati shanidev dayaalaa| kart sadhaa bhaktan prathipaalaa|| chaari bhujaahy tanu shyam viraajai| maathe ratan mukut chabi chaajai|| paramvishaal manohar maalaa| tayddhi drushti brukati vikaaraalaa|| kundal shravan chaachaam chamke| hiye maala mukthan mani damkai|| karmai gadha thrishool kuttaraa| pal bich karai arihi samhaaraa|| pingal, krushno, chaayaa,nadan| yam, konasth, rudr,dhukh banjan|| sauri, mand shani, daksh naamaa| bhaanu putr poojaahi sab kaamaa|| jaapar prabhu prasann havai jaahi| rankhuo raav karai kshan maahi|| parvathoo trun hoyee nihaarat| trunhoo ko parvat kari darat|| raaj milt ban raamhi deenhayo| kaikeyeehuo ki mati hari leenhayo|| banhuo may mrug kapat dikhaayee| maat jaanki gayee churaayee|| lashanhi shakthi vikal kriddraa| machigaa dal may haahaakaaraa|| raavan ki gati – mati bouraayee| raamchandr sou bairaa baddayee|| diyo kati kari kachan lankaa| baji bajarang veer ki dankaa|| nrup vikram par guhi pagu dhaaraa| chithr mayoor nigali gai haaraa|| haar naulkhaa laagyo chori| haath pair ddarvaayo toree|| bhaaree dishaa nikrustt dikhaayo| tab prasann prabhu havai snkh deenhayo|| harishandrhuo nrup naari bikaanee| aapahu bharye ddom ghar paanee|| jaise nal par dishaa siraanee| bhoonjee ko satee karaayee|| tanik vilokat hee kari reesaa| nabh uddee gayo gaurisut seesaa|| paandav par bhe dashaa tumhaaree| bachee droupadee hoti uodaaree|| kaurav ke bhee gati mati maaryo| yudh mahaabharat kari ddaaryo|| ravi kahye mukh mahey ghari thatkaala| lokar kundi pareeyoopaatalaa|| sesh dev-lokh vinatee laayee| ravi ko mukh te diyo chuddaayee|| baahan prabhu ke saat sujaanaa| jag diggaj gardabh mrug svaanaa|| jambuk simh aadi nakh ghaaree| so phal jyotish kahat pukaaree|| gaj vaahan lakshmee gruh aavey| hay to sukh sampati upjaavrai| gandarbh haani karai bahu kaajaa| simh sidhkar raaj samaajaa|| jambuk budhi nast kar ddarey| mrug de kaasht pran samhaarey|| jab aavaahiprabhu swaan savaaree| chori aadi hoy dar bharee|| taisaahi chari charn hay naamaa| swarn savar sukh mangal bhaaree|| jo yah sahni charitr nit gaarvai| kabhuay na dishaa bali ddeelaa|| jo pandit suyogy bulvaayee| vidhikt shani grah shanti karaayee|| kahat jam sundar prabhu daasaa shani sumirat sukh ho prakaashaa|| ||jai shanidev||

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Shri Shani Shinganapur Ki katha | Sampurna Katha | Hindi ...

▶ 8:18

Jan 15, 2014 - Uploaded by R Series Music

  1. Real and true story of Lord Shani Dev mandir in Shinganapur. The caption gives a detailed view of how the ...

Shani Dev Movie - Katha (Story) in Hindi | Shani Shingnapur ...

▶ 58:48

Jun 11, 2015 - Uploaded by Bhakti Dham

Presenting Shani Dev Movie - Katha (Story) in Hindi "ShaniShignapur" by Avinash Fatak, Ravi Bapat ...

Sampurna Shree Shani Shingnapur Darshan (Hindi ...

▶ 47:18

Nov 11, 2011 - Uploaded by Venus Devotional

Album : Sampurna Shree Shani Shingnapur Darshan (Hindi) Singer : Anuradha Paudwal , Ram ...

Kahani Shani Shingnapur Ki - Hindi Shani Dev Katha - Full ...

▶ 56:53

Dec 28, 2015 - Uploaded by Sai Aashirwad

Kahani Shani Shingnapur Ki - Hindi Shani Dev Full StorySubscribe for more latest devotional videos and ...

Yatra Shani Shingnapur - YouTube

▶ 49:38

May 19, 2012 - Uploaded by T-Series Bhakti Sagar

Yatra Shani Shingnapur with Description Shani Shingnapur is a village in ... Shani Dev Movie - Katha (Story ...


▶ 37:16


SHANI DEV KI KATHA IN HINDI SINGER-SANJAY GITE. ... Shani Dev Movie - Katha (Story) in Hindi ...

Shani Shingnapur Story In Kannada - YouTube

▶ 27:17

Jan 16, 2014 - Uploaded by Nikhil Raj

Shani Shingnapur Story In Kannada. Nikhil Raj ... Shani Dev Movie - Katha (Story) in Hindi | Shani ...

shri shani shinganapur katha telugu - YouTube

▶ 2:42

Jan 22, 2014 - Uploaded by R Series Music

shani shinganapur katha darshan in telugu voice ashok sharma producer ... Shani Dev Movie - Katha ...

Shanidham Shinganapur Yatra - Part 1 of 5 - YouTube

▶ 5:30

Apr 30, 2009 - Uploaded by Amit Mathur

Ambey Films presents Shri Shanidham Shri Kshetra Shinganapur Yatra. ... Shani Dev Movie - Katha (Story) in ...

Shani Shingnapur-Woman 1st time enter in ... - YouTube

▶ 3:19

Nov 29, 2015 - Uploaded by ABP MAJHA

... 1st time enter in Shani Shingnapur Temple Story. ... Shani Dev Movie - Katha (Story) in Hindi | Shani ...

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story of shani shingnapur shani dham - ऐसे पहुंचे शनि ... › Spirituality › Religion Festivals

  1. Translate this pagestory of shani shingnapur shani dham. Read religion-festivals news in Hindi. Stay tuned for shani, shani jyanti, shani shingnapur news and other Hindi News at ...

Shani shingnapur Temple | ॐ शनिदेवाय नमः ...ॐ-शनिदेवाय-नमः-1080...

Translate this pageOn the App Store. Webdunia Hindi. Download. FREE. On the App Store. WebduniaHindi. Download .... Shani Maharaj Nyaya Priya Devta Hai Jai Shani Maharaj.

shani dev stands under open sky in shingnapur: ख़बरें ... › ख़बरें › पर्यटन

Translate this pageSep 6, 2012 - टैग्स: Shani dev| Shingnapur| shani shingnapur| shani dev| shani dev ki mahima| shingnapur ..... Aaj Tak shared Newsflicks Hindi's photo. ... में उजियारा कर सकते हैं ---

Shri Shani Shinganapur Ki katha | Sampurna Katha | Hindi ...

▶ 8:18

Jan 15, 2014 - Uploaded by R Series Music

Real and true story of Lord Shani Dev mandir in Shinganapur. The caption gives a detailed view of how the ...

Jai shani dev - शनि मंदिर शिंगणापुर ... - Facebook

Translate this pageShani Shingnapur Temple Story In Hindi शनि शिंगणापुर में स्थित शनि देव की काले रंग की पाषाण प्रतिमा स्वयंभू मानी जाती है.

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true stories at shani shinganpur - Shani Dev

You are here » Shani Shingnapur » True stories ... So far, you have heard about the many stories and seen the miracles of God Shaneshwar. But, the story of ...

Villagers in Shani Shingnapur, a village with no doors now ... › india › maharashtra › Eye 2015

Jan 11, 2015 - Some villagers in Maharashtra's Shani Shingnapur, known as the village ... The story appeared in print with the headline Open and Shut Case.

Shani Shingnapur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shani Shingnapur or Shani Shinganapur (Marathi: शनी शिंगणापुर )or ... The story of the swayambhu statue handed down from generations through word of ...

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Shani Shingnapur - Shirdi in Hindi | शनि शिनगानापुर ... › ... › शिर्डी › आकर्षण

Translate this pageShani Shingnapur Shirdi in Hindi - Nativeplanet Hindi list with Shani ShingnapurTourist Attractions details in Hindi, Shani Shingnapur Attraction photos, Shani ...

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story of shani shingnapur shani dham - ऐसे पहुंचे शनि ... › Spirituality › Religion Festivals

  1. Translate this pagestory of shani shingnapur shani dham. Read religion-festivals news in Hindi. Stay tuned for shani, shani jyanti, shani shingnapur news and other Hindi News at ...

Shani shingnapur Temple | ॐ शनिदेवाय नमः ...ॐ-शनिदेवाय-नमः-1080...

Translate this pageOn the App Store. Webdunia Hindi. Download. FREE. On the App Store. WebduniaHindi. Download .... Shani Maharaj Nyaya Priya Devta Hai Jai Shani Maharaj.

shani dev stands under open sky in shingnapur: ख़बरें ... › ख़बरें › पर्यटन

Translate this pageSep 6, 2012 - टैग्स: Shani dev| Shingnapur| shani shingnapur| shani dev| shani dev ki mahima| shingnapur ..... Aaj Tak shared Newsflicks Hindi's photo. ... में उजियारा कर सकते हैं ---

Shri Shani Shinganapur Ki katha | Sampurna Katha | Hindi ...

▶ 8:18

Jan 15, 2014 - Uploaded by R Series Music

Real and true story of Lord Shani Dev mandir in Shinganapur. The caption gives a detailed view of how the ...

Jai shani dev - शनि मंदिर शिंगणापुर ... - Facebook

Translate this pageShani Shingnapur Temple Story In Hindi शनि शिंगणापुर में स्थित शनि देव की काले रंग की पाषाण प्रतिमा स्वयंभू मानी जाती है.

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true stories at shani shinganpur - Shani Dev

You are here » Shani Shingnapur » True stories ... So far, you have heard about the many stories and seen the miracles of God Shaneshwar. But, the story of ...

Villagers in Shani Shingnapur, a village with no doors now ... › india › maharashtra › Eye 2015

Jan 11, 2015 - Some villagers in Maharashtra's Shani Shingnapur, known as the village ... The story appeared in print with the headline Open and Shut Case.

Shani Shingnapur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shani Shingnapur or Shani Shinganapur (Marathi: शनी शिंगणापुर )or ... The story of the swayambhu statue handed down from generations through word of ...

You visited this page on 12/1/16.

Shani Shingnapur - Shirdi in Hindi | शनि शिनगानापुर ... › ... › शिर्डी › आकर्षण

Translate this pageShani Shingnapur Shirdi in Hindi - Nativeplanet Hindi list with Shani ShingnapurTourist Attractions details in Hindi, Shani Shingnapur Attraction photos, Shani ...

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