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Tuljabhavani Tuljapur is very famous pilgrimage centre for its Tuljabhavani temple. It is situated in Osmanabad district in the state of Maharashtra.

About Tuljabhavani

Tuljabhavani is important and most revered godess in Maharashtra. It is located at Tuljapur District Osmanabad in Maharashra. It is family godess (kuldaivata) of many families in Maharashtra and other states also. Tuljabhavani also known as 'Turja' is amongst three and half (sade teen) godess centres (shaktipeethas) of Maharashtra and fifty one shakipeethas of India. The pilgrims come to Tuljapur from entire Maharshtra and other states also.

In ancient India there was a king named Dushyanta. His son's name was Bharat. India is named after this Bharat. In the ancient India there were two forests named Naimishya Aranya and Dandakaryna. Marathawada which is part of Maharashtra is situated in this ancient Dandakaryna. This was known as Yamunachala Parvat (mountain) alias Balaghat. Tuljapur is situated in the hilly area of Yamunachala. In this area the self immerged idol (Swaymbhu Murti) which is made of Shaligram (non perishable stone) is situated. The installation (Sthapana) of the godess is not static but dynamic as compared to other temples. In other temples idol is fixed or static. But here the idol is not static but it is 'chala' i.e. it can be moved. The installation ceremony of this idol was done by Adya Shankaracharya on Sriyantra in ancient times. By nonstatic or 'Chala' it means that this idol is taken out from SriYantra thrice a year for pradakhina and once the pradaskina or pratikrama is done by the idol along with SriYantra, Mahadeo and Khanderao.

Auspicious Days

All the Seva Vidhi are performed daily but has added effects if performed on following Auspicious days.

  • Tuesday

  • Friday

  • Full Moon Day

  • Durga Ashtami ( 8th day after No Moon Day)

Besides above all Seva Vidhi have added effects if performed during

SHARDIYA NAVRATRA AND SHAKAMBHARI NAVARATRA SHARDIYA NAVRATRA From Ashwin Shudha Pratipada to Shudha Navami SHAKAMBHARI NAVARATRA From Pausha Shudha Pratipada to Shudha Ashtami.

Top Tuljabhavani Temple

The architecture of the Tuljabhavani temple is of Hemadpanti style, which was prevailant and famous in early Indian era. While entering the Tuljabhavani temple there are two big gates or Mahadwars. After entering the temple first we observe Kallol Tirtha which is a combination of one hundred and eigth tirthas or sacred waters. After walking down few steps ahead we come to Gomukh Tirtha, from where water flows continueously. Ahead of Gomukh there is temple of Siddivinayaka. Thereafter we come accross a well designed and decorated gate which was constructed by Sardar Nimbalkar .

After entering the gate we find idol of sage (Rishi) Markendeya on left side and big drum (Nagara) on right side. Thereafter there is 'Hom kunda' or fire vessel. At the bottom of Homkunda there lies 'Rakta Bhairva' who is among the eight bhairavas or guards of deity. There is one brass gate which is facing towards south. After entering main room (Gabhara) one can see original (Swayambhu) idol of Tuljabhavani which is installed on throne and studded with ornaments. The 'Darshan' or observation of idol pleases our mind.

There is one silver cot (Palang) near main room on which Bhavani sleeps or goes for 'Nidra'. Opposite of Palang there is idol (Pind) of Mahdev. One can observe Bhavani and Shankar sitting opposite of each other. The temple is of Hemadpanti style. There is silver ring (Kadi) on one of the pillars. There is a legend regarding this pillar. If there is ache in any part of body because of hitting, the touch of this ring for seven days will reduce the body pain. When we come out we observe godess Yallama.

Nearby there is idol of god Narsinha who is 4th Avatara of Lord Vishnu. Devotee of this deity is Nandibuwa who is Brahmin. Then we can observe deity Rudravatar Khanderaya which is near west facing gate of the temple. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj used to come for Darshan through this gate. There is one stone sphere named as Shakunwanti. People believe that this is a magic stone. If hand is gently kept on this stone and question is asked intitutively the answer yes or no will be indicated by movement of stone sphere. If answer is positive the sphere will turn rightwards . If the answer is negative turns left. If the sphere remains static it implies that the desired work will be done slowly. Above are beliefs of devotees.

After passing by this magic stone there is idol of Lord Datta which is Ekmukhi i.e. having one head. All the ornaments of godess are kept in 'Jamdarkhana'. This ornaments are worn by godess at the time of festival. One of the ornaments is gold chain of 108 gold idols i.e. 'Putlees' which is donated by Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj.


Nidra of Tuljabhavani (Sleeping of Deity)

The deity is believed to be going for sleep thrice in a year. Following are the periods during which the deity goes for sleep. 1. Bhadrapada Krishna Ashtamee to Amavasya 2. Ashwin Shuddha Dashmee to Amavasya 3. Pousha Pratipada to Saptmee During the year the deity sleeps for 20 days. In case of Vridhi of Tithee the period of sleep is 21 days. In case of Kshaya of Tithee the sleep period is reduced to 19 days.

Important Events and festivals Sharadiya Navratri -

This is the main festival of Tuljabhavni. This festival runs for 9 days. It starts on Ashvin Pratipada and ends on Dushmee or Dussera. During this festival various religious ceremonies are performed throuh priests or brahmins. Importants ceremonies are Durgasapatashati Path (Enchanting of religious rhymes), Navgraha Jap, Abhisheks, various fire ceremonies like Homas. These religious ceremonies start on Ashtmee or eight day of month Ashwina and end on Dashmee. Poornahooti is offered to deity and also some sacrifice is offered to deity.


Nine Rupa's of Tuljabhavani

In mythology nine Rupa's or forms of the deity are refered.

  1. Shailaputri

  2. Brahmacharini

  3. Chandraghanta

  4. Kushmanda

  5. Skandhamata

  6. Katyayani

  7. Kalratri

  8. Mahagauri

  9. Sidhhiratri

Devotion, faith, worship of the deity In 12th Chapter or Adhyaya of Durgasaptashati the deity herself has told regarding her worship, devotion and other HOMA karmas or fire ceremonies. Her worship results in peace of mind, destruction of fear and poverty, relief from physical disorders. A true devotee of the godess who worships her in true sense will always be bestowed with good health, mental peace, finanicial upliftment, peacefull sleep, gain of knowledge.

There is a strong belief in devotees of the deity that they will be gaining above said things if they perform worship or religious ceremonies of godess Tuljabhavani. Many devotees have experienced this and that is the reason why there is crowd of devotees at Tuljabhavani Temple.

Many devotees perform these vidhis in their absense as it is not possible for them to visit the Temple in Person on specified auspicious day.


Information About Shree Tuljabhavani Mata

Shree Tuljabhavani mata is most revered Goddess in Maharashtra. It is located at Tuljapur District Osmanabad in Maharashra. It is family godess (kuldaivata) of many families in Maharashtra and other states also. Tuljabhavani also known as 'Turja' is amongst three and half (sade teen) goddess centers (shaktipeethas) of Maharashtra and fifty one shakipeethas of India. She is also fondly revered as Aai (mother) Ambabai, Jagdamba, Tukai by her devotees who throng in millions to Tuljapur for her Darshan and for seeking her blessings

TuljaBhavani is also described as the impressive and formidable goddess in Hindu Puranas. She is known for combating demons who threaten the stability of the universe. She killed the Demon (asur) called Kukur, who, endowed with supernatural powers, had become arrogant and a great menace to the social and moral order of the day. When the Goddess appeared to kill him, the demon assumed the form of a ferocious buffalo (mahisha) and challenged her for a combat. She vanquished him in the battle and killed him and from then onwards, she became popularly known as “Mahishasur Mardini”, the one who killed the demon called Mahishasur.

In the Garbhagriha (sanctum sanctorum) is the Holy Idol (Murti) of the goddess Tuljabhavani, which is believed by the devotees to be the self manifested idol (Swayambhu Murti). This is a stone image about three feet in height, made of granite. The Idol of Devi has eight arms which carry various ayudhas (weapons) in the following order. The lowermost right hand holds a trident, the next one a dagger, the one above this an arrow and the uppermost right hand wields the chakra. In the uppermost left hand is a shankh, next is a bow, the third one carries a bowl and the lower most left hand holds the knot of hair on the head of the slain Asur (Demon). The right leg is planted firmly on the body of Mahishasur, the Demon she killed, and the left leg on the ground. Ornaments like earrings, kundalas, necklaces etc. are, carved on the image. The Goddess rides a lion who is her vahan (carrier)

Annual Festivals:

The Festival Of Full moon day of Chaitra :Every year in the month of Chaitra (the first of Hindoo canlender) on the full moon day there is a grand festival at Shikhar Shinganapur.The festival in the memory of god Shambhoo Mahadeo is celebrated. The pilgrims start from shikhar shinganapur with holy sticks and with holy water - pitchers and come to Tulajapur. They walk on foot and arrive in Tulajapur on full moon day. In the same way holy sticks and holy water pitcher arrive at Tulajpur from the towns Bhatagalee, Umarga (Dist: Usmanabad) and from Shiravala, Nayageon (Dist: Satara) with the pilgrims. All such holy sticks gather and proceed in a process- sion. Behind them, the guard fleet (chhabina) goes on in a glorious procession.

The festival of goddess Shakambharee Navaratra : This festival comes in the month of Pausha (Hindoo calendar tenth month) It is celebrated for nine days and nine nights. Originally, goddess Shakambharee is Badamee. It is a small It is small town in Vijapur district, Karnataka State. Goddess Shakambharee is also known as Banashankaree, 'Shaka' means vegetables. This Shakambharee goddess likes all vegetables. So 64 cooked veg- etables are offered to her as food offering. ~Naivedya' (diet). Shakambharee is supposed to be the incarnation of Tulajabhavanee. Therefore, Banashankaree's festival is also celebrated in Tulajapur. The people in Karnataka regard Banashankaree as the tutelar deity of their family (Aaradhya Deivata). On the last day of Navaratra festival, there is a procession of holy water pitch- ers. After that, there is worship and offering of food and the procession of gurad fleet (chhabina)

The festival of Sharadeeya Navaratra : This fes- tival is celebrated in the month of Ashwina. The seventh month of Hindu calendar. It begins from the first day of Ashwina (Pratipada) and closes on , the fifteenth day (pournima - full moon day). God- dess Bhavanee sleeps on the special auspicious cot (bed or palanga) on the eighth day of the second phase of Bhadrapada month. The sixth month of Hindu calendar. She is requested to wake up on the first day of Aashwin. She is installed on the throne and is worshipped with due rituals. Then there is the initiation ritual (Ghata-sthapana). There Every night the idol is decorated and adorned in a different form and in- carnation.

Ornaments of goddess - Tulajabhavanee : Tulajabhavanee is adorned with many auspicious ornaments. They are all of pure gold and some are of diamonds and pearls.A golden crown studded with jewels, A golden necklaces and garlands,Golden bangles, gota, tode ., patalya , bilwar A necklace of jewels, chandrahar , suryahar and many others. Shree Chhatrapatee Shivajee Maharaj had offered a necklace to the goddess. It has golden coins and on every coin is carved 'Raje Shivachhatrapatee (putalyachee MaaIa).

Dear Devotee, Its pleasure to inform you Shree Tuljabhvani Shardiya Dasara Festival 2015 is starting from 13/10/2015 and lots of people from India used to visit Temple and Perform Puja to fulfill their wishes. I would like you to perform Puja Online In case you cannot manage to visit temple we will perform the Puja on behalf of you and send Prasad to your address.

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Information about Tuljabhavani Temple

The architecture of the Tuljabhavani temple is of Hemadpanti style, which was prevailant and famous in early Indian era. While entering the Tuljabhavani temple there are two big gates or Mahadwars. After entering the temple first we observe Kallol Tirtha which is a combination of one hundred and eigth tirthas or sacred waters.

After walking down few steps ahead we come to Gomukh Tirtha, from where water flows continueously. Ahead of Gomukh there is temple of Siddivinayaka. Thereafter we come accross a well designed and decorated gate which was constructed by Sardar Nimbalkar . After entering the gate we find idol of sage (Rishi) Markendeya on left side and big drum (Nagara) on right side. Thereafter there is 'Hom kunda' or fire vessel.

At the bottom of Homkunda there lies 'Rakta Bhairva' who is among the eight bhairavas or guards of deity. There is one brass gate which is facing towards south.After entering main room (Gabhara) one can see original (Swayambhu) idol of Tuljabhavani which is installed on throne and studded with ornaments. The 'Darshan' or observation of idol pleases our mind. There is one silver cot (Palang) near main room on which Bhavani sleeps or goes for 'Nidra'. Opposite of Palang there is idol (Pind) of Mahdev. One can observe Bhavani and Shankar sitting opposite of each other. The temple is of Hemadpanti style. There is silver ring (Kadi) on one of the pillars. There is a legend regarding this pillar.

Information About Devi Festival And Puja

Early Morning 4.00am :मुख्य प्रवेशद्वारावर चौघडा वाजवून नित्योपचार विधी सुरु होत असल्याचे जाहीर केले जाते.

Early Morning 5.00am :मुखप्रक्षालन व चरणतीर्थ पूजा.

Morning 7.00am :Abhishekh Puja

Noon 12.00pm :Puja and Prayer

Night 7.00pm :Abhishekh Puja

Night 9.00pm to 9.30pm :Closing


This is an important and glittering function in which, the replica of Deity’s holy idol, made of silver is placed on the chariot decorated with colorful sculpts of lions, elephants, horses, bulls, eagles and peacocks, shown as carriers and the procession moves on accompanied by drum beaters and devotees singing traditional devotional songs. The Chariot is carried by the devotees on their shoulders. The procession encircles (Parikrama) the temple with religious fervor. The event is celebrated on the full moon (pournima) night.

Bhavani is a ferocious aspect of the Hindu goddess Parvati. Bhavani means "giver of life", the power of nature or the source of creative energy. In addition to her ferocious aspect, she is also known as Karunaswaroopini, "filled with mercy". Bhavani was the tutelary deity of the Maratha leader Shivaji, to whom she presented a sword. A temple to Bhavani at Tuljapur in Maharashtra, dates back to the 12th century. The temple contains a meter-high granite icon of the goddess, with eight arms holding weapons. She also holds the head of the demon Mahishasura, whom she slew in Mysore. Contents [hide] 1 Temples 2 Daily puja rituals in Tulja Bhavani temple of Tuljapur 3 Notes 4 Further reading 5 See also 6 External links [edit]Temples The Tulja Bhavani and anthiur temple in Tuljapur in Osmanabad district of Maharashtra is considered as one of the 51 Shakti Pithas. This temple was built in c. 12th century CE. A Tulja Bhavani temple was built between 1537-1540 CE in Chittorgarh[1]. It is located at coordinates 18.011386°N 76.125641°E. [edit]Daily puja rituals in Tulja Bhavani temple of Tuljapur Goddess Bhavani giving the sword to Shivaji Chaughada (holy drumming ritual at morning): - At 5 AM, the morning before the Puja starts, the large drums in the Drum house (Nagarkhana) of Tuljabhavani temple are drummed loudly. The meaning of this drumming is that, the devotees should prepared and come before the puja. The drums are drummed (Chaughada) three times during the day. Charantirtha (sacred water ritual of goddess feet and mouth):- The puja performed at 5:30 morning is called Charantirtha. This puja is performed by the hands of Mahant Vakoji Bua. At the time of Charantirtha puja, the representative of Karvir (Kolhapur) princely state is present. The Mahanta washes goddess mouth and feet with hot water, odoriferous oil, Dudhkhir (milk), Pan (food). Devotees sing the Arti (Holy songs). After this Bhaji-Bhakri the Nevaidya (holy meal) is offered to the goddess. The descendant representative of the devotee Uparkar offers this Nevaidya. Later the Nevaidya of Kheer by the representative of Karvir (Kolhapur) princely state is offered. Abhishek (holy bath ritual to goddess) Puja (prayer):- At 9 o'clock in the morning the goddess has a bath of Panchamrut and curd. Honey, banana and sugar is rubbed to goddess' mouth. The Gomukh (holy pond of the goddess) water is used for goddess' bath. During this puja some people bathe the holy throne of goddess by curd, mango liquid, shreekhand. After the bath, Mahanevaidya (big holy meal) by the Karvir (Kolhapur) princely state is offered to goddess. Dhup arti:- at 12 noon, the clergy and devotees praise the goddess by singing holy songs and lighting the dhup and karpur (camphor). Abhishek (holy bath ritual to goddess):- at 6 o'clock that evening, the goddess is bathed by Panchamruta and water from Gomukha, and puja is performed. The arrangement of these materials is done by the Karvir (Kolhapur) princely state. Shejarti (nightly sleep songs ritual) and Prakkshal: - At night the Prakkshal ritual is done by the holy water from the Gomukha. And the Nevaidya of Tup (Indian liquid butter) and Bhat (cooked rice) is offered. At each arti ritual, instruments such as Tal, Dimdi and Zanj are played . Gondhali plays the Sambal instrument as Chaughada (Drums) are drummed.

Navratri Pooja, Customs, Aarti & All

Navratri Pooja Vidhi

51 पीठों में महापीठ : कामाख्या शक्तिपीठ

मराठा शक्ति पीठ: माँ तुलजा भवानी

जहाँ दीपक से काजल नहीं,केसर बनती है : आई माता

जिस मंदिर में पाकिस्तान के छक्के छूट गए : तनोट माता

चूहों वाली माता : करणी माता, देशनोक

कलयुग में शक्ति का अवतार माता जीण भवानी

विनियोग – ॐ अस्य श्रीदेव्या: कवचस्य ब्रह्मा ऋषि:, अनुष्टुप् छन्द:, ख्फ्रें चामुण्डाख्या महा-लक्ष्मी: देवता, ह्रीं ह्रसौं ह्स्क्लीं ह्रीं ह्रसौं अंग-न्यस्ता देव्य: शक्तय:, ऐं ह्स्रीं ह्रक्लीं श्रीं ह्वर्युं क्ष्म्रौं स्फ्रें बीजानि, श्रीमहालक्ष्मी-प्रीतये सर्व रक्षार्थे च पाठे विनियोग:।

ऋष्यादि-न्यास – ब्रह्मर्षये नम: शिरसि, अनुष्टुप् छन्दसे नम: मुखे, ख्फ्रें चामुण्डाख्या महा-लक्ष्मी: देवतायै नम: हृदि, ह्रीं ह्रसौं ह्स्क्लीं ह्रीं ह्रसौं अंग-न्यस्ता देव्य: शक्तिभ्यो नम: नाभौ, ऐं ह्स्रीं ह्रक्लीं श्रीं ह्वर्युं क्ष्म्रौं स्फ्रें बीजेभ्यो नम: लिंगे, श्रीमहालक्ष्मी-प्रीतये सर्व रक्षार्थे च पाठे विनियोगाय नम: सर्वांगे।

ध्यान- ॐ रक्ताम्बरा रक्तवर्णा, रक्त-सर्वांग-भूषणा। रक्तायुधा रक्त-नेत्रा, रक्त-केशाऽति-भीषणा।।1 रक्त-तीक्ष्ण-नखा रक्त-रसना रक्त-दन्तिका। पतिं नारीवानुरक्ता, देवी भक्तं भजेज्जनम्।।2 वसुधेव विशाला सा, सुमेरू-युगल-स्तनी। दीर्घौ लम्बावति-स्थूलौ, तावतीव मनोहरौ।।3 कर्कशावति-कान्तौ तौ, सर्वानन्द-पयोनिधी। भक्तान् सम्पाययेद् देवी, सर्वकामदुघौ स्तनौ।।4 खड्गं पात्रं च मुसलं, लांगलं च बिभर्ति सा। आख्याता रक्त-चामुण्डा, देवी योगेश्वरीति च।।5 अनया व्याप्तमखिलं, जगत् स्थावर-जंगमम्। इमां य: पूजयेद् भक्तो, स व्याप्नोति चराचरम्।।6 ।।मार्कण्डेय उवाच।। ॐॐॐ यद् गुह्यं परमं लोके, सर्व-रक्षा-करं नृणाम्। यन्न कस्यचिदाख्यातं, तन्मे ब्रूहि पितामह।।1 ।।ब्रह्मोवाच।। ॐ अस्ति गुह्य-तमं विप्र सर्व-भूतोपकारकम्। देव्यास्तु कवचं पुण्यं, तच्छृणुष्व महामुने।।2 प्रथमं शैल-पुत्रीति, द्वितीयं ब्रह्म-चारिणी। तृतीयं चण्ड-घण्टेति, कूष्माण्डेति चतुर्थकम्।।3 पंचमं स्कन्द-मातेति, षष्ठं कात्यायनी तथा। सप्तमं काल-रात्रीति, महागौरीति चाष्टमम्।।4 नवमं सिद्धि-दात्रीति, नवदुर्गा: प्रकीर्त्तिता:। उक्तान्येतानि नामानि, ब्रह्मणैव महात्मना।।5 अग्निना दह्य-मानास्तु, शत्रु-मध्य-गता रणे। विषमे दुर्गमे वाऽपि, भयार्ता: शरणं गता।।6 न तेषां जायते किंचिदशुभं रण-संकटे। आपदं न च पश्यन्ति, शोक-दु:ख-भयं नहि।।7 यैस्तु भक्त्या स्मृता नित्यं, तेषां वृद्धि: प्रजायते। प्रेत संस्था तु चामुण्डा, वाराही महिषासना।।8 ऐन्द्री गज-समारूढ़ा, वैष्णवी गरूड़ासना। नारसिंही महा-वीर्या, शिव-दूती महाबला।।9 माहेश्वरी वृषारूढ़ा, कौमारी शिखि-वाहना। ब्राह्मी हंस-समारूढ़ा, सर्वाभरण-भूषिता।।10 लक्ष्मी: पद्मासना देवी, पद्म-हस्ता हरिप्रिया। श्वेत-रूप-धरा देवी, ईश्वरी वृष वाहना।।11 इत्येता मातर: सर्वा:, सर्व-योग-समन्विता। नानाभरण-षोभाढया, नाना-रत्नोप-शोभिता:।।12 श्रेष्ठैष्च मौक्तिकै: सर्वा, दिव्य-हार-प्रलम्बिभि:। इन्द्र-नीलैर्महा-नीलै, पद्म-रागै: सुशोभने:।।13 दृष्यन्ते रथमारूढा, देव्य: क्रोध-समाकुला:। शंखं चक्रं गदां शक्तिं, हलं च मूषलायुधम्।।14 खेटकं तोमरं चैव, परशुं पाशमेव च। कुन्तायुधं च खड्गं च, शार्गांयुधमनुत्तमम्।।15 दैत्यानां देह नाशाय, भक्तानामभयाय च। धारयन्त्यायुधानीत्थं, देवानां च हिताय वै।।16 नमस्तेऽस्तु महारौद्रे ! महाघोर पराक्रमे ! महाबले ! महोत्साहे ! महाभय विनाशिनि।।17 त्राहि मां देवि दुष्प्रेक्ष्ये ! शत्रूणां भयविर्द्धनि ! प्राच्यां रक्षतु मामैन्द्री, आग्नेय्यामग्नि देवता।।18 दक्षिणे चैव वाराही, नैऋत्यां खड्गधारिणी। प्रतीच्यां वारूणी रक्षेद्, वायव्यां वायुदेवता।।19 उदीच्यां दिशि कौबेरी, ऐशान्यां शूल-धारिणी। ऊर्ध्वं ब्राह्मी च मां रक्षेदधस्ताद् वैष्णवी तथा।।20 एवं दश दिशो रक्षेच्चामुण्डा शव-वाहना। जया मामग्रत: पातु, विजया पातु पृष्ठत:।।21 अजिता वाम पार्श्वे तु, दक्षिणे चापराजिता। शिखां मे द्योतिनी रक्षेदुमा मूर्ध्नि व्यवस्थिता।।22 मालाधरी ललाटे च, भ्रुवोर्मध्ये यशस्विनी। नेत्रायोश्चित्र-नेत्रा च, यमघण्टा तु पार्श्वके।।23 शंखिनी चक्षुषोर्मध्ये, श्रोत्रयोर्द्वार-वासिनी। कपोलौ कालिका रक्षेत्, कर्ण-मूले च शंकरी।।24 नासिकायां सुगन्धा च, उत्तरौष्ठे च चर्चिका। अधरे चामृत-कला, जिह्वायां च सरस्वती।।25 दन्तान् रक्षतु कौमारी, कण्ठ-मध्ये तु चण्डिका। घण्टिकां चित्र-घण्टा च, महामाया च तालुके।।26 कामाख्यां चिबुकं रक्षेद्, वाचं मे सर्व-मंगला। ग्रीवायां भद्रकाली च, पृष्ठ-वंशे धनुर्द्धरी।।27 नील-ग्रीवा बहि:-कण्ठे, नलिकां नल-कूबरी। स्कन्धयो: खडि्गनी रक्षेद्, बाहू मे वज्र-धारिणी।।28 हस्तयोर्दण्डिनी रक्षेदिम्बका चांगुलीषु च। नखान् सुरेश्वरी रक्षेत्, कुक्षौ रक्षेन्नरेश्वरी।।29 स्तनौ रक्षेन्महादेवी, मन:-शोक-विनाशिनी। हृदये ललिता देवी, उदरे शूल-धारिणी।।30 नाभौ च कामिनी रक्षेद्, गुह्यं गुह्येश्वरी तथा। मेढ्रं रक्षतु दुर्गन्धा, पायुं मे गुह्य-वासिनी।।31 कट्यां भगवती रक्षेदूरू मे घन-वासिनी। जंगे महाबला रक्षेज्जानू माधव नायिका।।32 गुल्फयोर्नारसिंही च, पाद-पृष्ठे च कौशिकी। पादांगुली: श्रीधरी च, तलं पाताल-वासिनी।।33 नखान् दंष्ट्रा कराली च, केशांश्वोर्ध्व-केशिनी। रोम-कूपानि कौमारी, त्वचं योगेश्वरी तथा।।34 रक्तं मांसं वसां मज्जामस्थि मेदश्च पार्वती। अन्त्राणि काल-रात्रि च, पितं च मुकुटेश्वरी।।35 पद्मावती पद्म-कोषे, कक्षे चूडा-मणिस्तथा। ज्वाला-मुखी नख-ज्वालामभेद्या सर्व-सन्धिषु।।36 शुक्रं ब्रह्माणी मे रक्षेच्छायां छत्रेश्वरी तथा। अहंकारं मनो बुद्धिं, रक्षेन्मे धर्म-धारिणी।।37 प्राणापानौ तथा व्यानमुदानं च समानकम्। वज्र-हस्ता तु मे रक्षेत्, प्राणान् कल्याण-शोभना।।38 रसे रूपे च गन्धे च, शब्दे स्पर्शे च योगिनी। सत्वं रजस्तमश्चैव, रक्षेन्नारायणी सदा।।39 आयू रक्षतु वाराही, धर्मं रक्षन्तु मातर:। यश: कीर्तिं च लक्ष्मीं च, सदा रक्षतु वैष्णवी।।40 गोत्रमिन्द्राणी मे रक्षेत्, पशून् रक्षेच्च चण्डिका। पुत्रान् रक्षेन्महा-लक्ष्मीर्भार्यां रक्षतु भैरवी।।41 धनं धनेश्वरी रक्षेत्, कौमारी कन्यकां तथा। पन्थानं सुपथा रक्षेन्मार्गं क्षेमंकरी तथा।।42 राजद्वारे महा-लक्ष्मी, विजया सर्वत: स्थिता। रक्षेन्मे सर्व-गात्राणि, दुर्गा दुर्गाप-हारिणी।।43 रक्षा-हीनं तु यत् स्थानं, वर्जितं कवचेन च। सर्वं रक्षतु मे देवी, जयन्ती पाप-नाशिनी।।44 ।।फल-श्रुति।। सर्वरक्षाकरं पुण्यं, कवचं सर्वदा जपेत्। इदं रहस्यं विप्रर्षे ! भक्त्या तव मयोदितम्।।45 देव्यास्तु कवचेनैवमरक्षित-तनु: सुधी:। पदमेकं न गच्छेत् तु, यदीच्छेच्छुभमात्मन:।।46 कवचेनावृतो नित्यं, यत्र यत्रैव गच्छति। तत्र तत्रार्थ-लाभ: स्याद्, विजय: सार्व-कालिक:।।47 यं यं चिन्तयते कामं, तं तं प्राप्नोति निश्चितम्। परमैश्वर्यमतुलं प्राप्नोत्यविकल: पुमान्।।48 निर्भयो जायते मर्त्य:, संग्रामेष्वपराजित:। त्रैलोक्ये च भवेत् पूज्य:, कवचेनावृत: पुमान्।।49 इदं तु देव्या: कवचं, देवानामपि दुर्लभम्। य: पठेत् प्रयतो नित्यं, त्रि-सन्ध्यं श्रद्धयान्वित:।।50 देवी वश्या भवेत् तस्य, त्रैलोक्ये चापराजित:। जीवेद् वर्ष-शतं साग्रमप-मृत्यु-विवर्जित:।।51 नश्यन्ति व्याधय: सर्वे, लूता-विस्फोटकादय:। स्थावरं जंगमं वापि, कृत्रिमं वापि यद् विषम्।।52 अभिचाराणि सर्वाणि, मन्त्र-यन्त्राणि भू-तले। भूचरा: खेचराश्चैव, कुलजाश्चोपदेशजा:।।53 सहजा: कुलिका नागा, डाकिनी शाकिनी तथा। अन्तरीक्ष-चरा घोरा, डाकिन्यश्च महा-रवा:।।54 ग्रह-भूत-पिशाचाश्च, यक्ष-गन्धर्व-राक्षसा:। ब्रह्म-राक्षस-वेताला:, कूष्माण्डा भैरवादय:।।55 नष्यन्ति दर्शनात् तस्य, कवचेनावृता हि य:। मानोन्नतिर्भवेद् राज्ञस्तेजो-वृद्धि: परा भवेत्।।56 यशो-वृद्धिर्भवेद् पुंसां, कीर्ति-वृद्धिश्च जायते। तस्माज्जपेत् सदा भक्तया, कवचं कामदं मुने।।57 जपेत् सप्तशतीं चण्डीं, कृत्वा तु कवचं पुर:। निर्विघ्नेन भवेत् सिद्धिश्चण्डी-जप-समुद्भवा।।58 यावद् भू-मण्डलं धत्ते ! स-शैल-वन-काननम्। तावत् तिष्ठति मेदिन्यां, जप-कर्तुर्हि सन्तति:।।59 देहान्ते परमं स्थानं, यत् सुरैरपि दुर्लभम्। सम्प्राप्नोति मनुष्योऽसौ, महा-माया-प्रसादत:।।60 तत्र गच्छति भक्तोऽसौ, पुनरागमनं न हि। लभते परमं स्थानं, शिवेन सह मोदते ॐॐॐ।।61 ।।वाराह-पुराणे श्रीहरिहरब्रह्म विरचितं देव्या: कवचम्।।

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Tulja Bhavani Namasmaran - YouTube

▶ 3:46

Sep 24, 2012 - Uploaded by Ultra Bhakti

'Tulja Bhavani Namasmaran' Music : Ashok Wayangkar Singer : Ravindar Sathe.

Tulja Bhavani Aarti | Marathi Tulja Bhavani Songs - YouTube

▶ 1:07

Aug 25, 2015 - Uploaded by Bhakti Dham

Song Name: Tulja Bhavani Aarti Album: Devichya Aartya - Shlok Va Mantra Lyrics: Traditional Language ...

aarti tulja Bhawani - YouTube

▶ 3:10

Jan 19, 2013 - Uploaded by Sp s

Mahamrutyunjay Mantra - 108 Times By Suresh Wadkar - Duration: 58:52. Venus Devotional ... Tulja Bhavani ...

Goddess Bhavani mantra to get success in goverment ...

▶ 13:14

May 25, 2015 - Uploaded by Hindu Mantra

This is a very Powerful Goddess Bhavani mantra to Achieve your result in goverment offices ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं ॐ ॐ ह्रीं ...

Amba Bai Cha Vaar || Aai Tulja Bhavani || Marathi ...

▶ 6:36

Jul 11, 2015 - Uploaded by Om Bhajan Bhakti

Amba Bai Cha Vaar || Aai Tulja Bhavani || Marathi Devotional Song|| ... Durga Saptashati - Beej Mantra (108 ...

Popular Videos - Bhavani & Mantra - YouTube

Top Bhavani Mantra - "Bhavani Ashtakam" - Sacred Chants - Stotra on Devi Bhavani ...Tulja Bhavani Aarti | Marathi Tulja Bhavani Songs | Marathi Devotional ...

Bhawani Devi Abhishek - YouTube

▶ 0:55

May 11, 2010 - Uploaded by Ram Rao

... (अभिषेक) to the Goddess Bhawani of Tuljapur (तुळजापुर). ... on the idol of Goddess Bhawani, accompanied by the chanting ...

Jai Tulja Bhavani | Top 10 Ambabai Marathi Devotional ...

▶ 53:50

Oct 9, 2015 - Uploaded by Wings Marathi

Jai Tulja Bhavani | Top 10 Ambabai Marathi Devotional Songs Jukebox. Wings Marathi ... For Popular Bhajans ...

Bhairi Bhavani Aarti - Marathi Devotional Song - YouTube

▶ 3:52

Apr 20, 2012 - Uploaded by Ultra Marathi

Marathi Devotional Song Bhairi Bhavani Aarti - Aarti Sangrah. ... 3 || Tulja Bhavani Amba Bai Song -By ...

Tulja Bhavani Temple at Tuljapur, Maharastra - YouTube

▶ 2:47

Dec 19, 2012 - Uploaded by HYBIZTV HD

Tulja Bhavani Temple, Tuljapur, Osmanabad district, Maharastra. ... Top Bhavani Mantra - "Bhavani Ashtakam ...

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Tulja Bhavani Namasmaran - YouTube

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Sep 24, 2012 - Uploaded by Ultra Bhakti

  1. 'Tulja Bhavani Namasmaran' Music : Ashok Wayangkar Singer ... All songs and Mantras are enchanting It ...

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Shri Tuljabhavani Temple's Information: गाणी

Translate this pageगाणी. Below is Songs and Mantra Related to Shri Tuljabhavani,Tuljapur ... Note:All songs & mantra of Tuljabhavani may copyrights by Respective Owners ...

You visited this page on 12/1/16.

Bhavani Ashtakam - Green Message › Sanskrit Mantras & Slokas › Devi Durga

Home > Sanskrit Mantras & Slokas > Devi Durga > Bhavani Ashtakam - in sanskrit with ... Bhavani Ashtakam - in sanskrit with meaning - Stotra on Devi Bhavani .... Tuljapur: Devi Bhavani Tulja Bhavani Temple - Famous pilgrimage of Devi ...

how to do the Jaap Tulja bhavani Devi? | Yahoo Answers

Aug 24, 2009 - Best Answer: Bhavani is a ferocious aspect of the Hindu goddess Parvati. Bhavani means "giver of life", the power of nature or the source of ...

You visited this page on 12/1/16.

Welcome To Shree Aaituljabhavani

Religious Ceremonies, Worships or Vidhis Performed at Tuljabhavani Temple In 12th Chapter or ... Saral Patha - In this type all the rhymes or Mantras in Durga

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