Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Today in Indian History Events for December 30
30-December-1803East India Comapny captured Dehli, Agra and Bharooch.
30-December-1865Rudyard Kipling, famous English litterateur and author (Jungle Book, Gunga Din-Nobel 1907), was born in Bombay.
30-December-1879Shri Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950), modern Hindu Advaita renaissance saint of Maharshi Research Institute, philosopher and yogi, was born in Tiruchuzhi near Madurai in Tamil Nadu.
30-December-1887Kanhaiyalal Maneklal Munshi, leader of India Freedom Movement, Law expert, Educationist, Litterateur and founder of ""Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan"", was born at Broac
30-December-1906The All India Muslim League was founded in Dacca by a group of big landlords which included Aga Khan III, The Nawab of Dacca and Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk-Salimullah. They supported the Partition of Bengal and called for seperate Muslim electrorates and other safeguard for Muslims.
30-December-1929The first inland Indian air mail left New Delhi this morning for Jodhpur, Hyderabad, and Karachi to connect at Karachi with the air service to London.
30-December-1935Lord Reading, former Viceroy and Governor General of India, died at the age of 76 at UK.
30-December-1941Gandhiji, at his own request, is relieved of hi-leadership of Congress by Working Committee.
30-December-1946Jawaharlal Nehru calls on Gandhiji, who says, ""My reason wholly supports my hear
30-December-1947India informs Pakistan and other dominion representatives that it has decided to refer the Kashmir issue to the Security Council under Article 35 of the United Nations Charter.
30-December-1949India recognizes People's Republic of China.
30-December-1953The Untouchability (Offences) Bill published in the Gazette of India.
30-December-1964500 people seized by Chinese spies.
30-December-1971Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai, famous nuclear scientist, died.
30-December-1974Opening of the fifth Indian Film Festival. It was presided over by Satyajit Ray at New Delhi.
30-December-1993Government gets majority when 10 members of Ajit faction of the JD merge with the Congress.